What Are You Watching?

124: Last Action Hero (1993)

March 28, 2024 Alex Withrow & Nick Dostal

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark! Alex, Nick, and friend of the pod, Dan Bracey, ramble about John McTiernan’s cult classic, “Last Action Hero.”
The guys discuss the film’s troubled production, which movie they would enter into, favorite McTiernan films, Arnold’s best roles, scene stealer Charles Dance, McTiernan’s stint in prison, the 21st President, “3 Ninjas,” “Irreversible,” and getting yelled at for watching “Wedding Crashers.”
At the end of the episode, Alex recommends a handful of new and old movies.
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Raised? Yes, ma'am. You're angry. Angry? Hey, everyone. Welcome to. What are you watching? I'm Alex Witt. Throw it. I'm joined by my best man, Nick Dostal. How you doing there? Honored. Bontrager with the what? You call me Arnold Branch swagger. He never says his name, right. The movie, like Jack Slater, always keeps mispronouncing. Arnold Schwarzenegger. How you do it? But I can't even do mine. You can. You can. No, I can't. I'm excited to be here. Thank you. Thank you. Good job. Today, we are talking about one of my favorite films of all time, one of my favorite action movies. John Mctiernan's, Last Action Hero. And back by popular demand is none other than Friend of the Pod, Dan Bracey. How are you doing? How are. I'm. I'm sure you did. I'm a static to be here. I am too. I am too. my God. We picked this movie because we all like it. We all grew up with it. You guys watched this when you were a kid? yeah. Yes, you did. So you saw in theaters? It maybe in theaters? Yeah. Did you? What? Because I'm going to do like, everyone's relationship with the first. I'll go first. Yeah. This was a big VHS movie for me, and it came out in 93. So in 93, 94. And because of the ages, we are, you know, I'm like eight or nine right there. And this is why. Class action hero. Because I became obsessed with it will always be my favorite Arnold movie. It's your favorite. my God. my God. I'm not saying like it's the best. It's my favorite John movie, but said it's better than Die Hard. But it's. I just love it. But also 93 cliffhanger Stallone said That's my favorite. You had to bring Stallone into this conversation. You were going to bring him up a lot. Why are we bringing him up? Because in the front. He's in the fucking Terminator, too. It's one of his best roles. He's also in last action here as a cameo. That's what I just said. Terminator two. One of his best roles. We can cut that out, but it's going great. This is going great. No. Yes. So 93. Big time for me. And yeah, this was on repeat. This is one of the movies. One of the first movies I saw that was meta like. Yeah. Taught us about movies. And I never seen a movie that a normal character went into that movie. It was just awesome. But you saw this in the theater. Yeah. like a bunch of times. Wow. I really love this movie. Would have been, like, seven. Yeah. that's awesome. And my mom and great parenting. Yeah, I love it. PG 13, wasn't it? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, Yeah. And you. You don't remember the first time I, I. It must have been in the past five years. It was. I only think. wow. Because I read it. I think some I think that's how it happened. But it wasn't the first movie I saw where people got sucked into a movie. Well, you know, the first one I do well is it was called Adventures in Dinosaur City. I'm not familiar that it's like a familiar it's like an old Disney movie where they're like cashing in on the turtles. Like people were in costumes. These three kids is sucking to a cartoon and it's like live action inside. It's really bad. But back then it was great. And they, like, rewrote the whole plot of the movie when they were in it kind of thing. Okay. So that like my first foray into that kind of meta kind of race, but not like obviously not as mad as like Arnold going into a more movie then coming out of it kind of thing. I get it. I get it. What was the first Arnold movie you guys fell in love with? Was yours Like, did you see it before this? yes. Okay, so you're seeing T2. So did I, though, when I was like five or six, I was like, first Art Will Child's play three was technically my first R-rated, but in T2 it was my like first one where I really paid attention. I was like, shit. Yeah. I mean, I probably saw the first Terminator before I saw T2. I