What Are You Watching?
A podcast for people who LOVE movies. Filmmakers/best friends, Alex Withrow and Nick Dostal, do their part to keep film alive. Thanks for listening, and happy watching!
What Are You Watching?
133: Twister(s) (1996/2024)
It’s the wonder of nature, baby! Alex and Nick discuss all things “Twister(s),” first by sharing their general thoughts on Lee Isaac Chung’s new film, “Twisters” (00:30).
Next, the guys have a spoiler-filled conversation about the polarizing end of “Twisters” (23:10).
Lastly, they close with a deep dive into Jan de Bont’s legendary blockbuster, “Twister” (58:50).
Final warning: The end of the new film, “Twisters,” will be spoiled from 23:10–58:50 in this episode.
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Ha ha. It's the wonder of nature, baby. And you? Will be. Like you. Hey, everyone. Welcome to. What are you watching? I'm Alex Swift throat. I'm joined by my best man, Nick, though. So how are you doing there? Extreme to the extreme. So maybe if you feel it, can you feel it? Wondering nature. Oh, this will be. I'm calling it. Called it early. This is going to be a fun episode. This is going to be a little different that I think what we had initially planned. But today we're here to talk about all things twister and twisters. We're here to talk about all things twister verse. How you feel to be here. Oh man, I'm, I'm oh, man. I'm I'm I feel like I feel like a tornado. I feel like a tornado. And it sounds like a tornado. I have a leaf blower going on outside. Yeah. So apologies if there's audio in here. Interference on Nick's end for a little bit. You can't predict it. Can't predict. Oh, I love that live delivery. He's just standing there. You got me. I'm right here. Got me. Joe, you know what I initially what I had initially planned is that we would talk about twister yonder bounce twister from 1996 movie. Everyone likes, like, what's to dislike about it? It's a great, great, classic summer American blockbuster. I love that movie. And then we were going to go into a review of twisters, the brand new semi sequel that just came out that we have both seen. We both went on Thursday night. I went again last night on Friday like a lunatic because I wanted to. We're recording this on oh boy, you know the date, folks, is July 20th, 2023. You know, a date that is that is the date, one year anniversary of the first time I saw Christopher Nolan to Oppenheimer. Oh, my God, what a day. I saved it in my calendar. You want to pivot? You want to talk about Oppenheimer? I, I, I, I don't think we could possibly talk about Oppenheimer commentary, part two. I got I got to watch it this week. Today or tomorrow, this day or the next. So that was the original play. It was going to be twister the Twisters. And then I woke up. I went and saw twisters, enjoyed myself. My wife went with me. She never goes to the movies, so I'll talk about that. I had a great time. I thought it was a fun, somewhat dumb summer action blockbuster. Got, you know, got to see twisters twist and shut up. I had a decent time, but I woke up to a text message that led me to believe that you had a not so decent time, and that led to an exchange that got hostile for us. What it led to was me, was me saying, this is our version of Matt Damon and Christian Bale fist fighting on the lawn in Ford v Ferrari. And then they just like, you know, have a drink. After we did that a while, I, you know, I'm setting it up because I think you had some qualms about the movie, which are not unique to you. I've done some research. This is stuff that's floating around on the interwebs. Is it really my home? Because a little bit, yeah. And it was the very first thing Ali brought up as the credits were rolling. The first thing. So generally, I'm just teasing you up to say you had a somewhat conflicting time with twisters. Yes, yes, yes. That's fair. Okay. Here's what we're going to do. We're going to talk about twisters for a little bit. We're going to do that first. And then later the second half of the episode is going to be about twister, and we're going to do something we don't normally do, and that's we're going to have to have free rein. We're going to have to have free rein to spoil twisters, because the issues you have with it are so are really specific to the third act and even like the final shot. Yeah. And I've heard you on those criticisms. And first we're going to talk generally about the movie. I'm going to talk like we're going to talk about our expectations, what we did like about it I'm going to talk about that. Just all that stuff. We can talk about the actors generally, the way it looked, all that stuff. And then we will get into spoiler territory. I will say, when we're venturing there. I'm also going to put timestamps in the episode description. So I'm just giving plenty of warning that spoilers will be coming about the brand new film twisters. Not right now. Again, like in, you know, whatever, 15 20 minutes. But that's what we're going to do. And the only reason we're doing that is because I do think this is going to be a fair and kind of interesting conversation. I do, I do too, so I that's that I yeah, I think it's, I think my, my criticisms are valid and that it will spark a good conversation. Yeah. So first spoiler free. My expectations for this movie going in were all right. And I'm kind of like over this, like the superhero movie has somewhat died. So what has taken over is IP connected content. It doesn't matter how thin that IP is. That IP could be about, you know, it could be based on a Pulitzer Prize winning book about the inventor of the atomic bomb. I don't know, could be, Mattel doll, I don't know, it could be, you know, a blockbuster from 1996. But there there really has to be some sort of connection. You know, Top Gun Maverick did this flawlessly, made a shitload of money. Everyone loved it. We have no idea how much money twisters is going to make. I don't know, I get a little annoyed by this, but if it's something I like, like I like the movie twister, I went, you know, what the hell? I don't care what the connections are. That that was my expectation. I don't know how it's going to be connected to the first movie. I don't care, I just really wanted to see a good summer blockbuster. I think the first one is a lot of fun and that's all I expected. Yeah, that was me. How about for you, though, in the initial trailer? And honestly, to almost any trailer, you don't know if this is a sequel or a remake or if it's right you don't know anything. I was, very worried that it was going to be a remake. because I would not have been happy with that. then it just did the one thing that it could do for me at this point in 2024, and that starred Glen Powell for me to basically be like, well, you know what? It doesn't really matter because Glen's in it good casting, very good cast, great casting. I cannot say enough about how much I'm a fan of his. So I was like, all right. And then I kind of warmed up. I was like, you know what? It's so old. No one. I really start to think about younger people now. Younger people don't even know anything that came out in 1996 on for. I hope you do, young people, I hope, I hope you go back to 1996 and see some of the the great action movies that came out that year, the Rocky Mountain, 1996. Welcome to the Rock. it's my Humvee, you know, don't, don't no scratch, no dance. I love that guy so much. It's already boring your Humvee. If we're talking about your reasons for making it, is because let's take something that probably not a lot of the younger audience mainstream audiences might know and just do it all over again in a different way. So I warmed up to it. And then. And then I honestly got excited. Okay, same here, same here. because I was like, fuck it. Even if it is a remake, let's just go. I don't agree with it if it is, but unfortunately it was not. So that's that's that that's my opinion on on getting to twisters, getting to it. And then. Yeah, I mean I, I love Glen Powell as well. I'm like there's some minor red flags about it. Like the director of this movie is Lee Isaac Chung, whose last movie was Minari, a movie that, you know, was critically acclaimed in 2020. We didn't have much going on in 2020, got nominated for a few Oscars, won Best Supporting Actress, and then this is what we see when, like the indie darling director. Congrats to a huge movie like this. Sometimes that can knock go well, I liked Minari. I thought it was a very fine, you know, decent home slice of a movie. Whatever you did. No, I feel fucking stupid. No one's ever talked about Minari since it came out like it was totally innocent. But, like, the only time this movie has been mentioned since is now, because it is his previous film. Like it's a completely innocent movie. That's all I'm saying. No. Like, no one's like, Fired Up that movie. Jesus Christ, what a year. one of my least favorite movies of all time was an Oscar contender that year. I can't go down that fucking road here. Coda. you know. No, that was, two years later. I'll have you know, I was right. The two years. One year. No, one year. Because one year. Yeah, that was a disaster. Disasters. Those were terrible. budget of anywhere from 155 to 200 million. So I'm thinking, are they going to go overboard on the special effects? But I thought they pulled it all off. Yeah. This like it it this is not a spoiler. The connection it has to the first twister story wise is very, very small. They have what looks to be like a version of Dorothy in the very beginning. Yeah. And it's it looks not even like something Helen Hunt's character created. It could be like a prototype that this team made. But, you know, we get to meet movie opens and we get to meet this team led by Daisy Edgar-Jones, who I, I don't know if you have a relationship with her. I've talked about this show before on this podcast. She was in the show Normal People on Hulu. That's where Paul Mescal kind of got his start to. They are both sensational in that. That show gutted me, that it's very, very honest. It's a very sexually explicit show. But they they go there and every single way both them do. It's a great show, so I'm always here for her. Glen Powell, who we've talked about a lot, we just talked about it talked about him on the hitmen. Pod hitmen exist. Hashtag hitmen exist. I hear that, you know, more attorneys in it. I'm like, okay, okay. It's written by the guy who wrote The Revenant, Mark Smith. The story is by Joseph Kosinski, who wrote and directed Top Gun Maverick. F1 is coming out. The trailer looks awesome, by the way. I also like that guy. I think I mentioned this, he made oblivion with Tom cruise. I don't like that movie. I don't think that movie worked out, but he fought really hard for M83 to do the music, so they did. They ended up having M83 had a very bad time making the score because they had to, like, create musical score to the millisecond, which is not. Must be a little, limiting for an artist like that. It's like you have to color inside the dotted dotted lines. Yeah. So it wasn't a good experience, but I love that he fought to get them on the soundtrack, that's all. So I'm like, all right, I got where you were. I'm on board twisters. And yeah, it I thought it was following the structure of the first movie. Like the first movie covers a day. This covers a week, but it also, you know, starts with the flashback. Not like a 25 years ago flashback with a flashback. And then we get caught up with the with the main narrative. The woman really is the lead. Just like twister. Helen Hunt has lead billing and that is her story. It is her story to present day. We may have that amazing helicopter shot going into the Bill Paxton truck with Jamie Gertz. Like, that's an awesome shot and it fools you into thinking it's his story. But it's not. It's Helen Hunt. Story twisters is Daisy Edgar-Jones is story. And I, I kind of liked that Glen Powell came in a little later and it became clear to me early, this guy is not going to be the star. We're probably not even going to have many like, solo scenes with him just on his own. And then, you know, it's about her team and his team, and they're chasing tornadoes. And you get what the movie's about. We're not going to get into like a heavy, heavy plot detail. But yeah, that's what it's about. I was excited and yeah, I had a really good time watching it. I thought the action scenes fucking rocked. I thought the cinematography was amazing. The shot on 35 Miller 35 millimeter Kodak film, which is exactly what the first movie was shot on. So, I mean, there were a few scenes that took place at night in the grain. I was like, look at that texture. Like, you can actually really see it. I saw it in Imax. They didn't shoot an Imax, but I saw it projected in Imax. Sound was incredible. What did you think of that? Would you think you like the action in terms of how it looks? The original twister, I love that, yeah, I thought that was a really, really great homage to it. I thought it it felt like that movie too. Yeah. Even though we're not really watching anything that has to do with the original one, we are absolutely in the world that the first movie created, and I really like that because it wasn't a complete departure. This movie is not really any different. They do take the same initial concept as twister, where they need to get stuff into a tornado, right? For lack of a better term. it's a little different. They're not doing sensors. They're actually trying to stop a tornado now as opposed to chemically. Yeah. As opposed to figuring it out and learning about it. So I thought that was a cool like, if you're talking about I need to be like 20 years later, okay, we're moving up. Yeah. We're we're not talking about learning. We're talking about changing. So I dug that. That's what Daisy Edgar-Jones, this character is trying to do. Like this kind of like yeah, chemical agent that. Well, it's same concept. You still got to get that fucker in the path of the tornado like Dorothy was. And then it'll release this stuff and somehow, you know, dissipate, though, whatever. Like, I don't know what the hell they're talking about, but they explain it in a way that makes you understand. You go, okay. Yeah. Is it realistic? I don't know, but fine. Whatever. And then the first movie is not something that, it can be considered a paragon of realism. I'll put it that way. It's a realistic film. And so I, I had no issues with that part of this movie because. Right, I did feel like that level of realism that does not exist in the original twister. I don't think necessarily it exists here. It's true. And I'm okay with it because they do enough like like it in that part of the correlation between the two, I'm like, I'm on board. None of this bothers me. It might bother some, I'm sure. I mean, it bothered a lot of people either my mom in 1996, she got so pissed. Yeah. You can't tie yourself with fucking, like, horse, stirrups or reins to, like, a pipe and just be okay. No one in twister except, like, the preacher guy ever gets hit by any debris. That's just nonsense. Like there's no debris. Anyone gets hit. You just gotta. It's a movie, though. You got a and a huge summer blockbuster at that. Both. At the time, that twister was a huge one. This is so. Yeah, you got to forgive that stuff. And no, that's not what you had issues with. If you if that's what you would have had issues with I would have we would have had a battle. But oh no you have issue issues with. Are they there on the screen. Yeah we'll get there. And the set pieces were great. Like even like the yeah. Even even the initial idea that Daisy gets hired to do, which is be a part of a storm chasing team that is actually trying to learn. Well, I mean, there's ulterior motives that come in that can get lost in the shuffle of everything, but it's their action. Yes. Like we're excited. The action. The action does hold up. So you got like, your time's worth. It was time well spent for the action scenes. I thought, there's two set pieces in particular. There's one set, in like an abandoned pool. Like it, what? A drain pool that I thought was so awesome. Yeah. Oh, my God, this is really, really good. Glenn Pal's acting was really good. Edgar Jones is is as well. She's someone who has a lot of trauma from twisters. Yes. Not unlike Helen Hunt from the first one. And then, there's a final one. There's one that they kind of call back to a movie theater with an old movie playing that I really, really enjoyed. And that one was really well done. So there were things about the movie that I really liked as it went on. You were talking about it are ulterior motives. Before the people that we think are the good guys turn out to be the shitheads