didn't. I didn't. But no, I was an Arnold kid. Yeah. Yeah. Like he was. He was my guy, so I can't remember that first Arnold, but I mean, it had to be Terminator because those were the eighties and, well, I also grew up with, like, twins, and those were huge for me. So, yeah, leading into this, like, he was big. Even Arnold guy as a kid, I was a big jingle all the way fan. yeah, That movie does rock. What's the name of the other character in it? Took him in Turbo Man. It is. And it's not from its best performances of all time. he's great. You're not going to press your way out of this one. I missed it so much. God is killing. It is so good. I got to get the recipe from this. This the development of class action heroes. Crazy. This is one of the most notorious movies in Hollywood. It eventually became one of the most notorious bombs ever. But just the timeline of this is wild. So Zak Penn and Adam Leaf, they're college graduates. They love action movies. And in 91 they write a script called Extremely Violent, and they want to deconstruct the action genre. They use Woody Allen's Purple Rose of Cairo, which is the first movie. I guess that's another movie where someone goes into like a movie or actually characters come out of it, like Jeff Daniels is in a movie and he like, comes out of it. Okay, Yeah, Yeah. So they use that as inspiration. The script is bought by Columbia for 350 K Arnold gets interested. Shane Black is hired. Yes. To do a more punch up the script, make it more commercial. So it's like pitch black Night pitching black. He's the number one screenwriter in Hollywood, Lethal Weapon, Last Boy Scout, he's cooking. John McTiernan is hired to direct Shane Black and John McTiernan changed the entire script. MCTEER And McTiernan hires William Goldman, famed William Goldman for exactly for $1 million to punch up the script for four weeks. Goldman's incredible. So, yeah, Carrie Fisher punches up the script. The Hunt for Red October screenwriter. He does a pass on it every Let's do it. A princess Leia. Yes. What? Carrie Fisher was a huge she punched up stuff. I didn't know that. she wrote, like, Postcards from the Edge 1990 about that was like, about her with Meryl Streep. I don't know. It was original script was like, I don't know how much more it's online. I didn't have. I didn't want. It's like spend the time to read it, but it's definitely online. Was it called the First Action Hero? No, it's called extremely violent. That's what it was called. you said that? Yeah. Movies greenlit in August 92. Arnold gets paid at the time. Staggering$15 Million hadn't been done before. The total budget comes to 60. This is what This is where the movie collapses before they're even filming video games, toys, burger King, tie ins, a pretty bad ass hard rock soundtrack. They're all created. Like while the movie's being developed, there is a release date that's happening in May, and it said, Everything just moves way too quickly, dude, get this shit from it. Being greenlit to it. Being in theaters was nine and a half months. wow. That's like unheard of. That's usually two years. Yeah. Let alone for a movie of this space. It's a big movie. It's a huge legacy. It's exactly. Yeah, it's good. When the movie wrapped filming the last day of shooting, it was in theaters three and a half weeks later. The tanked. Yeah, well, I mean, they were just rushing, rushing, rushing was doing it, doing it. Shane Black said. This is kind of mean. He said the casting of the little boy was one of the absolute misfires of Western culture that happens after the movie comes out. Columbia paid $500,000 to have the film's name put on a fucking massive rocket. The launch was delayed until after the movie's release, so that meant nothing. Columbia And then this is the big nail in the coffin. Columbia refused to move the opening date in a little movie called Jurassic Park came out the week before. So last night was kind of like your opening mission was seven because of Oppenheimer. Yeah. And baby? Well, it came out first. No, it's possible. yeah, so did. I know. The last section here, it was second. So it comes out in Jurassic Park. Second, don't even win Trust took. I didn't. Maybe I didn't hate the kid in that movie. I mean, he was really, really into movies. Well, yeah, like kids. This. This one's an old timer for me. I think he's a big. He's financed. Stand there. Really? I think he's all right. I think he works as a good psychic. I do, too. I think. I don't know. I don't think I really believe that he, like, loves movies. I love his relationship with Nick. The theater guy. Yeah, I that I get. But too tiny for you or everything. Everything. Everything. All right. I've never gone harder on this, son. The kid that he's gone. He's going on. No offense to that person. Would you say it's one of the most absolute misfires of Western culture? I would say said, wow, the screenwriters call you out like that. Like at the movies, out like that. I don't think the kid did a lot after that. I don't know. I don't know. No, no. I looked him up. I don't think he did. I think the reason why it even though I'm not the biggest fan of him, but I think it works is because the movie is so over the top. He kind of works in it. So I certainly wouldn't say it's a misfire, but I don't I mean, he's just he's the main character, but the cast is stacked, so we're going to get to him. There's every other we'll talking about involved with this. ARNOLD Behind the scenes and in front who were nominated for Oscars or won Oscars, the LAPD scene is, well, how many cameos are in the LAPD? Like the first one at the opening of the movie? See where you see the dude from Terminator two in it, like in the back? that's when you're walking into the office. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So let's talk about McTiernan. He after this movie came out, he said class action hero was the worst time I've ever had in this business. And keep in mind, this guy went to prison for a year and a half for something he did, which I will explain in a bit. This is this is my favorite. We talk about this. This is my favorite McTiernan film. I'm not saying it's his objective best, but it is my favorite. It's the one I go back to all the time. But this guy did Predator Die Hard? Yeah, I read with a vengeance. Underrated. Which one? Die Hard with a vengeance, I think. I don't think it's underrated. I think people read no one talks about too much to is to say no because when people think about die hard, if I want to watch Die Hard in school, I'll go one three. Of course. Yeah, they fit so much better. Yeah. I never hear anyone talk about three. I do. Okay. Yeah, I think three gets a lot of play. I think it's really skews that really good free place. Three, three place. It's got Sam Jackson. McTiernan wanted to make a small movie. He wanted to make a PG rated Cinderella type movie. And Columbia was like, No, this is a badass PG 13 action movie. It's I mean, the three and a half weeks from being done because of reshoots and everything, and then it's in theaters, it's like now it's like movies now because everything remember how things fade so quickly now that's like, no, no, I mean that they released it in three and a half weeks from when they were done filming. But yeah, things just go away quickly. Now, this did too. I mean, Jurassic Park totally buried. Yeah, that's crazy. But as we get into the movie a little bit, you know, it opens with did you notice I don't know if you remember when the movie starts, like the frame, it's like off that you'll understand the helicopter. No, like we're on the ground in the frame is like it's like an effect in editing. And then the frame just, like, collapses in. It doesn't make any sense. It's very, very strange. But I love that. I think I know exactly what it was, that it wasn't a choice. I guess I don't know why it was a choice. It's like someone just took the scale in, like pushed it one way and it just and like, acts as back end, but it doesn't make any sense. Like the other side of that screen is black. Just kind of fuck this. I thought maybe it's because it's a movie. Yeah, we are in Jack Slater three. That's we are. Yeah, that's how I took it. But I've still never seen like, an action because you don't, you don't know it's because you don't know. We're in a movie until, like, after that whole well, until the kid, it's like, okay, it's focus, intensity. The character comes in. Yeah, exactly. So there's a lot of people, you know, they're out on the street that I love this thing. He's walking, right? Yeah, he's walking to the cars. But the first time when I actually in real life went to Culver City, I like, went to a bar. So I was there, right? It was like, That's right. Class action hero, All this shit. It's right here. Yeah. There's like, a bar right underneath the time. It's a stacked set, like, yeah, Hollywood Boulevard. It's. It's. I filmed