and the people that we think are the, you know, live streaming, webcam sensation. YouTube sensation. Shitheads end up being good guys who are really just doing all that to help people. Yeah. And that I really enjoyed. I did not see that coming, that there's, from selling T-shirts to having a million followers on YouTube. Yeah, we do all that so that when a twister does devastate one of these small towns, we can go and try to help out. I thought that was a cool little spin that it put, just in the movie. That wasn't really in the first one. That was about like getting Dorothy up and surviving. That was it. This had a little service in it that I don't know. I appreciate it, I didn't expect it. Whatever. Yeah. No, I liked it too. Like these were all like little like, I don't know, I guess plot devices, I suppose you could say. But I think they ended up serving like those reveals of when you find out that information, I think is like a sneaky way and a cool way to kind of actually imply more character development, because, yeah, you don't need to explain that much, but when you learn it, all of a sudden, you know, the power of film has this way of being like, oh, oh, oh, they're they're decent people. They're, they're, they're they got goodwill. Right. And then you know what you need to know and, and yeah, you don't need to have exposition about it. And Glen Powell can play that really well because we've seen him be like a kind, good hearted guy. But he's also like an asshole in the beginning of Maverick. Like he's the main antagonist cause of all the shit, be it so you don't know, like where his character, Tyler. Oh, yeah, is for a while, and then, you know, that charm comes out and we get to know, do we ever. So, I'm endorsing the movie on the basis of it being a good summer blockbuster that if you're expecting that, I think it'll service that. Well, I think the, I thought the acting by the two leads was good. more attorney shows up as the mom, which I really, really liked. She's only in it for, like, eight minutes, and she's just great. She's so good. When is she not shout out? She's always, always, always. I always loved her. God, yeah. Oh, man. I am such a fan of hers. I think she's so good. I hope she gets something like good in like it's something soon, like a new TV show or like a new, like, going to be like she had it with the affair, you know, like. Yeah. Something something. She's too good. Too good. there were some good supporting characters in it as well. And then we like the action, like the cinematography, the sound. I think this will be. I don't know if it's going to win anything, but it'll probably be a contender in some of the, you know, technical awards, visual effects probably, which is really good. Maybe cinematography. Dan Mendel did a really good job with the cinematography of it, but maybe that all gets pushed aside for whatever bigger Furiosa, whatever the hell comes out, I don't I you know what one one big compliment that I have is maybe outside of just like a couple of like like when you get towards the that that last big set piece where they're in the town, that's the only time where I was like, oh, here's a lot of CGI happening. Yeah. but I got to say, as someone who is a non CGI fan, I did not really feel the CGI a lot as it pertains to a lot of the early tornado scenes. Yeah, I agree, this looks really, really good. And I was not taken out of the movie whatsoever in those moments where I think in a lot of action movies with heavy CGI, I'm taken out as soon as I see how fake everything looks, I'm like, man, all right, here we go. But this one, I was like, I was like, damn, look at that. That's fucking. I was like you. Because tornadoes are like, they're cool, you know? Like, there they are. Like, there's the wonder of nature. They're wonder in nature. There's like this marvel of, like, this crazy thing. So there's so fascinating. So I remember as a kid, I was always into like watching like the documentaries in like, unreal tornadoes and then like, so watching this movie that were in these tornadoes and I'm like, oh, wow. So I, I totally was on board with the way that that that all looked. And I was a fan that it looked like that as opposed to overdone. Yeah. I, I'd really love to kind of know how they, what they did to make this in terms of those visual effects that yeah, that's stuff will come out later, I'm sure. But they clearly had money and they spent it. Well, because this is, it was even, you know, the tornadoes twisters were treated like monsters. It was like a monster movie. I've heard the director talk about it, which kind of lends itself to the movie that's on screen in the theater at the end. Like, you see them ripping shit up because they are fascinating. They are wondrous. They are kind of beautiful in their own way, but they're also vicious and destructive, like it hits that kind of power plant and starts, like, blow and shit. Oh, yeah. Like, damn, this thing has no it goes wherever it wants. And even that first one I thought was really intense and really well done. And to see like because you were out, you're trying to do good. Yeah. Like trying to, like stop a tornado. Were out here and then realizing, oh, woops. And you know what? I really liked that the first one never did in the in the first twister, if anyone ever dies, it's because they kind of just get like they get taken by, like they like the tornado, literally like goes over them. And that's how they had. But people were getting sucked away in this one. This one. Yeah. And and I'm like, oh, that's that's great. Watching this I thought a few times I'm like, you, if you live in these areas and you are affected by tornadoes, you could watch twisters more than twister and learn like safety tactics and how to avoid them. Like a lot of people in this movie were running to their cars and they're like, that's the worst place to be. Yeah. And if you're a novice, you might you might go, why, man? You see, people get twisted up in their cars in this like like it's nothing. They're just getting plucked right up. But yeah, you see the wind like pulling people in and sucking them in. And yeah, they gave some good tips on like, no, this is the worst. Like under an underpass is the worst place to be. And you're like, oh, it is. And then you see why. Yeah, I really enjoyed that. It it was they were more vicious. The tornadoes. Yes. Suckers. Yes. Twisters in this. I think we've gone about as far as we can go. Oh, one thing I, laughed a lot too. Just because I love Glen, I love Glen. Val's like when he, stopped and he goes, you go the wrong way. The twisters that way. That has. He's driving off he goes, nice goggles. Harvey. It's just like making fun of his goggles. I love it. But on that light note, we're going to switch here. We're going to switch to some spoiler territory, because I do want you to share the issues you have with the movie, but it is going to give some things away, including like the final shot of the movie. I will say it doesn't. Your issues do not lie. You don't have issues with anything. We've already discussed. I'm not really going to discuss like the acting. We might discuss some of the scripts and we're not going to discuss any of the action scenes, so we're not going to spoil any of that stuff. We're not going to talk about like who lives and dies. That's not where we're venturing into. Do you want me to set it up or do you want the floor, sir? I suppose you can set it up because I don't I don't know, I mean, you seem, in my opinion, fixated on something that is much, much larger than twisters. It is actually a reflection of the current state of the modern American blockbuster. And that is the I mean, here we go. We're in. But final warning spoilers about spoiler abound. I don't think, you know, just you heard me. There it is. And the conversation is going to get a little, you know, we're going to change gears a little bit here. There is a generalized a sexuality to modern big budget movies now that exists. We're just going through like a mass, a sexualization. And with that comes we are not any, any longer defining our lead female characters by the men in their lives. That's just that is here. That is a 2024 thing. Go ahead and let me just say that's fine. Like I okay issues. Okay with that. I am all like, I like that. Actually, I like that, okay. These female driven stories, I, I don't think that these women need these men to determine, I agree their, their story or their importance into the structure of whatever narrative is going on. If you want to make a movie that has no, if you want to have, like, this kind of a sexual dynamic to it, that is completely fine. But you cannot, in my opinion, and I know this might make me sound my age showing here, but you cannot bring a romantic elements. And there is Glen Powells character in this movie. This is where the spoilers really come in is we meet him. He is this young cowboy tornado working for a YouTube channel, trying to do good. He meets Daisy Edgar-Jones, clearly is smitten. What then begins to happen is that he does everything for her. Glen Powell does an amazing job with it because he's a macho kind of guy, so he's kind of bringing that element to it. He's charming. You set up now a romance that is lukewarm at best, but it's there. He's doing everything for her. By God. He meets her mother and gives her a T-shirt. Yeah, yeah, like like he's crushing on Daisy Edgar-Jones. This is like Daisy Edgar-Jones. So hard. And and I think she is too. I mean, she's definitely preoccupied with her own thing, but you can tell by the looks that she has that she gives him and this and that. And then, all right, finally, she's the hero. She has the idea, boom, great, saves the day. And then at the end of the movie, I don't even know how to explain it, because also, clearly the other guy's got a thing for her, too. Harvey. No, he's just friend zoned. Yeah, he. Yeah, he's each other from back in the day and he he's putting it out, like, in a respectful way. Like, you know, there was a time I would have done anything for you. Kate. He's putting it out there to where he's making it obvious. But, you know, do you want to hang out later? But he's not, like, knocking on her hotel door. And he is friend zoned pretty quickly. But I never really got a sense that. I mean, maybe she's like, she's curious about Glen Powell, but I never got like an overt, like, I want to jump this guy's bones necessarily know her. No, but I got like. Like there was always like. I mean, even, like, if you look at, like, you know, at the very end when you know, his truck is being like, he's talking to the guy, she looks over and she's like, oh, it's it's Tyler. Yeah. And then, you know, and then he even like she even says, like, if you want it, like you got to chase it. Chase it. Yeah he does. He does the, the big romantic like runs into the airport. Yeah. And then they meet and he just walk off screen together and, and and that's it. And. What are we doing here? Like they're like what? Like you cannot bring romance into the narrative and not deliver. I don't think I mean, his character doesn't make any sense. He like everything that he did. It was he, he he literally left his crew. You brought the crew thing up in the text message I saw. All of that is. Yes. He's crushing on her a little bit, but I saw that as he's trying to recruit her to probably be on his team. Like, what are you doing? You're the city girl. No you're not. You were raised here so that was what I thought gave them a pretty genuine, organic reason for him to be after. Yes, he's into her. He it is not. It's 2024. So he's not crazy over with like his feelings about her. But I just took it as this is probably how he got his ragtag group, you know, together by just plucking them out of obscurity and going, hey, you want to help people? Hey, you want to help people? So I took that as him, like recruiting her. And then and then because it's a movie in that, like recruitment, I don't know, meeting when they're just having fun, going to a rodeo, a tornado happened so that like links them and then yes, they are together for the rest of the movie. Yes. He shows up at her mom's house, which I thought was just hilarious. And I'm like, what's happening here? I'm not necessarily disagreeing with everything you're saying. You just have a way bigger issue with it than I do. So keep going. So they do not kiss in the end. They meet in the airport. They hear a little saying, a little intercom announcement with a woman saying weather is picked up, you know, so presumably whatever flights might be delayed, presumably twisters are starting again. So they look at each other. They share a knowing smile. He grabs her bag. They head out of the airport. We fade. The movie's done. There is no big romantic kiss. There is nothing like that. And this is what you're questioning, I just. Okay, so I see what you're saying, because I suppose if you look at it from that way, like his motives could have been that I definitely think he was into her. Don't get me wrong, I definitely think he was into her. But I think, like today, I can't say his last name. Tuesday a pin date, the the black guy on his team. He's also in real life the lead singer of TV on the radio, a band I usually absolutely obsessed with. That's crazy. The person getting married and Rachel getting married to Rosemarie DeWitt. Yeah, yeah. So he's. Yeah. He's great. That dude is clearly a very smart, like, scientist guy. So wherever he got that from, he probably did it the same way he's trying to recruit Kate via, obviously in a non-romantic way. But then other people, like our dear Sasha Lane from American Honey just looks like she's probably just walking around. She probably got iced out her town from a tornado, and he went, hey, you want to come along? You know, to fly drones? Yeah, sure. Okay, so that's all I took that adds, but I do definitely think he is endure. I don't think he's pressing the romance, but I don't get I think if anything, my big criticism is that we have yet another trauma baby movie where she's just so repressed in her trauma. When we first meet her in this movie, the first time, you know, when she comes back to Oklahoma, she's wearing a fucking turtleneck like a white turtleneck. She's all buttoned up and I'm like, it's the summer and you're wearing a turtleneck. By the end of the movie, she looks like fucking t to Sarah Connor. So I took the journey of the movie as her. I'm coming back to be a chaser. I like to day, like, are you chasing again? Like that's what you're doing? I'm not going to go work for, like, the fucking meteorology department or whatever the hell it was in New York. I'm going to be out here, boots on the ground chasing. Maybe this is the team I want to link up with. Maybe this is the dude I want to link up with. But no, I'm not really ready to, like, open myself up romantically because, whatever. My my hubby, I watched him die five years ago, so maybe that's why. And that's the trauma baby stuff, which is like so common now I get it. So I really felt this like emotional repression from her that there was virtually no romance. But I promise I'm arriving at a point. The romance in this movie is telegraphed me attorney Moore attorney is doing it the whole time she's doing it. The whole boy, she's like, oh, and yes, he is staying for dinner. She's encouraging it like, yeah. Oh, and she even says to him, do you know what you're getting yourself into? She's not saying, do you know what you're getting yourself into these tornado. She's saying, my daughter's been is a little fucked up and she's coming back from it I believe. Are do you know, are you ready for this emotionally? Yeah. Are you ready to take on this baggage? And he's like, yeah, I think so. It's telegraphed. Yeah Anthony Ramos who plays Harvey who's like in the friend zone. He is telegraphing it. And then at the end in this final airport scene, they give him that little moment where he's like at a boy. And he is encouraging Glen Powell to go back in the airport to get her for romantic purposes, not for staying back. Yeah. So it is telegraphed. Now, when I went back and rewatched it, I was paying really close attention to this. There is a perfect moment where he could go in, get her attention. She turns around, they kiss. They're kissing. They're embracing. They hear the announcement that the weather's bad. They smile at each other. They turn and exit. That does not end the movie with the female character being defined by the male. She would not be staying for him. Yeah, he's a cherry on top, but she's staying because the weather's getting bad, which is how it ends now. She's staying to like, join his crew, I imagine. And because the weather's getting bad, they could have had a kiss. I would not be surprised if they shot a kiss. Not including a kiss. And then. And then. Yeah. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised either. Is an extremely deliberate choice to not be so deliberate. The my Imax crowd was sold out and fucking into it. We were laughing. We were scared. Allie jumped like we were jumping. It was. It was a good time. There was groans when the first credit appeared. You say black and the first credit. Yes. When it said director, we heard groans. I heard a lot of groans from the women. The very first thing Ali said was they didn't kiss. What, what what like What's going on? And I just started laughing at her and I went, yeah, I mean, I, I didn't take the movie like it's a romance movie. I just wanted to see shit get fucked up. But it is interesting that people are talking about this. And it would the movie have been solved for you if they kissed? Would you have any issues with the movie? Think about that. That's crazy. How much like a kiss could, you know, make or break this movie? I did not think the movie was like, it's not a perfect film, folks. This is like an American summer blockbuster. 2020 for sure. And we like it for that reason. But if they would have kissed, would you have any issues? The way that I was feeling about the whole entire movie, even before leading up to this, was that I actually went on the ride. And maybe that's conditioning all right. Maybe this is a part of it. Maybe I just some of the time period where you see these types of blockbusters and there's just always a romantic element involves like to me, like always a kiss. They're always they're always like, I just like when I think about it, I don't require this in in movies, I romance does not necessarily need to be something that makes a movie good or bad. But I do feel that if you do kind of incorporate it, if you if you plant that seed, then it does need to grow into something as just any other plot device needs to you. You can't just put something out there and not take care of it and then leave it on. Like not fully grown or realize it would be the same. It's a fair point to me. It's like no different than you have like that last tornado, your big main event tornado. Instead of her getting the chemical mixture in, it just dissipates before she has a chance to. And you're like, oh, you set up this whole entire thing to get this to happen, then? Oh fuck, it just didn't. Because like, oh man, tornadoes are unpredictable, aren't they? oh man. So you don't get the payoff. Yeah, yeah. I'm like, okay, you're building it like it's slow. And I get it though, because to your point, she is emotionally closed off. She doesn't need the man here. That's not right. And but. You started building it. You did like I like you even said like you see that it's there. It's not not there. It's it's there. I don't think it's necessarily there in her. But as, like a screenplay as a story, they the foundation is there. They like I said, they are telegraphing it there. When you watch the movie, there is an undeniable plant that they are seeding, to use your metaphor, that or seed that they're planning. Fucking idiot. To use your metaphor, that. Yeah, that they are trying to grow. Yes, yes, they're trying to plan and and if you're and if your end decision is to have the airport they because like it could have ended I mean you could I mean it's kind of a weird ending, but you could end it where they just save the day and everyone's good and you just kind of give up. That's exactly the first one. Yeah, six seconds every way. So it just ends with them right there. But this we'll talk about we'll talk about that. Yeah. But but even if let's say you didn't have that right, you'd still I mean I wouldn't feel satisfied because you've been building to that one too. But and even with like the attaboy, I'm like, okay, here's where we get the romance payoff. And then they just don't. I literally go with this when it goes to black and I see the director's name, like, overly loud. Everyone start laughing. I go, the fucking fuck! Yeah, I go, I go. I go, Glen just got kicked out. Yeah. And that's what you texted me. And that's what started this whole thing. But I. I didn't see it as, like his story. No, no, no, I wouldn't even, I wouldn't even give him that. But so could the movie have been saved if they would have kissed, if they would have kissed and it would have been a little like three second kiss. Would the movie been saved? I certainly would have felt that it would have covered all of the bases of, blockbuster and okay, you know, you get like a little bit of like, because you got her arc, and if all of a sudden a kiss happens and it doesn't need to be like this grand, like, yeah. Like I just like, a little bit. Yeah. It is also a bit of a letting go of the boyfriend from the beginning. Yes. You know, like, there's also some, like, resolution there where it's like, okay, not only am I back to being who I am and back to, but maybe I can open myself up to more things. I got this hunky tornado cowboy God damn right that has, like, done all of this stuff, you know, like, like, like this could also be a good thing. Like not saying again, not saying that she needs a man. I'm just saying that it opens up more of the things that she has closed off in her life that this story gave us. I think it would have felt a little bit more complete. I don't disagree with any of that. I just and I actually thought the absence of a kiss was notable. I noticed it right away. I was waiting for it. My wife noticed it right away. Other people in our theater did. People are talking about it, but it did not in any way ruin the movie for me because I just saw it as something that they're they telegraphed a little bit, but did not go all the way with it. In all the way it would have been a kiss, like no one expects them to like throw down in a hotel room. Oh, me like that. But yeah, so I just didn't have that big of an issue with it. So I do have another question noting all of this. Are you recommending the movie? Would you recommend the movie as a whole that people a go see it in the theater, a go see in the theater, or a watch it at home on streaming? Or are you like the absence throwing away this romance subplot and setting it up and doing nothing with it ruined? Did it ruin the movie so much for you that you're just not recommending twisters? I can't not recommend it like I'm not going to go as far as to say like, don't go see this. I do think for me personally, this does put a giant damper on the movie for me and my personal experience with it, but more what I'm concerned about is this is this here to stay? Is this movie making a stance that we are doing away with romance in this type of way and moving towards a little bit more of this? I don't know. This is where it's a tough this is where it's a tough conversation to have, because I would love to know what like younger audiences think of it, because there's a part of me that thinks that my complaint about this is purely just because of my age and my conditioning to where, like, I have kind of come to know, summer blockbusters as kind of having it all. Like you got the big action, you got the big romance you got, because you've got these two great looking people, you know, it just in my mind, it just seems like, oh, this is just kind of what you do. Now, if that is a paradigm shift that we're going to make, I'm on board for seeing what that could mean. But then my complaint here would be then don't introduce it in this movie, don't have this romantic thing. Be there. Don't start that engine if it's not going to go there. And that's the point that I see that I totally hear and get like when I watch it again last night. At first, more attorneys like, you want me to throw all your old stuff away, like, no, I'm not doing that. So she's really kind of concern number one concern is, is my daughter okay. Number two, concern is probably I would love for her to move out of that stupid fucking city, move back home or close to home and start chasing tornadoes again. Like to to be safe. And then as soon as Glen Powell shows up, the number one concern is I mean, she needs to like, hook up with this dude. And she, like everything she's doing is suggesting that, like, it's all just like building her up and stuff. So yes, I do. I do see what you're saying. If it's not going to be part of the movie, don't introduce it. Don't, tease us till you don't tell her. Yes. Yeah, don't build it up, I hear that. So I also do think this is where movies are now. Like movies of this size, I. I see pretty much everything. I don't, I don't see animated movies, but otherwise I see, like, a lot of stuff. And even modern horror films have gone the way of we're not. We don't even like introduce male love interest anymore, like it's all about. And you know, so I, I do think there is a generalized when it comes to movies, not TV, popular TV. They can still throw down in that sexually. I see it all the time, but there is a generalized sort of asexuality that has come over massive movies that I it has to be a reflection of the times. That's why it's being done. And maybe that is like our age, because this did not exist when we were growing up. It was like, women will take their clothes off for no reason. They'll have it. Yeah, yeah, it's just boobs on screen. And we've talked about that. That was always silly to us. And then yeah, now we've just gone far over to where it's like we're not going to allow we don't want our main female character to have a love interest. But then, yes, to your point and a question that I have, why give so why suggest it? So, kind of like heavily in the movie. Like, what's the point? Because you do make some good points. A kiss doesn't just have to be a kiss. It could could be an acknowledgment of, yeah, I did lose my boyfriend in an extremely traumatic and horrific way. But this is a step forward. Like love can be a step forward. It doesn't all have to be some, you know, defining thing. Yeah. And that's what I mean when I'm saying that it's not this idea of I need this man or any man. It's just love. It's just, oh, I can be open to, to to that. And I don't think I don't I hope we're not living in a world where this ends, where love has become outdated. Because maybe in $200 million American movies. Yeah. I mean, unless it's a sweeping romance, unless it's it's in the romance box over here. I mean, they still make La La Land. It's about love and shit. No, but I guess if they're doing. Yeah, I guess if they're doing huge action movies, romance and love are by and large, not a huge part of these things. Romance and love, it is not a huge part of like I. For some I'm just thinking Top Gun because the Kosinski thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like will it be a huge will it be a huge part of F1? I don't know, I could very easily see them not doing that. It's just like some car movie. It's I have absolutely noticed a trend of this. Not of us. Not us, meaning the industry of them not putting nearly as much importance on the romantic plots or subplots of movies and just focusing on the a plot, the fucking twisters in this case, and to almost against my point, how many movies can we think of where I know I can't think of any at the top of my head, but I know you and I have talked about a lot of them where we wish that the romance element of the movie wasn't there. There's been so many very true examples where it's like, this would have been so good if that relationship part of it wasn't a part of this movie. It actually hinders the point. It hinders the story, slows it down, slows it down. So this is like another way of kind of saying that they were on the other side of it. So yes. So I suppose my issue is just in the sense of if it makes sense and you've set up for it, then I feel like you need to structurally finish it. There needs to be a payoff in some way now. Okay. Let me ask you then. Sure. Did you want to see them the age old question, will they or won't they? I believe that this movie poses that question in a light way, but nonetheless, it still poses it will. They are, won't they? Will they? Won't they kiss? Not. Yeah. Fornicate. No, I got who talking about sex. I don't give a shit about the sex. I'm talking about the love, man. He brought over that pizza he wanted more than there was sausage on that pizza. But he had more sausage to give. You know what I'm saying? Everyone's got their own choice. You. You'd probably let a bit I that, but he's got the best smile on the history of the world. My wife would let him in. I'll put it that way. I'll put it that way. Okay. So you know what I'm saying. Yes. Yes, yes. Okay. Sorry. So, so were you not rooting as a moviegoer in a. Oh, yeah. A giant blockbuster rooting for this to happen? Yeah, I was absolutely rooting for him. You know, airports and movies are a very synonymous romantic place to where I mean, think of, like, everything from, like, Garden State to Casablanca, where they're like out, you know, and they're meeting whether it's a bad meeting or it's a kiss. And then we fade up to white and it's credits. Let go, let go. yeah. I really wanted them to kiss. And I actually thought even especially watching it again, I'm like, there was a really organic way to do that. And I swear to God I would not. They had to have shot it. They had to slice it all if they shot it. And then it was clearly an editing decision. Yeah. To reflect the times. Now I do I do want to say that the first movie did get quite a lot of flack. I have learned so much about the original twister in the past two weeks. I loved it as, an American blockbuster action movie from when I was a kid. I, I mean, what a Wikipedia entry it is. It's I've learned so much and one of the things was it got a lot of criticism for that kiss at the end, and they used to be married. Like, I think that kind of fits, but people thought it was tacked on, that it didn't need to be there, that if they're looking at each other like more endearingly, it would have meant more. So it's getting criticism for having kiss, and then this had to be a consideration for for twisters, for the studio, the director, editors, everyone. So yes, I wanted it. I was I was absolutely surprised that it wasn't there because I do think we're conditioned, given our age for the movies, we were raised on to expect this stuff. But I do see a lot of movies. And this is, this is very this is a very common thing. So for me, it was a shrug and I went, okay. Yeah. I'm I'm not surprised I did. I wouldn't no one would have been surprised if they kiss. It probably was expected. But with them not doing it, I just wasn't surprised. I went, okay, here we go. I guess my the biggest complaint that I have is not necessarily is this the direction that we are heading in? I think we're there were there I think were there I think we're in it right now that with movies of this, of this sounds, we're going to have a beefed up, what are you watching section that will probably be pushed in next week. We're going to record it right now, but I'm going to talk about a movie of like extremely sexually frank, not so much in its depiction, but in the text of what's going on. I'm saying like the sex scenes were very explicit, but what's going on? I was like, Holy shit, it's called last Summer. It's a French movie. So shit is still shit is so going on. Like we talked about this in $200 million American movies. I don't think this is that big of a thing anymore. Unless it's a romance, unless it's a movie about romance. But if it if it is a movie about twisters or F1 racing cars or whatever, they are not setting it up. Yes, that that is, that is an error, a flaw, perhaps, of twisters that they are setting this thing up and it doesn't pay off. I mean, I agree with you on that. I'm just saying most modern blockbusters right now are not even bothering to set this shit up because there's like this asexual. Well, then I can play. Then I was, I don't know, okay with that. Yeah. I mean, if they're not setting it up, sure I get yeah I get what you it's just not like that unless it is actually part of, like, the main text. I just don't think it's happening a lot. It romance has taken a backseat in the foundation of the huge movies. It just it has, it has. I can't I don't have any other examples for you necessarily where they like, set this shit up and just bailed on it. I never like that. And I do think that is an air of twisters. I don't have an issue that I didn't kiss, but I do have an issue that you have other characters talking about. Is this shit going to happen in so many words? Is this going to go down? Yeah, that's just