everywhere. I love that, though. When he's, like, walking on the guitars. Yeah, the card, the guitars played with Slater's, like, walk it on the guitar on the top of the car it is falls into frames. Fuck it Love that intro. Really? Freddy, you hear me? Yeah. We're meeting. Like, who shows up? Tina Turner shows up. It's like the mayor is there. But then, yeah, we're getting, you know, there's a guy. There's bad guy on the roof. The Ripper. This is the archenemy of Jack Slater and terrified me. Isn't it great? That is really good. Talk about Tom Noonan. Tom, No one is being like a softer. Really? that's great. We talked about this. Yeah. Yeah. He's not like, known for. I mean, he's Frankenstein and Monster Squad, you know, he wants to. yeah, Yeah. Wow. Okay. Isn't that great? okay. Yeah, he's great. He's in Heaven's Gate for he has, like, a small role in Heaven's Gate. I. Gloria. Yes, yes. yes, Francis. I know. Francis. I would love to do a pilot with you about Heaven's Gate because it's incredible. You're the. We are the only two people at this table have seen it. What's that movie that we talked about on the pod? This a while ago? It was on the Criterion Channel. What happened was what? He directed it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, you know, directed it. He directed the year after this. Yeah. Small two hander and him talking to a woman, like in an apartment, basically a date. Like a first date. Yeah. And it goes all sorts of places. He was Francis dollar. Right. And yeah, he's good. Yeah, he's great and he's really fucking scary in there. So I love him. I also love when Arnold, like, kicks down the door to the roof, the whole door just like, falls. Yeah, yeah. The physics don't exist, which is like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That. He takes out all the weapons. yeah. It's like Looney Tunes. It's like that grenade. Yeah. Just take it it out. Hands a grenade instead of a grenade. Yeah, Yeah. So. Yeah. And then it does this really cool thing where, like, the movie goes out of focus, and we hadn't we didn't know that we were watching a movie. And I don't know if that was the first time I saw that. We actually talked about this a little bit as it relates to Back to the Future to like just met Meatiness and like referencing other stuff. But what I really love is that that when we're in New York it feels completely different. Like Jack Slater's stuff is like beautiful. New York just feels lively just because it is a movie too. Well, 93 nine now. Are you kidding me? New York is filthy, I think. I think New Yorkers would say the same thing about L.A., man, don't you watch that one. There's that one scene where. Yeah, give it something for guy's name. The bad guy in the movie Charles Dance is same. I shot someone. we're going to get that. That's like, we could just talk about it now. Yeah. When you're like, New York. Yeah. Benedict When he gets into the real world, he's looking around like, What the hell is this? And he just shoots it. It's a guy. He's like, I'm shocked. Someone confessed. So it's like, Shut up. He's like, in heaven. Like, Yeah, Jackie Slater world for it sucks. I fucking love Charles dance and it's great. All right, here we go. Austin O'Brien Is Danny not your favorite? But I saw so much of myself in this kid because he was, like, obsessed with movies, and he was sneaking out of the house to go to movies. I was never able to. If that's the script, anyone he has, anyone could do that. It's you saying, Yes, he is my name. He likes. He has same name as me. That's why I like him. Austin O'Brien. Danny Danon. That's going by Danny. I'm like my cousin Tommy. Danny still is my sister. Do Yeah, my sister does. that's closer. Danny family. My again, My cousins, my sister. Do you know you know that no one else can I. No one else. Can you digest it? But this is like a like taxi driver in Midnight City. Midnight, Midnight City. Their apartment looks kind of like he looks like Travis Bickle. Yeah, yeah. It's all the production design is great, but after. Okay, we'll move off. Poor Austin O'Brien here. No, no, honestly, that I. What is it? The scene where, like, he sneaks out and as soon as he opens the door, the guy comes in. Yeah. Shades of disappointed toilet lazy with you? Yeah, it's a shitty TV. Give me 20 bucks. But it's like. It's kind of. It's scary, you know? It is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I listened to the commentary with McTiernan, who