silly. That's like that's literally like Chekhov's gun. That's like fucking Daisy Edgar-Jones has a shotgun and she's like holding it the whole time, like, oh, I can't wait to fucking use this thing. And then she never shoots it and you're like, what? Why the hell do we need the gun there? What was the point at that? Yeah. The wrote, you could say the romance and twisters. Big thing is, is kind of similar to that. But yeah, I mean there's just I don't know, I'm looking so. So can we say that like, this is one of the first examples of, like a movie of this size and of this caliber kind of bailing on that part of it. It is absolutely a movie that bails on its romance. It sets it up and in its own fault, it sets it up and does. It doesn't go anywhere. Will it be the first thing we see if there's a twisters with what I mean, if there's a sequel, if this movie ends up doing well and we're going to see we're going to see how well it does, I think it's going to do pretty well. It needs, I think, a ton of money to make its money back, like it needs to make a lot of money. So will domestic. Don't look at the worldwide box office. You got to look at domestic because you know that's a whole other story. International box office is a way to offset your costs for marketing distribution. So that breaks even their domestic hold needs to be above 200 million, not worldwide domestic. If it does that, we'll see sequels. And the first thing we'll see in the sequels is him canoodling in a field in Oklahoma, and they're going to be like, next to each other. We're not going to know. And then they're going to give orders like, oh, that one in the West looks good, and they're going to give each other a peck on the lips. And that'll be the start of the movie. Fucking guaranteed. And sure, everybody up, but will we get a sequel? I earned a moment. Correct. They're doing it as, literal lip service to the criticisms you're having. The movie deserves everything you're saying. That's why I, I, we we debated, like, do we even talk about this? Do we spoil it? Is this what's going to happen? And this is why it deserves to be talked about? Because I do think the movie made a bad call in setting it up and not going anywhere. It didn't ruin the movie for me. But yeah, this we're we're also, you know, we're recording this on Oppenheimer's birthday, July 28th. I'm going to release this as soon as I can, as soon as I can edit it. So we're going to see if there's any twisters. Fallout. Are there going to be, you know, like hot take think pieces of that. Is sex gone for movies? I mean someone writes something like that all the time and, you know, I mean, we'll just I don't know, we'll see. But that's also not like I mean, we on this podcast, we have brought up that topic many times, like the like the state we have, we have so that that's not even anything new. I suppose the reason I'm so like is like, are we going further in there? We're going to see if people are just going to chicken shit their way out of romance and stop talking about it at with some of those blockbusters like I mentioned, or if they're going to tease us with romance and then do nothing for it. Just basic like screenwriting, you shouldn't be introducing something unless it has a payoff that's typically how screenwriting goes, and that goes for just about anything that's screenwriting. Like that's why I use the gun example, that it's just what it is. So yes, they introduce something I don't really think it was that overt. I do not think she's giving out a hey, I'm ready baby vibe. No look at all. I don't think she is either. Yeah, but other characters are. And Glenn is definitely ready to, you know, have some fun. That dude from nope. Was in there. The guy that they recruit in. Nope. Or not recruit. He just shows up to the farm to set up all this surveillance equipment. He was on his team and at the end he's like, I think I love you. Yeah. So yeah, there's some there's some stuff. But that was good. That was a good conversation. I'm good on twisters. Are you? I'm good. I'm fine. You'll never watch it again I assume. Do you recommend it if someone's like Nick. Oh, I heard you saw twisters. One of your friends do you? Recommended elevator pitch. You. You can't give anything away in an elevator pitch. You can't spoil it for your friend. What would you say? Like, yeah, if you go for action scenes. Good. I thought it dropped the ball in some other areas. I think that's exactly what I would say. Yeah. Okay. And I would also preface it by saying that for me because okay, like this is kind of the conversation I'm interested in having is that I love to actually like if there was somebody and I'm sure there are, and I and I would bet you that are a bit of a younger audience that would be like, I love the way it ended. I love that. And then to actually maybe hear, okay, like why? And and then to kind of get that point of view on it that I would actually enjoy that, because that would because then I can kind of get a sense of like where maybe this is all like a new thing that's coming up and like, where is this in the way? And I can still click to my old, you know, think we shouldn't lose love, but but yeah, but, I mean, call me old fashioned, but, but it it would make, it would make it makes sense if this was, if this was the stance that the movie wanted to take in service of a different mindset and a different point of view. And I would like to know what that point of view is, because then I wouldn't look at this movie as potentially dropping the ball. Right? So yes, if I was recommending this movie and I do, because I do think it is, it's a lot of fun. It's, it's that's what I mean. It's got everything. It's so like should have everything. But I would think, I would say I go, this is great about it. Like there's some things that like I had a little bit of an issue with, but that those are more on me, but yes, go see it and then go see it for Glenn. Yeah, yeah. And we'll keep an eye or keep my eye on, you know, Gen Z reactions to twisters. There were a lot of young kids, and there there are a lot of people just having fun in the theater. So I'll see if that's, you know, going to be a thing. Hey, it's Alex recording a quick pick up without Nick. I have to put this here in the middle of the spoiler section. It's been a few days since we recorded that episode. I am recording this pick up on Tuesday, July 23rd. A lot of people have been talking about the lack of kiss in this movie, and surprise, surprise, news broke yesterday on Monday that they kissed. It was in the movie. It was in the cut that they were screening. Take one goddamn guess who suggested that they cut the kiss from the movie? That's right. Steven Spielberg suggested that the kiss be cut, and it sounds like everyone involved in the movie did not fight it and fell in line. Thanks, Stevie so much. All right, back to the show. final piece of trivia. Do you remember before the the pool action scene, they're in, like a motel, and they're trying to. Some people are trying to check in, and the guy, like, I don't want to give you a bad review, but I will have to. He's like some annoying douchebag. Yeah, yeah. Remember that guy? Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, that is James Paxton. Bill Paxton, son, which I thought was kind of cool. Nice bit of trivia. That's awesome. Yeah, cool. I give him a killer death scene, too. Was great. He's all. He's the first time we see someone get sucked up in a car, they're like, don't get the car. Don't fucking rips it up. And you're like, wow, a lot of good, long takes too long to buy an American blockbuster centered meaning, like, we're getting into, like, some 32nd, 45 second takes. That may not sound impressive. Trust me on. Based on. This is a very well edited movie. Like, you know where you are. You're not confused. It's it's good. I would recommend it. not really. With reservations. I would just say there are parts of it that are really silly because it's a big blockbuster, but. All right. Good. So that ends the discussion on twisters. Now we're going to go back in time. Cool. You ready? For. You. Yeah. You're still not scaring me. All right. You're going to cut all that, all those petty squabbles aside and move on to an uncontested masterpiece of the 90s. A real good movie yarn debunked. Second film as a director. Only his second film. We'll talk about him a lot, but we're going to move to twister. Release in 1996. It was released May 10th, 1996. Before we get going, this this movie had a lot of firsts. This was really part of the summer that helped define the summer blockbuster. In 1995, you didn't have this shit. You didn't have like huge American blockbusters coming out in the summer when all the kids were at home to sell movie tickets. That's not what was going on. Twister was almost like, the guinea pig for this. And then they already had it loaded up. And it was really an experiment, like the rock was coming. Independence day was coming all this summer. So it's like, all right, here we go. And when it was all such a success, they repeated that it I mean, it's still kind of goes on. That's when they still release. That's when twisters was released in July. Like they're still the summer release. It's still absolutely a thing. So this was a big deal when this movie was coming out. It was advertised like crazy. I was ten years old. My parents took me, I believe, opening night. Either that Friday or that Saturday. I never seen anything like this before. I was so, oh my God, I loved it. I was so excited to watch it. Like, The documentaries were not popular yet. Like the Storm Chaser stuff. That was not like a thing you might have to watch, like the Discovery Channel to see something. And to see this in the sound was so loud. The visual effects were so good. It really looked like real. Oh my God, it was just it was so great. And we're going to get into a lot more stuff. But I have always loved this film, loved it at the time, but it's one of those movies from my childhood that I didn't own, which is kind of a big deal for me because I own a lot of movies and I never owned it. I owned it on VHS and it just never made the jump to DVD, even though Real Fact, real Fact Yond Box Twister was the first movie ever released on DVD, mass market was released on DVD. Yes, and I never owned the DVD. Wow. It's ridiculous. Yes, the first ever one released like mass market DVD. So knowing that twisters was coming out, knowing that we were going to do this podcast, I saw that they were timing the twister 4K, which I'm looking at with the release of the first movie. They were going to release it about a week early. I bought it, it was delivered. I have watched that film three times in the past week getting ready for this and had the time of my life. It's not like I've seen it since I was a kid. It came on TV all the time. So I love this movie. Holy God is it. Hold up, I could it does believe how fucking well it holds up. It quizzes. It is so enjoyable. The 4K looks great. I've been talking for way too long. Tell me about your experience with twister first, seeing it and what you think of it. You know today. Obsessed. Upset. Like as a kid you were. Yes. I think this May and the very first movie that I ever saw that I was truly obsessed, I didn't know. No, it's not true. It was the Jurassic Park was probably the year that was 93. would you like the first Mortal Kombat a lot, too, didn't you? Yeah, like the first. Okay, so this isn't the first one, so. But this was a this is up there. Yeah. Like this was a movie that I saw, I took I took my, my mom, my uncle, whoever I could get to take me to the theaters as much as possible. I think I probably saw this like six times in theaters. I was like a 2 or 3. What you're describe is exactly what happened to me with Independence Day. A few months later, I became obsessed that anyone who would take me in like, oh yeah, let's go. You haven't seen it, let's go, let's go. Because, you know, you were ten, so they have to fucking take us to the theater. I love that I didn't I did not know you had this relationship with twister. I did not know that. Not only did I love the movie that much, it inspired me to want to become a meteorologist. What the fuck? I learning all this right now? These are the movies we need the part about. This is what I ask you all the time. Like what? Do you have deep personal connection. It was it was going to happen. But you got to tell me this is a podcast for four years. Oh happy anniversary. Well, then you don't get these reactions like we're getting right now, do we? You could just say, yeah, you could say twister is very important to me. And I'd go, I would text back and go, what the hell are you talking about? And you go, trust me. Anyway, whatever. We're here now. We're here now. I did not know this. I know you like clouds, but I didn't know you had, like, you were. You thought about the clouds were just a part of it. Yeah. No, I thought about it. I. I became obsessive, like I learned so much about weather. I learned so much about, like, tornadoes. I would go back and get all the National Geographic VHS that I could find any kind of, like, documentary on tornadoes, hurricanes, any kind of weather thing. And it was like, I don't know how it was like ten, 11. It was the first thing that I thought I wanted to do. But then I found out how much math is involved. Well, if you actually part of a job. Yeah. And, I knew with that age my dreams were shattered because I think I just wanted to be a storm chaser. Yeah, I just wanted to do what they did. And in the movie. And then I was like, oh, well, even to do that, you need to know a lot of the power. There's a lot of science being around. Yeah, there's so much, so much. So, but that all being said, I did go down a giant rabbit hole. Is it pertain to weather and like, the, the catastrophes and phenomenal kind of things that like our planet does so and that's all because of twister. I was obsessed with this. And then you've got Bill Paxton, who was like my guy. That was like, and this was the first time really I could remember him out. I mean, I never watched Near Dark as a kid, but he wasn't really elite a lot. No, he was no, never. Never. I was going to mention this later, but where he was at, he was not. He could lead like, oh my God, he's in this movie. One false move, which I think I've talked about. It is so fucking good. Co-written by Billy Bob Thornton. He's the lead in that. He's like a co-lead though, and he is so good at it. That's like 91, 92, but not a huge summer blockbuster. He had never been the lead of. Helen Hunt, was a TV star. She never really been in. Like many movies. But you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And this is before as Good as it gets. Yes. Before. Right before an Academy Award winner yet? I have to say, I think it had been a very long time since I rewatched it. So rewatching it for the pod, I felt like a kid again. Yeah, it was it. It held up in a way that I was. I actually gave it lower expectations. I remember I popped it on, I was watching it on HBO Max, Max, whatever you want to call it, whatever. And I was like, I wonder what this is going to be like now because I loved it so much as a kid. I wonder how this is going to be. I had the time of my life. I had a cup of coffee in a Thursday morning, and I watched twister and it was the best part of my whole day. It was awesome. I love this movie, loved it. So it's as good of a movie to recommend now as it was then, which is like a that's we're almost talking 30 years. Almost. Yeah, just just shy of 30 years. And yeah, it really does hold up like the kind of eye rolling science especially like we mentioned. Like how they survived. Yeah. You you had to forgive that in 1996 to enjoy it. And if you did then you can still forgive it. Now like we're in a huge movie like this isn't I mean, come on, you know, I like it, but still like the cows going by going through the house. That fucking Greenidge scene on 4K look so cool when he's just out there. Like picking up dirt in the with the dirt. Yeah. In the sky changes to green. You know Philip Seymour Hoffman still comes up. Clean it. Yeah. Drainage was something real I mean yes. Basic plot description. This is a movie about a day and a half of chasing tornadoes. That's your plot description. So there's, you know, romance gets involved. It's, that's there's some, trauma that Helen Hunt is trying to get over. But moreover, it's just a fun movie about chasing tornadoes and, the tight narrative before I started it. Is it. It definitely been a little while since I'd seen it. I went, does this only cover a day? Is that true? And it is. It's like a day. And a half, I love that, yeah, really tight narrative. The movie cost this is a lot of money.