spends a lot of time, like, apologizing for just the movie in general. But when we get to the apartment, he's like, I don't even know. This wasn't supposed to be orange. I wanted it green. The production designer came in and refused to make it or it like, it's just so funny. It sounds like everything. A lot of stuff is much grosser. Yeah, that's what I think. That's what he wanted, too. Well, yeah, it makes it grosser, but then the kitchen's a little green. But then Nick, the movie theater owner, is Robert Prosky. That's our guy. Well, that's our guy is the tie. I wanted to bring up Robert Robert Prosky to Gremlins two. Yes. Okay. Robert Prosky ties into Gremlins two, which ties in about Joe Dante, which ties into Looney Tunes Back in Action, which is the other Met a movie that I think about when I think of Matt last year because of Brendan to Brendan Frazier's and to Arnold's Welcome to Dan Braces brain was that was that was interesting That's a good job you like Yeah I do It's not it's not the lighting, but it's Brendan the guy Brendan plays Brendan stunt double and there's two. I love that movie. Yeah, I know. You had to bring Dante. It would be a good double feature. It would be this one. It would. It would be tunes. And the only reason because I think of to bring it into Arnold. So that was my job. He also falls in love with Mrs. Doubtfire, remember? He's getting a little like, That's right. He, like, serious at the dinner and they're drinking. Well, no, he no, he doesn't. He's like, cool with Robin Williams. That's right. He doesn't fall in love with does he feel, like, interested? I fucked that up tonight. He is the priest. And Rudy, we all remember. I mean, Rudy. Rudy. Yes. All right. Another 1993 movie. You're right. Yeah, right. Yeah, Yeah. That was a That guy's been in so obviously forever. Yeah. And Thief and Michael Mann's first movie is like, I've seen that terrible villain. I mean, terrifying. The scene that you have. I watched it when James Caan dead. I texted you, but I saw you. yeah, he did. He's nuts in that. Yeah. Thank you. Just at other first date, he's like, yell again. What does this? That's what we're doing. Great stuff. It's great. It's like their first fucking date because we once we get the school scene, you know, and Danny goes to school and there's a teacher teaching and they show a clip. shoot the mouse. Show a clip from Lawrence Olivier's Hamlet. Yeah. it, it cuts. And he's like, cuts to Arnold. Danny, you know, I love that daydreams and it's Hamlet. But what's so funny is if you watch it, she, the teacher, kind of introduced it. She's like, you may recognize Sir Laurence Olivier from and says like a commercial. That's Joan Plowright. That's Laurence Olivier is ex-wife. They used to be married. Incredible. Yeah. So it's it's great. Actually, she was married to him for 28 years, which is just yeah, it's hilarious. That's what Mctiernan's able to do. But she just stacks it with all these little things. And this guy, she was connections were deep. Yeah. So, yeah, I love that. To be or not to be to, it just blows up in the car to. my God. Yeah. I love the use of like the use of the director directorial choice of using black and white in this film. Out of nowhere. Yeah. Because Hamlet and then obviously Seventh SEAL. Yes. Yeah, that's like. Like the black and white choice. Well, this was my first introduction of Birdman. As funny as it has to be, I think. Yeah, well, this. I mean, Bill Ted's bogus journey came out the year before, but I didn't know. I thought William Sadler just playing like a funny version of death. I didn't understand that. But then when I saw this, I was like, Wait a minute, he's doing the same thing as in Bogus Journey. So like, what is this? And then I looked at it so funny watching. Yeah, I didn't start watching Birdman that it took another decade or so crazy. Yeah, this is the first time I heard about it and I loved the scene at the end. I love that I really like the black and white thing. I love how whenever he smokes the cigar, the cigar is like orange. Yeah, Yeah, right, right. It's nice little it's something is rotten in here. Something is one member state of Denmark and Hamlet is taken out. The trash out of state. They had fair priest who said unfair. No one's going to tell this sweet prince good night to be or not to be. Not to be so good. But I love that Like that was I spaced out like that in class and, like, put myself into a movie or