$90 million in 1996 to make it went on to make $496 million worldwide. That is insane. It was the second highest grossing film of 1996, right behind Independence Day. yeah. Nothing's gonna beat that. Yeah. You know, one difference between Twister and Twister, and we're not going to do a lot of that. We're not going to like litigated stuff. Yeah. The one of the main things I noticed, well, sure, was that, well, in rewatching twister, which I did before I saw twisters, I went, this movie just starts, we're in the middle of the storm. The dad, it's like getting ready to round up everyone to the shelter like it starts. There's no cute, like preamble and I will. I will say I thought twisters was doing like some silly kind of cute preamble, and they tricked me a little bit. I didn't know what was going on, and I thought that I did think that was effective. But I love how in twister just starts. And movies don't, by and large do that anymore. There's 10 or 20 minutes of set up. There's 10 or 20 minutes of denouement after where you're like, all right, just fucking wrap this up and this movie starts and ends like it starts with an inciting incident and it ends directly after that final instead. Yeah, it really does. There's there's not a lot of it. It's amazing how much they actually cover in the scenes where there isn't tornadoes. like, you get a lot of exposition, you get a lot of character stuff. You meet the whole entire crew, which is one thing that I do think that this second movie did a little miss out a little bit on. I would have loved to got to know that crew a little bit more. They were not nearly as developed as well. Like they didn't have any isms. It was like any things they had tasks like you're the drone pilot, but like the first time we meet Alan Ruck, he's like, don't fold the maps. And you remember that, like roll the maps. And dusty is always playing the music. He's like the crazy, eccentric one they all have, you know, their things. So yeah, we got to know them. The one liners are a little better, but this is also the 90s when like, everyone would punch up scripts like this. So you'd have all these very like in there. Writers like Joss Whedon punched up to the scripts. I'm going to talk about the making of this movie and a little bit so you they could add in things like that. But yeah, I missed that from the second one. It was it was definitely much more pronounced in the first one. But if we're gonna go back to that first scene with the dad. Yeah, you know, I don't mind kind of having some fun and kind of like throw in some, some chops at this movie because I think I think is said he totally didn't have to die. You know, it's interesting. There's a lot I've learned a lot about this fucking movie. He didn't die. And guess who took a watch? The cut. Old Steven Spielberg, executive producer Steven Spielberg fucking loves to kill dads. He has a very complicated relationship. He goes, you know what? It might be more effective if you kill him. When I learned that, dad, they had to go and do that additional scene of him going to the door to holding it down, I'm thinking like, had they already shot Helen Hunt stuff, they had to go back and do a bunch of reshoots for her to behave like her dad is dead. So this is all linked to the fact that Yondu Bond. I had no idea about his personality before researching this, but yeah, he didn't have to die. But Steven Spielberg watch it was like, oh, I think you should kill it, because when he holds on to the door, in that door, you know, flies off and he goes with it. The mom and Helen Hunt and the dog are fine. Well, like like it's windy in there for sure, but they're back there. All he had to do was just stay back there and then just hold on to something. And he he because because the laws of physics suggest that if those three people are in the back and that thing is still off, they survived. He's panicking. Yeah. He's panicking, trying to hold the door. I get it, it's the dark side. Yeah. That's a Richard line back lit Richard line back. He is in speed. He's like a Swat guy in speed. Yondu bounce first. Goddamn right it. Paul Walker's dad and Varsity Blues and such, among other things. And then, I didn't know this young Joe, the daughter. The little girl in that scene is Alexa Penavega, who is Carmen and all the Spy Kids movies. She's a girl. And all the Spy Kids movies. I was like, oh, cool. I didn't know she was in a movie before that. I don't know, just cool. And then Rusty Schwimmer is the mom. Love her character. There's so many good character actors in twister. I love that I'm going to call most of them out. So yes, be ready before we get into what the movie's about. Can I just talk about this, production timeline a little bit? It's a little going to be like, I wish it would a little like Last Action Hero. It's not that crazy, but I'm at a bullet pointed out. You can find all of this on the Wikipedia page. I'm just doing it here for listeners because it's all in one place. First of all, this movie was not sold on the plot or the care or the characters. It was sold as a proof of concept that they could credibly fuck up towns and fuck up barns and stuff with tornadoes on screen. They did this with the help of George Lucas's company, Industrial Light and Magic. Like they showed a proof of concept of a tornado ripping up a barn, and they showed that to studio heads and they went, okay, cool. Yeah, go make the movie. No characters yet. Spielberg's going to direct. Oh my God, yeah, Spielberg's attached to direct. He drops out, stays on as an executive producer. I think his influence is all over the movies, starting with the D&D stuff. Oh for sure. They consider James Cameron, Tim Burton, Robert Zemeckis. Yondu drops out of directing Godzilla, which he was hired to direct. Yondu bond, very famed Hollywood cinematographer Dutch Guy. He shot a ton of Dutch movies, but a lot. Yeah, like a lot of Dutch. And then came over to America. Highlights include being the director of photography on Cujo, All the Right Moves. Die hard is his biggest one. Yes, and shot Die Hard Black Rain for Ridley Scott, The Hunt for Red October, Flatliners, Basic Instinct, a great looking film. Basic Instinct, Lethal Weapon three is is very, very well respected. But then he does the thing that is difficult. When a DP decides to start directing movies, it can go. It can be tough. It's tough. His first movie directs speed 1994. Massive hit. It still absolutely holds up. Looks great. It's a great film. I'm actually in the process of watching it. I was watching it before we started because I'm listening to his commentary, which I've never listen to it on. I listen to his commentary on the 4K for twister. Great stuff. His next film is twister in 1996, which he gets after I mentioned a lot of directors couldn't or weren't available. Twister, speed and twister are huge hits the next movie makes the following year speed tube cruise control notorious bomb. Awesome. It just. Yeah, it completely falls out. Absolute possum movie in 2001. He makes The Haunting, which is a remake. Financially, it about breaks. Even critics hate it. Roger Ebert actually liked it. His final film as a director is 2003 Laura Croft Tomb Raider two The Cradle of Life, which absolutely bombed in the US. He is not directed a movie since Michael Crichton and his wife Anne Marie Martin wrote the first draft of twister. This is really cool. They based it. The action stuff on the storm, on Storm Chaser documentaries that they had seen. They based all the romance on His Girl Friday. And when you think about that, it's the exact same plot. It is the it's someone trying to get their their separated partner to sign divorce documents. And that person basically says if you complete one final job with me because, you know, we work well together above all else, you know, we work well together. If you complete one final job for me, I'll sign the papers and then they end up being together. It's exactly his girl Friday I did not even consider. I love that, so do I. It's. I mean, it's just that instead of journalism, it's storm chasing. It's fucking hilarious. I had no idea. It's amazing. Yeah. Helen Hunt was the first choice to play Joe. Huge risk TV stars to not cross over to movies. At the time, it was a very, very big deal. Tom Hanks was offered Bill and he seriously considered it yam to Bart, thought he was too big to bunt. Didn't really want it. He thought it was too big. He wanted to go the Jurassic Parkway. Let's hire people like Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern. Hanks considers and very graciously tells the studio to consider his Apollo 13 costar, Bill Paxton. Wow. Here's a production. This is nuts. Joss Whedon does script rewrites on set. He gets bronchitis. Steve's alien is brought in to punch it up. They filmed in Oklahoma for weeks, but the weather clears up, so they had to go to Iowa to film the end. Halfway through filming, both Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt were temporarily blinded by bright electric lamps used to make the sky behind two actors look dark and gloomy. Translation the lights on them were so intense it's sunburned, their retinas and their fucking eyeballs. They had to use eyedrops and wear special glasses while they recuperated like they were just blind. Hunt and Paxton both needed hepatitis shots after filming the action scene in the ditch. That's how dirty the ditch was. Hunt also kept hitting her head on that would bridge that they're hiding under. She also got nailed by the car door when she was sticking her body of it and body out of it in the cornfield, and it's going by. She likely suffered a concussion, though was not treated for it. Don Burgess was the original cinematographer. He shot a lot of stuff for Zemeckis Forrest Gump, contact, Cast Away, he said. John DuPont was insane and never knew what he wanted John to. But sometime in the production, Yondu bot assaults a camera operator, and Burgess and the entire camera department quit. They quit. Jack and green, who had recently filmed Unforgiven, takes over as director of photography. He brings on a whole new camera crew. Green is injured on the on the at Meg set when they are trying to save Aunt Meg. The huge hydraulic system collapsed on him. He could take it out of the movie. Former cinematographer turned director John DuPont has to finish filming the movie himself. Post-production. They shot 1.3 million feet of film. That is fucking insane for a 130 minute movie. It's not all from one camera, but that's more film than The Thin Red line. That's absolutely insane. They run over, so they basically have to beg Paul Reiser, who is not only the star, but the creator of Mad About You, to delay production for weeks. He could have said no and they would have been screwed. Oh, wow. And then, moreover, when you put all that together, here's my final note Yondu bond is never allowed or given the chance to make a good movie again. He is never set up for success again. He makes a sequel, a remake, and then another sequel. That's it. He's still around. He. I hope he got paid for the the work he did on the 4K, because he's in some special features. He did the commentary that might the commentary might have been old, that might be from an old Blu ray. But he he's he's on the press circuit promoting the 4K. And I think he got to like actually touch some stuff up. So I he's still around. I hope he's doing well. But he was very difficult person to work with evidently, and I did not know any of that before researching this. And it just makes me love the movie more because you can't get away with that shit out, man. You can't do that shit. Oh no way, no way. And in the words of Bill Paxton, no way, no way. It's Lee Isaac Chung assaulted a camera operator on the set of twisters. He would have been fired like it would have. It would just would have been nuts. So, yes, I just wanted to get through some of that because I never had any idea about any of that. So yeah, getting now we can get into the actual movie where we start, which is Oklahoma in 1969. I will say, I texted you, we already talked about it. Did we? What else do we have to talk about? We had to talk about the Wizard of Oz stuff starts with the little Toto dog. There in the beginning is that dog looks like Toto and that starts there. Obviously, it's going to become very, very prevalent with the Dorothy stuff, but that's where Wizard of Oz, you know, they're hiding from a tornado as Dorothy is trying to do. So it all, you know, just I'm just saying that I'm just going in order now. All right, all right, all right, all right, I know you. You brought something good to the table when I thought you were going to fail. That's my jam. That's that's. I carry the ship. I drive the truck. The twister storm chaser truck. I called that twister zero because there are five main twisters in the core narrative of the movie. So that's Twister Zero. And that's an F5. That's a dangerous one. That's a it's an F5, baby. You know what that is? It's a daddy killer. So that's that's what happens. Then we go to present day. Amazing. Like fucking hell. Like a shot from, like, way, way off. That's what's missing from twisters. That stuff. They don't use shit like that anymore and yonder. But might be insane. He might make you film stuff over and over and over, but we get that. And that's just amazing. Like, it's so good. And this movie is chock full. It has so many of those. So many. Yeah, yeah, I and you got like that crazy awesome old timey, like sweeping epic score like, oh, it's such a good score. Same guy that did speed. Yeah. Mark. Mancini or. Man. Yeah. Mancini. Mancini. Or. Mark, we love you. Great school. I love great for speed. Yeah, it's really great. It's great. And the soundtrack to twister is also top notch. I'm going to get into that. Good, good. A lot of needle drops. Good. I want you to get into it. you know, we're introduced to Bill fucking Paxton here. He's just like, oh, I mentioned one false move. That. Was that what he was the star of? But we're seeing him in, like, Terminator. Weird science, aliens near dark, predator two, True Lies, tombstone, Apollo 13, and all those movies. We know who he is. We've seen it, but he's not up above the title. You know who he is? The bot hired him because he was a real cowboy. That was his words. You just a badass, real cowboy. Helen Hunt, though, gets top billing. I love that we haven't met her yet in the movie, but I love that she gets top billing for this. She's one like by this point, 2 or 3 Emmys for Mad About You. The next year, she's going to complete a crazy record of winning the Best Actress Oscar and the best Actress Emmy in the same year. That's wild. But you know, she was an unconventional choice for a lead as well. And I like that. Get to meet Joe's crew now we can talk about them all. We got Philip Seymour Hoffman there. It's dusty. he was last cast in the movie. The last person cast in the movie. This lunatic walked in to his audition dressed in what his house clothes are as dusty. His hair was all crazy like that. And John DuPont not only hired him, but told him, bring a lot more of your own clothes. And they had the costume designer like, make clothes that either looked like that or he was wearing his own clothes. So that's all him. And he's young at this point. This is pre Boogie Nights which like really breaks him through. Oh yeah. Right now he's like scent of a woman guy. He's hard eight you know scrap guy. But you know in this scene. So he's really not in much. He's just trying to get work. Exactly. He's trying to get work and absolutely bringing it like it's oh my God it's so amazing how much he owns this role. And it is. And that's what I mean. Like, you see a lot of these actors that are in this particular situation, you don't have a lot to work with. So it's kind of your job. I think that if this is all that I get, then I got it. Like, because you're never going to steal focus on a role like this. Yeah, yeah. As a matter of fact, you probably actually want to because you're never going to overshadow the story you're never going to like, but you're what you bring to it is going to add to everything. Yeah. So I mean, when you see Phil in this, like, you know, immediately who he is, you like him and you want to see more of him. And and there's also all parts of the crew that are like this too, like Allen rod. Yeah. but then, then you don't really get so much from them and it's sort of like, okay, that's. Yeah, maybe they're a little like quieter, like Alan Ruck. Yeah. Jeremy Davies is in there. Young Jeremy Davies. Yeah. Sean Whalen who you know, these are like 90s character