just think about that, you know? Yeah, I saw that. I saw me in that so much. I got the script. All right. What I'm saying, I think he pulled it off convincingly. Jesus Christ, His mother, Danny's mom, is played by none other than Academy Award winner Mercedes role. And I love her in that. She won an Oscar for the Fisher King two years before. Did you ever see that? No. You didn't see that because you loved Gilliam? I would really tell him It is. It's Terry Williams in it. Yeah. Robin Williams is like paranoids, schizophrenic and homeless. And then Jeff Bridges is like a radio host. Like a DJ? Yeah. Something nice having like, a I mean, I've never sat down so I can talk about it. And I think you were like, We're not going to mention other Gilliam movies I haven't seen, so let's go on. I think he would like it, but we can't say that because then he won't like it, etc. So I am who I am. baby, that brush by God. But yeah, I love like the New York stuff. Like the mom has to take like two shifts, you know, she's going to work like they have, like a good relationship. She's not like, screaming at him, but so she's like, she has that. It's always like she she trusts him, but she doesn't trust him enough. Yeah, because it's like in this very gritty New York and that scene, that scene where he gets like, he goes out, like, pushes her boundary a teeny bit and the guy breaks in and then it's like he goes, he goes to the police and it's just the whole thing. So that's. it's scary. Yeah. I mean, that's even messed up. Like when he goes to the police station, the cops like your mom says to go home right away. But she doesn't. She can't even get out of work and, like, come pick him up or something. So it goes to the movie theater. Let's go see Jack Slater for you. Get to see it early. my God. I would have been so happy. I could see, like, one of my favorite movies earlier. I was one of the weirdest, like, plot devices in this movie is that he mentions Houdini again, obviously, like your age, though, we all loved Houdini at that age, right? So you can't hate like what? You hate magic. I love when he introduces the ticket, though, like he's kind of in the dark and then he, like, walks in and like, you know, there's a little magic trick and Voom comes out. You got to think. You got to wonder why he never tried it for himself, though. He says he never tried it, but he was. He said he was too scared. Too scared. Too scared because I love that shot. I wanted to bring up that. This film was shot by Academy Award winner Dean Semler. This is an Oscar winner. Here's some of his credits. He did Mad Max two and three. Yeah. Did Young Guns Cocktail with Cruz. And he won an Oscar for shooting Dances with Wolves. yeah. And he later went on to shoot Apocalypto for Mel. So there's heavy hitters in this movie. Like they know what they're doing. Yeah, the Harry Houdini. But why do you why do you think that's, like, a kind of weird device? Just. It just. I mean, obviously, I don't know, because the movie's odd enough, you don't really need it to like. No, but it's a magic ticket. I guess I get it. It's just. But I don't know, for me, I mean, it's I don't know why I'm comparing this to the rest of the movie because I'm like, it's believable now. But but, but no, but I think it works because when this movie came out, I mean, I don't know when I was like Danny's age. I mean, I think a lot of us when he we were his age were obsessed with Houdini. Right. I think there was always a point where, like, I think young kids were obsessed with magic. Yeah. yes. But I'm saying like, Houdini, which is obviously like the big draw. Yeah. Because he was so mystical and like, he got punched in the stomach and died. Like, it was kind of a crazy thing. But yeah, Houdini was always like, that's how we die. Yeah. You like as a kid, punch in the stomach. I mean, that's a Jewish hit. No one kid, I I'm going to botch this. A little asshole punched him, but I'm going to apparently. I don't know. I'm going to get into it, but he doesn't tense up or something. This was the Internet said I could be wrong. The Internet said it has. We can cut this. But no, it's all right. It's all right. It's playing. It's like them going to Disney Place. All right, I've over. Yes. Go. Please let it. To be fair. Yes, Wood. How else could we actually justify? No, I agree. No, no, It's like this. This. It's just. It's just something that's never brought up again. Yeah, exactly. I mean, it's