actors. Joey Slotnick Joey Slotnick. Yeah. Wendell Josephson is the woman. And then right out, you know, a guy who gets a huge line delivery in the trailer. You gotta get out of there right now. It's fucking Todd Field. Todd field director Todd Field in the bedroom, little children. Tarr, who also, of course, Tom Cruise's best friend and Eyes Wide Shut. This he had to have in part gotten Eyes Wide Shut because of this Spielberg executive produce twister. Spielberg and Kubrick are friends. Kubrick also a film of Kubrick's, plays a large part in twister, which we'll get to. So there's like some connection there. I had to think it was all meeting everyone. It's all good. The last character we got to introduce here is Doctor Melissa Reeves, played by Jamie Gertz. What is your relationship with the actress Jamie Gertz? I'm just wondering. This is not a trick question. I'm just wondering mostly, from the Lost Boys. Yeah. Lover and Lost Boys. 16 candles less than zero, she's saying. Oh, I didn't see that as a kid. I think I honestly, I didn't really see 16 Candles as a kid, so I think it was mostly just the same. But then I also knew that, Anthony Kiedis dated her, I believe. Okay, when the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Yeah. Yeah, he. Yeah. Got around, I think, he sure did. What is your. Do you know what she's been up to since I heard? It's not great, right? Is that was that my wrong in the, Indeed, quite the contrary. Here we go. Oh, okay. Okay, so as it relates to twister, she had a baby right before they started shooting. John Dumont really wanted her. Specifically. He was trying to cast her, and he said she is hilarious in real life and she's funny in the movie. And he said that in his commentary, and I was like, how? And then we get to the car stuff of her on the phone and I went, oh, that's like, and you all, you know, how hard phone work is. She probably wasn't even talk anyone. Just like I'm sure that's something scripted, but like just going for it. And she's really, really funny. So yeah, she's in twister. She has like still pops up, she still acts, she's still an actor. She's in she does more TV than movies now, I'm going to toss out a piece of trivia. Do you know who the richest working actor in the world currently is? It is none other than Jamie Gertz. Here's why. What good acting career. But along with her husband, Tony. Wrestler Tony. Yeah, I guess it's wrestler. They are the primary owners of the Atlanta Hawks NBA team. She has a net worth of three. Count them $3 billion, three bills from doctor Melissa Reeves to three bills. That's Jamie Gertz right now. She like introduces them in the NBA dressed like she and huge. And they use this money for philanthropic work charity like huge and stuff. But she is around what Wikipedia deep dives that I just had no idea that, like, never would have guessed. Because I wonder sometimes when I'm watching these, I'm like, oh, what happened to her? Like, I haven't seen her much. Yeah. And you just think, you know, maybe just kind of doesn't act as much anymore. I mean, that may be true, but there's a reason why for this, I was like, all right, go. I just thought that was really cool. Oh. That's amazing. Good for her. That's, I love that they've been married since 1989, so they've, like, done all this, whatever, like hedge fund money stuff together. I love that, I love that. Good for her I agree. Twister one Joe and bills shelter under the bridge coming up. Oh well. Hang on. Oh what we got we got to talk about a little bit of like the banter between between Bill and Bill and Helen. It's so good, I get it. I was that was part of twister one. But yes, yes, they're they're into it. You know, she got to sign the divorce papers, get into a don't talk to me or whatever just to banter between them. Twister. That's enough. It's a good movie that you do not have to wait long for a fucking tornado. Like, every 15 minutes. There's some shit that's going on. So that's what makes it go by so fast. There's only 113 minutes. This movie flies by. But yes, the banter between them very his Girl Friday. Honestly, it just it's just it really is really good banter and I, I, I remember it as a kid, but then rewatching it this time around I don't want to fight it. It's really. It does. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Like I don't want to fight. I don't like civilized cup, but they know each other so well. They know that you don't have to officially pick at the person you're doing pre picks. You're you're getting under the skin and they know what they're doing. Yeah it's great. It's so actually like comedically great timing in a movie where you don't expect there to be that kind of like comedic chops going on. But like her timing when when she's like, she's a therapist and he keeps, like looking back at her. Yeah, yeah. And waiting for her reaction. And she's like, she takes that moment, she goes yours. Jesus Christ, you couldn't resist. It's in a house and all kinds of neat stuff like that. Could I drive? No. Then would you look? Damn. Somebody should warn her about your temper, Joe. I swear she has no idea what she's saying. No, I know you don't. I know exactly what what exactly what you're doing this are getting better at this. You know what? As long as you're happy. Thank you, I am happy. I'm a happy person. I'm happy with my life. I'm happy with the way things are going in my life. I'm happy with with with, with, with, with. I know her name. Yes. I'm happy with Melissa. I am I'm happy with with with with with with. I know her name. Yeah. Happy with Melissa. I'm a happy person I love that. Yeah. I'll be happy person to get. They go and meet, Doctor Jonas here. Carrie. Always. what a good life. he's so good at this. It's just like this shit. He'll foil. You know, I also love this very 1996. Here's all the things Bill Paxton calls him the first time they meet. Son of a bitch. Damn thief! Liar, pal. Slime. And then someone calls a corporate kiss. But I'm like, you guys know this is PG 13, right? You got slide. I got a corporate kids foot, man. And he's, he's taking the idea for Dorothy, which, you know, Joe Helen Hunt wants to use so they can get so much data on tornadoes that can get to them, you know, increase the warning times that people like her dad don't have to get twisted up and die. That's the you know, that's the bottom line. You people that love that this baby's got satellite comely. Yeah. The southern accent comes edited out a little bit. It's just a lot of fun. It's really good. And he has some heavy hitters on his team. He's got Zach Grenier is his driver. I love that guy. That's Yeah. Edward Norton, boss and fight club there. He's a good guy. Patrick Fleisher, the guy who gets scared in Mulholland Drive. He's in there. He's also in the elevator in speed. I've forgotten that. So, yeah, he's got some good a good team with him and I love. Yeah. They're all meeting, like, up at that stop. And, he's out there and he's like, it's going green. And oh, accreted. Chad I just love that shit so much. And then, yes, that's when they start to argue, like, get the truck all the way and I, I, it's just. Yeah. The banter so good. The scene between Jamie Gertz and Helen Hunt at the counter. so I think. Really? Yeah. It's like you still love him, right? And I mean, yeah, she's a therapist, so she's smart, and she's just laying out there like, I can see why you would. It's also very 90s, like the two, you know, the two women just. Oh, yeah. But the way Helen Hunt plays it, it's very like, blue collar, like I'm not, you think I'm going to emotionally open myself up to you, lady? Like I'll take. Is that what she orders? Eight coffees. I whatever she was. Eight calls. Yeah. It's so funny. She keeps buying coffees for the entire crew. Well, she's a she's a lead. She's. Some of them might get. Some of them might die because of her. So the the Greenidge, that scene in 4K like truly looks stunning. I don't remember that in the theater. So I brought it up actually on Max and I was like, oh, they they definitely amped it up for the 4K. It looks great. This is, you know, the twister takes out. They're running from it. They're in the car. The twister takes out the barn. They stop under that tiny bridge. Don't have enough time to get Dorothy one out. And then I love that shot of the fucking nails coming up out of the bridge. It's that relatable stuff, like, yeah, we've seen it take out a house, but somehow the nails coming up out of the bridge, it's just like we talked about this. When you get that specific, you can feel more relatable and like dangerous. I just love that detail. We're focusing on the twister scenes and that's what we're using. It's like our home base is here because they're awesome and that is how they structured the movie, he said. From the beginning, the stars of the movie are the tornadoes, and he gave them all like their own personalities. You know, this one doesn't really know what to do, don't know where to go. The second one, which we'll get to are the sisters. Yeah, they all have their own the sisters, and they get bigger in size. Of course they go from f one to F5, but visual effects still hold up. They look great. Bill Paxton is the world's worst decision maker as a driver. Who's it? Time and time again? Yeah. Little late, reaction. Everything that he does when he drives is terrible. Lustful Larry fucking there. Are you. He runs off the road. So like lead. I love this movie too. So we watched it the night before. It was the twister we watched on Wednesday, which he's like, can I drive it? He goes, no, what could you oh it he is deterred like to not have been drugged like that was a little too close to just be casual. Like, can I drive like you're almost dead? But yeah, I love it. He's always. But that's kind of a funny thing. Like, she looks over, he's driving too slow and she's like, God, Vsco increase it. But yeah, I like that threat. Not, not the best driver. He's got that brand new truck though. But yeah, liability only. He's got liability only. yeah. Because because she's like, they have to get into the cornfield, but he just won't do it. And then he gets into the one ditch where it's impossible to get out. It's like, I need to get out of there. She goes. I know it's a great idea. I didn't go to the bridge. I love how she becomes all mesmerized by the twisters like she did down there. Like in the, in a closely. Yeah. She leaves a shelter. Yeah. He, like, has to go grab her and stuff, and it's. Yeah, it's, I love that. Like how she becomes transfixed from the the data killers. Yeah. Sexual in nature. It kind of is, though. This has been taken about after there's some, she's, like, transfixed. There's a lot of sexual innuendo just by them, like getting wet and grabbing onto each other. Well, I'm not leaning too much into this like it's there. I'll take it easy. It's there. It's they're they're it's they're talking about setting something up. Planting the seed. No, it's really great. And the, the twisters in this movie, really the sound is like that screeching sound. It sounds like an animal almost in it. Or like, just metal clinking against each other whenever in the debris. It's. Yeah, it's so effective. So then they moved the other twister quickly, like in the movie, once the first one gets introduced, this one. Now we get the Sidewinder. They chase it for a long while. And Bill's new truck. I love the fucking wonder truck gets twisted up and then falls down in front of Jamie Gertz. You see more of it just laughing the whole time. So did you guys. Oh yeah, the truck extreme because like, yeah, dude, we saw the truck. She just missed the truck. So yeah, it's just it's an extreme and extreme. like every poor Jamie Gertz, she just like everything bad happens to her. Yeah, yeah, just gets made fun of the whole time. Like she's not. She's not equipped for this. Yeah. I mean, she really is the audience, though. She's the one asking questions the whole time. So how does this work? So what is this? And that's how we're doing a lot of exposition, but it still works. You know, it's still it's still going oh, it works so well. Everything about this movie is perfect. Damn right. And each twister also has like its own signature thing. Like the in the first one. That's when we get to see the barn. So that was in, you know, the first trailer hiding under the bridges in the first trailer. The second one is when we see the cows, that's like, you know, Urkel yell. And then I think it's the same cow. It's just a great scene. Like, I, you know, I don't all the set, all the action pieces are cool. What I like about this one is how the, the truck starts to spin, like in 360. And they really did that. Like, they had the truck rigged up so they could spin it. So the truck spinning is real. And then, you know, the debris and stuff. But duty watching special features, they're like fucking chucking debris at them and breaking off ice chips and like, throwing it at them. It's really effective. But yeah, I love this scene. I love the sisters sister twisters. Bill, we're in the floor. Okay, we got sisters. I got. Just. Joy. I can't talk to you right now. We're right into the flanking line. I realize that you can't attack this thing from the south. We're going to get roll. Watch. Lily, I know you're upset. You. You just got three people. Got 300! Cow. I gotta go, Julie. And we got cows. Oh. Another cow. Actually, I think that was the same one. We got drunkards here. We got no, you know, you know what that's called, though, when, tornadoes are on the water. Tell me, weather man, waterspouts. Waterspouts. It's not a very, aggressive name, I guess not. No. Should, you know, after the second twisters when they go to Aunt Meg's house. So now we're getting her. The, twisters does this to, like, you break off, like, at the 45 minute mark. You go to the home place, meaning the motherly figure, during the commentary. It's hilarious when they show, like, the close ups of the Steak Yonder park, it's so grossed out because he says she's a vegetarian. He's like, this is so gross for me to watch. It's so funny. He's like, Jamie's reaction is my reaction. It's really, really funny. And Meg is played by Lois Smith. Lois Smith's first movie credit is as an An East of Eden. That's crazy 1955. Her most recent credit is three episodes on Law and Order organized Crime 148 total credits. I love her, she's still going. Really? Yeah. She's so, still acting. That organized crime stuff was recently. This is very like act two stuff in a blockbuster, very minute 45 where we slow things down, character development, trauma. Then you're setting up and you're setting up the you're more the Bill Paxton, Helen Hunt. Well, like the, you know, like they run into each other in the shower, honestly. It's like, oh, they can't really the sexual tension. You can't, you cut it with a knife. It's they're hearing about this extreme character that Bill Paxton used to being going on there, like a bottle of Jack Daniels and all this stuff. I'm hearing that it when I was rewatching twisters for this, actually, the first time I saw it, I kind of, I was like, this kind of feels like their origin story just set in 2024. This feels like how Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton might have met in some capacity. like if he's Glen Powell, Bill Paxton, like, these are the extreme years and then things get to tense for them. So they're going to break up. And then that that's just kind of what it felt like to me as like a spin on it. But you know they get the report it at Meg's, they see it on the TV stays as the twister day. We're still in the same day here. God, I love these 90s movies. They just keep going. I swear, I thought the Aunt Meg seems like 20, 25 minutes, ten minutes in and out. Boom. We're gone. You just keep it moving. No. Yeah, yeah. This is where they're in the cornfield. It come out of the highway and almost hit, Jonas's crew, which I actually like to call back of that in twisters. It was very funny when Glen Powell did that and almost hit them. Great song. is playing as they are. Talk about it. Yeah. Driving through. It's, I, I'm not a really big fan of Van Halen, but, they, they, they did a song for the twister soundtrack called humans being not human beings. Humans being very weird. I get it, I see what they're doing. That is an all timer driving and workout song for me. There's a build going on that happens in the bridge of that song. It's one of the most exciting builds I've ever heard of any song. It's fucking killer. And there's also Goo Goo Dolls. Long way down. Yeah. There. There are. Yeah. It's very heavy. Soundtrack. Yeah. They did reach out to popular bands at the time and asked them to do songs specifically for the movie. That was this was the soundtrack days. They used to do that much more. How they did it. Aerosmith with, Armageddon. I mean, forget about it. There's like three there's like three songs on the Armageddon soundtrack. They're all Aerosmith. Don't want to miss a thing, baby. Don't want to close my eyes. Twister three those we got. Hail! It's the hail! Twister. Yeah. So this is the one? Yeah. This is where this is the scariest. Yeah. When you're watching the special features, there's, you know, they're not operating the truck, but. So the truck is being pulled, but there are crew cars all around them raining on them, throwing debris. So there's a lot that's actually practical. And they really did not want to rely on visual effects, wanted to rely on special effects, not visual effects, which was smart. And that I think that took a lot of work and drove a lot of people insane and led to, you know, camera assistants getting assaulted and all that stuff. But I love all the debris in the road. I love the siren noise that Dorothy's making. It's just it's really easy to remember all these as individual set pieces because they really did. Yeah, they the the VFX team really did work hard to make all of the tornadoes look different. They almost get, hit by the boat in this one, which is, you know. Oh yeah. It's like, whoa, whoa. This is one where they have to reverse and you can't explain it. You can't predict it, you can't predict it. And then the ultimate 90s thing, man, just like confessing your love while the current girlfriend can't listen in those insert shots of Jamie, get Jamie Curtis the lip quiver again. Everyone could just hear it. You got Phil right there next to her. The Hale one to me is the scariest one because is the, The sky is so ugly. It's really intense in this. It's true. And the sound of that scene, to me is the scariest one. Yeah. Because there's if there's, like a growl, there's like this ominous like, hum, that's going on. And then like, this tornado just keeps, like, splashing down, like it keeps forming and then not like keeping its stability. Yeah. Because you can't see it. so like there's times where, you know, like it's there in front of them and it's all this, this also this narrow road. So it makes you feel like there's only one way in and one way out. There's no yeah, no where. And if there's one, it's like that too. Yeah. Because they're literally stuck between two of them that are bouncing around. But this one like you're, you're it really feels I feel the claustrophobia of this one. Yeah. And maybe because with the sisters one, they don't look so powerful. So very true. They're skinnier. They're like smaller. There's two here. And and it seems like they're lighter. So, you know, when they're getting flipped around, it doesn't really feel like I feel I feel like you get the cool factor in the comedic factor of the second one, where in this one this is straight up like, okay, we're dead series. We're getting this pack here. There's no where to go. There's all the commotion of the crew behind them. You're hearing everything that they're saying. You're hearing like the sounds of the equipment going everywhere. You're just being bombarded with everything. Yeah. And then, And then when it goes away, there's like, just like you. You feel like it's not over yet. Yeah. And then it drops down right on them and and. Yeah. And then and then, then you get the whole big in the rain confessing the love scene. But I remember that was the one where I was like, oh, this is, this is the scary one. Well, yeah. Because you can't explain it. You can't predict it. You can't predict it. You can't. I'm sorry your dad died, but that was a long time ago. You haven't seen it before. This house admits that houses like Christchurch. Jesus Christ, Joe, is that what you think it did with you? We can still do this. Jesus Christ, listen to yourself. You're obsessed. You never say once. I think you yourself talk to God. You've never seen it. This, this house and this, that house. And come after you, you ice Joe. Is that what you think it did? No, no, no. Jesus, Joe, why can't you just forget it? You don't understand, okay? You'll never know. When's it going to be enough, How close? See again. Talk to me, Joe. Things go wrong. You can't explain it. You can't predict it. Killing yourself will bring your dad back. Sorry. He died, but it was a long time ago. Gotta move on. Stop living in the past and look at what you got right in front of you. You guys have been buried, and this is never been brought up. Like you've never had this exact argument. oh, I love it, I love it, but yeah, the twisters are getting progressively scarier because my favorite one is actually the next one. What is the driving? Oh, the next one. Yeah, the driving one in this scene I think is a fantastic set piece. Just setting up like yes, The Shining and I love that big line that Hoffman gets. You know it's coming. It's headed right for us. But this is my favorite. Just like ripping the screen up perfectly with the here's Johnny and going the action. But what I like about this one is you really cannot see it until it is too late. And that lightning strikes and then they see it and they're like, oh fuck. And this one to me was really heavily called back in the sequel when they're hiding in the pool because they have to go to like, an underground, you know, kind of storage thing to hide in. And I just love this. It's the only one where everyone on the crew is affected at the same time. They all have to hide together. Someone gets injured. Jamie Gertz is absolutely losing it. Like when they're going on like I can't do, I can't do it. Just a great scene. I mean, it's also where they ended up hiding is the worst possible place because that, you know, that roof structure is terrible. It doesn't like, have a roof, right? It's like a little garage pit or. No, it was like a fucking roof. It rips. Rips it all apart. Yeah. And then but I mean, there's like like if you really go back and track a lot of, like the things that end up falling almost near them and in through like, like that so much shit is crazy. Like there's a car gets thrown right through it. Yep. And and which is a great shock because like, the glide path of that car is like, where the fuck did this come? I know, and then and then there's like a sign of like the diner that falls and so like. Yeah. And and then lands right in front but then moves towards them and oh man, it's just like, this is the, the fun stuff of the movie is like, like if you're really thinking as a director, like what can we just like happen to have a car ran right through it and the sign falls on them, and then you got like the hose going that cuts the guy's head with the hubcap. Yeah, yeah, I know what the fucking hubcap. That's really the only time we see someone get injured. But I love his reaction of, like, am I dead? Like, did that just, like, fucked me up beyond repair? Yeah, yeah. It's okay, it's okay. I thought to also love the, just perfectly agreeable 90s breakup that Jamie and Bill have. Right after it. You know, it's not for me, and everything's fine. It's like, you know, such a movie breakup. And they were engaged, so it's like just giving it the out. I love it, I love it. Sad to see her go. She totally gave him the out. Absolutely. Said she's like, I know you know this isn't she didn't know this side to him. Oh God, it's so great. Oh it's cool when they go to rescue because they have to go rescue, Aunt Meg shortly, shortly after this. Yeah. They really they brought a bunch of debris and staged it for, like, seven square blocks so that the, the building structures, a lot of them were real, but they just put all this crap around it, and it looks so real, like it doesn't look like CG. I know it's it looks great. So I love that they do that. They close, you know. Of course. Close that loop at Meg's okay. Everything's fine. And here we go. You know, we get the upcoming F5, we get the great Hoffman line delivery of. He's like, it's an F5. I even in these movies, he could really, really, really get you. And then of course, they realized to make Dorothy work, we gotta make a fly. It's love cutting all the aluminum. It's like waking it up. That's so much work, so much work. Can you be all cut up from it? Like, so much work. And they're doing this. Keep in mind, like they haven't slept because they were just in the the drive in twister. They had to drive to at at Meg's. Who knows how long they've been awake. Awake. So yeah, they're trying to get Dorothy three up for flight. They have two Dorothy's to have to be able to fly. Two shots. Two shots. Three takes out Dorothy. Three. Oops. Tanker I love them. That tanker heads right for them. And then, when it lands, it explodes. And they really fucking did that. Like, they really had it from a crane and dropped it. And like, that breaks up to it. Yeah, it looks real. That's. I love that shit. I love dusty. Do you see that explosion to get. Yeah, we saw it. it's so exciting and it's so ridiculous and over the top, like the obstacles that they throw it on. Yeah, they go through a fucking house that they go through a house. The house thing. Oh, yeah. It that took them so long to film. They did it over the course of several weeks. They like split it up by room and they would just come in and do it. And for that thing to go like that was so massively expensive, took so much time. And it works. I just I appreciate that so much because it would have taken so much labor and time and it it's totally like, I don't know, eight seconds of the movie. I love that shit. Oh, fucking love it. Free right now. Right. I have no idea. I drop no, I'm on my way. We're going. Maybe we should get off of this road. I think you may be right. Yeah. I feel like, of course it's. You know, someone usually dies, and it helps when it's the the antagonist. And Jonas's arrogance prevails. He gets up, man. The driver. Poor Astroneer just gets impaled. Oh my God, you know, with that, like, you know, it's. It's better though. Yeah. Oh, it's better than if it's hit. I'd rather die. Get taken out. Jonas. Yeah. He gets twisted up in the car and then boom, he dies on that explosion so that, yes, he's dealing with the whole entire, like. Oh, I'm getting fucking shot up into the air. Yep. That's true, that's true. So he goes and I love you know, I mean this M5 is on an absolute rampage. Farm equipment tractors fucking house. Great stuff. Then then they have the idea the anchor Dorothy four to the truck. So when the sensors go up I love this. It's like it's so smart because the music swells up and it's like this glorious moment. And what they have set out to do, we're being tricked. Because what they've set out to do is make sure Dorothy works. That's the whole point of this movie. It's the only thing that matters is getting that data. What they've tricked us is that actually what matters is your fucking lives. Because just because Dorothy is gone up, the storm keeps coming and I love that. Just throwing the send off like, oh, it's going to be done. I love that shit. They go in that fucking barn and it looks like Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Yeah. Who are these people? Are these people are like, no way. And then, you know, they find a little whatever shack. There's some plumbing and it some pipes. They go fight to go down 30ft a cow feet. You don't know that. Yeah. He he sees the rains. They're the horse rains that tie themselves up. They just get to enjoy what we all hope to achieve, which is floating up in the middle of twister. No debris hitting. My God, it would be an EF5. Just twisted them up. Of course they're okay. I would expect nothing else if debris was not a factor. But that's what kills you had a tornado that they say that's the big. But that's what. That's what kills you. Yeah but it but it had there been no debris. I do wonder if the physics of that might work. Like if you are harness to something and there's a guarantee where there's no debris that's going to swing around and kill you, but you're just taken by the wind speed. Okay. So at if that thing's in F5. So if this is saying you can get up to 318mph, would that not just rip you apart? That's like your actual body. How much like how much do we need here? Literally for like you're taught like how much wind needs to be going to where your torso is tied into this thing. And I'm not trying to be gross, but you literally just down rip apart and I think, I don't know, do you think that scientists I at some point it has to happen with wind. That's just that. I don't know if it has to be a thousand miles an hour, but debris is a thing to a breeze, so I, I don't know, I don't think the physics of it are not for an F5 three an F5. These things are a mile long. Think about where you're sitting right now and what's a mile away from you an actual mile away? I have a good like everyone. Just think about that. What is actually a mile away from you? That's how big these are. That's a long time to be in it as well. So I don't yeah I don't think you could withstand. They also wouldn't have survived the run there either. No no. Yeah they would have been they would have been sucked up like in twisters. Yes. Exactly. This would have been like room. And there they go. But you know, they survive. All the crew survives, they come and meet them, and then we get the big Hollywood moment, which I'm sure you love, is they get the big kiss and the helicopter shot, and then they have a great. Yes, I have a great. Okay. I would love to hear. The gripe is, is that the moment of the kiss, in my opinion, and the kiss I believe should absolutely happen. But the moment that it should have happened was right before they cut to the crew interrupting it. Yeah, well, he goes for it. Paxton looks like he's going because the moments there because they they're taken off the. And then like the kiss should have happened right then and there. And then the crew comes and they and then like they break from the kiss and then meet up with the crew. Like that would have been it because. But the weird thing is I think we've seen enough. And then they just start making out and the crew is sort of like, oh, all right, who's going to let these two, well, relax. You know, they're just going to go bang right in these pipes over here. And but I think the moment what it would have been if it was between the two of them, their relationship hits the kiss. And then the crew comes and then everyone celebrates. I agree, but I also like that the movie's just done. There's no like seeing don't. It's just boom, we're done. We're out. Hello, goodbye. I love this movie. I no idea you had such an intense relationship to it as a kid, but I can quote it. Favorite quotes okay, I do have one that I never picked up. Well, and I want to start it. Start doing it. It's it's when, it's when Bill and Philip Seymour Hoffman, first off, a horse. Horse. And, and and he sees them and he, like, boils down to one knee and grabs it and he goes and a manly handshake ensues. he's my favorite, like, character actor in the movie. I had a question. Your favorite character? Oh, yeah. You got to. You got to go with him. So if you had to pick your favorite set piece. Well, no, it man is. I was going to say, is it the hail one? That's just the scariest. My favorite is the driving. Do you have a favorite twister in the movie? I think it's got to be the drive in one because there's just so much going on with it. Oh, rest in peace. Shelley Duvall. Sorry. Just remember that. Yeah. That's right, that's right. Yeah. yeah, I think that's the most impressive set piece of the whole thing. Yeah. but though I do have to say, watching it yesterday, my favorite, like, favorite piece of the whole entire movie is the, the the, the Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton romance story. Like the His Girl Friday stuff. Yeah. Which, yeah, it's just I so funny that that's what it's based on. I was so entertained by their banter and their back and forth and then the ridiculous 90s over the top, like Jesus Christ. Julia, would you think? Yeah, dude, I love like you care for this day. Sorry. Every single thing that they did in this movie, I was just watching and I go, I'm so entertained by them. Yeah. and the torture. That's why it's always got everything. And Carrey always, relies on unrealized days sniffing the dirt or over bad 80 yard line bad when he says that there they got his close up and it's such a noticeable ADR line. Yeah. Two Oscar nominees didn't win any, but it was nominated for Best visual Effects. Yes. Lost to Independence Day. That makes sense. Good nomination. Yes. Justified. Lost. This next one is baffling to me. Best sound okay. It lost here. Your nominees. Twister. Evita, Independence day, the Rock, The English Patient. What won best sound? English patient. Yeah. Good. Good. Fucking guess. I mean, it won everything that year, but, like, what the fuck are we talking about here? Independence day, the rock and twister. You can best sound the English patient. It has a plane crash in it, but not like it's not a fucking slight plane crash or in a life plane crash. That's horseshit, man. That's fucking awesome. God. One scene to any of those movies. Have you ever seen that movie The English Patient? A like, once, like. And I just remember I was bored. I remember thinking I was going to hate it, I own it, it's around here somewhere. I remember thinking I was going to hate it. I was like, oh, it's actually good movie. It's just not like, why are we still like talking about, it's just one scene. That's one of my, favorite stories. My dad, he's tried to watch it. He's never seen it. He went to the theater twice, fell asleep like in the first five minutes, woke up in the credits. I think I try to watch it once or twice at home, and it's never. He's just can't watch it. He's never completed it. It's passed out within like ten minutes. So that's his endorsement of speech. And it's it's it's it's my final thoughts on twister. I again you know everyone knows I love physical media. The 4K looks amazing. The commentary is good. It's debate with the visual effects supervisor. The there's the making of which is cool to bounce all over the special features like a modern making of and he gets a modern making of that has been produced since the deaths of Philip Seymour Hoffman and Bill Paxton. So he gets these little moments like give them shout outs, which is really nice. And honestly, that helps. I don't want to say helped make me like the movie more, but there's some nostalgia there knowing that they both of them, we lost entirely to young for very, very sad reasons. So great to rewatch if if you want to buy it on physical media, it'll be worth it. It is on Max right now. Highly recommend it. I think it makes it good double feature with twisters obviously where I think so too. Yeah. So okay well then we agree on that. Yeah. That's it. Any final thought on twister? I'm glad we got to talk about this. I had no idea. Do you think it was your favorite blockbuster of that year then like Independence Day? Rock. So more than the Rock. Do you like twister more? Well, actually. Okay, I'll. I'll go on record. I'm not a fan of Independence Day. Why don't you like Independence Day? I don't, I've, similar to your dad. Falling asleep every single time I tried to see it. I don't know why. Because it has such greats like Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum, Barry Donald, Judd Hirsch, Robert Lego, Shia, Randy Quaid, no one else, Harvey Bernstein, James Reborn. There's no one else in that movie. other 1996 hits that to consider, perhaps for you. Ransom I know you love twister. You love more than Ransom. Ransom. The Nutty Professor that was a hit 96 movie that I loved. It was a high, the ninth highest grossing film of the year. Jerry Maguire, fucking love that movie. Oh, yeah. Yeah, Jerry Maguire, like agent Space Jam number ten. but you're sick of I think I think I gotta go. I mean, it's really a toss between twister and the Rock. Yeah, I think twister just means a little bit more to me from, like, how much it impacted, like, my childhood. Like how much I like, ended up learning about something outside of the movie because of it. Like I never went in to start, you know, figuring it about, like, you know, bio nuclear terrorism, right? Because of the Rock. So, yeah, so I think I gave it I gave it to twister, though. The Rock is such a good action movie. Yeah, that holds up to it really does with twister. It's an action movie too. But you've got like, I don't know, you suck into these genres where it's more of a disaster movie. And does that really mean action? Well, it's it is a disaster. The star of twister or the twisters. That's how it's designed. The star of the Rock is Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, exact fucking Harris. Yeah. Out that fucking. Hey identify yourself. Mike. Mike being foreign and domestic. what a great one. All righty. That's it. What are you watching for the twisters episode? But, Yeah. What are you watching? You want to go first? I, I brought in two movies. Do it to, because we did, we did. We did two movies to, their their tag team, their sisters, if you will, for different reasons. I didn't do that. So I feel underprepared. No. Go. No, no, no. okay, so for twister, what? We had just done the deep dive on. Yes. my. What are you watching? Recommendation is it's an easy. It's an easy layup. it's just beyond advanced speed. what is film? That is a perfect movie. It's perfect. Like I always imagined, the way that this pitch meeting went. And, like, in my head, it's the greatest pitch meeting of all time. But whoever the producers were, they're like, all right. They're like, so here's the deal. We got a bomb on a bus. It can't go under 50mph in Los Angeles, California, or explodes or it explodes. Rainbow 50 like like just like that. A load it like you're like, who are you thinking? Keanu Reeves? And which, you know, it was probably not the first choice. No, I was at that time. I'm only 45 minutes into my rewatch. Literally had to stop to put. But I'm learning a lot about it. And Yondu, he was not. Point break is not necessarily an action movie. He's a it's a cop movie. He's a cop. And about cops and robbers movies. He said the hardest thing for Keanu was playing like kind of a heavy, even in the elevator. Like, come on, lady, come on, reach out and grab my hand. He does not yell like that in real life. He goes, he's a very, very calm person. So this was the first time he really had to, like, do that and be this kind of intense, foreboding guy. And that, that took some. Yeah, that took some work. But yeah, he was he was not the first choice by any means. No. And yeah, and he had Sandra Bullock in there who just was like the best ever. so yeah. So just yeah, it's a perfect recommendation. It's a perfect double feature. Honestly, if you just want a John to bond like, oh, twister. Great speed in twister. I think that's also, what would you go with first? I would go with speed because I want to start a little. It's just it's so much more intense. And you're going to see it's. I usually chronologically like to start first, but some of the character actors and speed you're going to see in twisters, you're twister, you're going to be like, oh, oh. Another thing about Speedo to selling points, listen to this shit. 160 minutes. Elevator, bus, train done.$30 million budget, $30 million to make this great fucking nothing for it. And twister was a $90 million budget. It's wild to go back and look. But yeah, speed change everything that as it's one of Tarantino's favorite movies of all time because he said that did not exist before there was action movies before and after speed where you have to like, there's a fucking clock. There's, you know, this, all this stuff that you have to do. It kind of broke that die hard mode because up until that point, everything post die Hard was die hard on a blank on a plane, die hard on the boss. And it broke that mold by being partly, you know, being shot by the cinematographer of Die Hard. But yeah, I'd go speed twister. Great. Great double feature. I'm I'm aligned with that. I agree. And then my, this is, this is, this is an extreme one. So just to combat my issue with, twisters. Yes, I'm recommending from earlier this year, the 2024 movie from Amazon, the idea of you with Anne Hathaway. Well, okay, I have not seen this movie and likely will not see it, but I know Taylor seen it. Friend of the pod Taylor. He loves rom coms. it's not a rom com. It's a romance movie. It's just a straight up romance movie. He loves romance movies. did he, like. I know you do. He said he felt old watching. Hell, that now Anne Hathaway is the older woman in the movie. you know, we were grown up. She was a younger woman. Now she's the older one I remember liking when she was getting the Oscar claim, like won the Oscar for I hate That movie. I didn't like that performance at all. They miserable, but like, that's what all this hate toward her started. And like on yes, I'm so hated I never I never knew where that came from. I've always thought she's been deeply, deeply cool. And I, I like her as a person and I've always liked her acting. And I get her her value as a performer. So I'm not opposed to seeing it. But I haven't seen it. But you liked it. I did like it. I thought I it almost lost me. I mean, you got to understand what you're getting yourself into here. You're getting yourself into a very, very like. It's not a rom com. It's a romance movie. Okay? Like, it's it's it's it's a little bit more on like the drama side of it. And it's, it's not for everybody, but I don't know why, but in my life, I have just been, like, all about maybe that's why I'm so affected by twisters is because I'm craving romance and movies. I don't know what it is, but I am like taken by it all. Like, even if they're not good movies. Yeah, like like I don't necessarily know if I can say Idea of You is like a great movie, but all I know is that I went on the ride and I had an absolute blast until this one moment happened where I was like, okay, I think this may have lost me a little bit, but then I actually thought about it, and I think some people would actually be upset at her character in the way that I wasn't okay because she's an older, get older woman who falls in love with a younger guy. My God, she's she's Satan. But, there's repercussions, but he's not like 18 younger, 17. No, no, he's he's early. He's like early 20s. He's like crazy famous. Right. Like a Harry styles type too. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. He's a he's a pop star. Yeah. He's like, but she has a kid that grew up liking that band. Yeah. Now she's outgrown them and it's now it's, you know, this is this and this and this and this, you know, let's say get your groove back, honey. That's what I say to you. I say to Jesus people. Yeah, Jesus. That's cool. I, I, I enjoyed I enjoyed the romantic ride that movie took me on even though it's got some things. And, I'm just countering my twisters, lack of romance with all of the romance and the idea of, you can't believe this. This is ridiculous. It's fun. Mine's going to be a little ridiculous, too. So I think based on even, like, this podcast or some of the, like some of the ways I talk sometimes, some of the words I use that it is not widely understood how much I enjoy intentional bad movies or movies that are not like prestige movies, movies like so I I'll go throw on a romance that maybe isn't going to be like some prestigious thing I will watch damn near any action movie if it if if the lead is someone I like, like go to Tubi and type in Frank Grillo, you're going to see a lot of bad shit. He even admits it's bad. But I'll watch it all, I don't care like it? You need to turn your brain off in some way sometimes and just watch that stuff. So I'm totally for that. I totally agree with that. So I went with something also IP related like Twister twisters and I never thought I would do this, but Dan kept asking me over and over if I was going to watch Beverly Hills Cop four Axel F it's just called Beverly Hills Cop. Axel F on Netflix, Eddie Murphy, Beverly Hills Cop it's never it's never really been my thing. I had seen the first one, seen the second one once. I didn't remember anything about it. Had never seen the third. All of these are available on streaming. So one day I decided to watch all 4 in 1 sitting and it was a lot of fun. The first one, directed by Martin Brest, is a lot of fun. There's some, another really interesting Wikipedia page and deep dive talking about the asexuality of Eddie Murphy's character Axel Foley in that movie. And a lot of is Axel Foley gay takes that are online that I had never considered. It was like, oh, this is interesting. And it's not like a 2024 lens like this has been this was going on in 1984 when it came out. So I don't always know about this stuff, like this movie came out when I was a kid, so I didn't know that. So that was fun. Beverly Hills Cop way more action based, directed by the late, great Tony Scott. that was my favorite of the four. I really enjoyed it. You know, it has like, Ferraris. There's explosions. There are not many people. There are not many directors ever in the history of movies who knew how to stage action better than Tony Scott. He's greatly missed. I loved watching it, had the cinematography. Oh, he always has, like the browns and yellows over everything, like in True Romance. so good. Beverly Hills Cop three is genuinely one of the worst movies ever made. It was a complete and utter disgrace. I really hard to gauge what other franchises have. Shit the bed so drastically. There's no humor. Eddie Murphy wanted hear out of it specifically. There's no funny, no funny like Axel Foley trying to talk his way into stuff, which is really the defining characteristic of him in the first two movies. There's none of that directed by John Landis, who had, just a controversial figure in Hollywood and had, a long sorted history with Eddie Murphy coming to America. So Beverly Hills Cop, Axel less. It's like everyone, you know, I'm going. I don't know, Will this will want to see. Turn it on. It's good. It's a return to form of him being funny, trying to talk his way into stuff. He also leans into his age a little bit. I really liked it. For the record. In the movie, he does have a grown daughter, so I don't know if that was in part to try to, you know, counter some of that, counter some of the sexuality claims, but also like, it's a fictional character. Who cares? I just really had a fun time with it that some people may not think that, like, these are my kind of movies, but I really did. The third one is so bad it's not so bad. It's good. It's genuinely terrible. He goes to an amusement park about a half hour in and has to say a ride malfunctions and save some kids, and the CGI is a 1994 CGI. It's so bad. It's one of like the worst scenes I've ever seen in a major movie. Like it is. It's just so bad. It's such a dumb movie, but I can appreciate that sometimes I to watch and go, what the fuck happened here? Holy shit. So would be my recommendation, you know, really long IP the third one was made in 94. This is 2024. So there's been a long break and I thought it worked out. I thought it was very enjoyable way to spend a day in my case. But if you just wanted to watch part four, you'll have a good time with it. I think that's it. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. Good stuff. All right. If you feel it, chase it, baby. That's it for twister and twisters. I really want to know what everyone's thinking of twister is. I'm interested to see how it works out. Is it going to be? Is it going to make a lot of money? Are people going to have the same issue you do? Is it going to be nominated for technical awards? I don't know, Nick, I don't know. I don't know either. Alex, go rewatch twister, go rewatch twisters. Go watch twisters. Well that's normal rewatch twister. Go go twister, twister. Go listen to human being and let us know what you think of all of it at the same time. At WRI w underscore podcast, Twitter, Instagram where we are thriving. Letter box where I'm still logging every movie I watch. Let us know. But as always, thanks for listening and happy watching. You. Hey everyone, thanks again for listening. You can watch my films and read my movie blog at Alex withrow.com Nicholas Dose Dotcom is where you can find all of Nick's film work. Send us mailbag questions at What Are You Watching podcast at gmail.com or find us on Twitter, Instagram and Letterboxd at wri w underscore podcast. Next time we're going to talk about a lot of stuff we've been watching this summer. The Bear Season three. Nick's going to review some rom coms, new horror movies, horizon. Yikes. Outlandish animated films. I'm going to review some French erotica, of course. We're both going to talk about a Burt Lancaster movie from the 60s. Yorgos Lanthimos is kinds of kindness and plenty more. Stay tuned. You can spend time on the site. Trying to. Find. Fans. What they say. We both know we'll never get that thing up in the air. That's right. Let me online. You people. This baby has satellite. Calmly got onboard Doppler. We got next read real time. Today we're going to make history right? So stick around, because the days of sniffing the dirt are over. Better than what you sniff.