like. Well, it could you. You could. Yeah, you're right. I don't think. I don't know what that was like in the original script. I don't know if there was it no golden ticket. No, it's fine. It works. It just to me, it's the only thing that kind of. Because the fact that it's only mentioned once, I don't know. Yeah, well, it's also not really like this ticket thing isn't really logical. Like, we're not talking about a logical movie, obviously, but like, when he's. When Dan is sitting there watching it, you know, he's watching Jack Slater for and then we get to see some of the movie first introduced to Anthony Quinn Academy Award winner. Anthony, not the guy, Goldie. No, no, no. The guy tied to the chair, is it? It's Art Carney, Academy Award winner. Yes. Isn't it his favorite F-word cousin or something? That's his favorite second cousin, right? Yeah. Art Carney, listen to this shit. Art Carney, 1974. He won best actor for Harry and Tonto over Albert Finney. Murder on the Orient Express. Who are Dustin Hoffman? Dustin Hoffman. Lenny Jack Nicholson. Chinatown. Al Pacino. The Godfather. Part two. This is Cardi's last role. Yeah. Anthony Quinn blew his ass up, but yeah, like we're getting introduced. Then we get Charles dance as Benedict. I love this guy, Mr. Glass. I was so. I'm so, like, terrified of this guy when I was a kid. Yeah. His role right before this was Alien three. I mean, I was about to bring that up, which is actually good. I just in it saw that movie we rewatched for the Fincher part recently. I was like, It's like the longer cut for the first. I think it's when I saw it. Yeah, I watch. It's the antithesis of Alien aliens. Yeah. Because it's like it's like just getting a bunch of people with no fighting experience. Right? And I never saw that Charles dance twist blown away in three. What happens? It's like we said it's it's it's not a great movie, but it's not as bad as people make it out, correct? It is. And it's it is not. I well, I think my first because obviously I'm not a film guy as much as you do, but I think my first foray with the Charles Dangerous Game of Thrones, obviously. Yeah. I mean, that broke him out. That introduced him to a whole new audience. He'd been around for years before, right? Right. Yeah. But I'm saying, like, it made me, like, appreciate his performance in Less Action Hero. So much more. I'm like, this guy's versatile, obviously. Yes. But yeah, he's like a trained actor who can really pick it up. Really funny. Yeah. He's done interviews later and said he had an absolute blast. He's like, I didn't know what was going to happen in the movie, happen like I was going to be a bomb, but I loved it. Yeah. Now he's great in it. Yeah, he's so I love it, but I just, I just because Benedict just hates his boss. Yeah, he hates his boss. He's always been. He's always getting, he's always getting idioms right. Idioms wrong. Yeah. Yeah. Like I go 363 but very, very right back to where I began, three very big tenant of him if I may say. yeah. that callback callback. I love it. But no. Yeah, they're like kind of torturing Frank there, you know, he shoots the bullseye and everything and then from far away, But then we get a scene when Jack Slater's rolling up to Frank's house. And I love how, like, calm Arnold is. He's like, Hey, guys. They're like, Yeah. He's like, Your grocery cutter lives here? Yeah. He's like, this is it's like a crack house or something. He's like, No, my nephew and I lives here. It's nice to do the. Yeah, yeah, the reading it, it's three, it's like and I love that we cut back to Danny in the theater and he's like, What do you say the house destroyed? Slater walks away with minor injuries. I love that. But he's like, calling it I hate It's true. Why? I hate him calling it out. Yeah, I hated that. Like, and like, the little kid with me. No idea what wisecrack. No. What needs to happen when I watch movie? No, you have to hear him say that because he knows entire movies. Thank you. Thank you, Daniel. He knows the logic of the world. He is the exposition dump. You. We need him. Just really. No. Yeah, I think he did. We're not going to. I'm not going try to convince you. You're provided about. He's okay. Our room full of cops did he needed to say that? Because you need to know how. How much he knows of the world. And yet it's. I think you do. I it's so let me ask like the tickets starts to flare up. You know, the chase is on in the movie. The dynamite is thrown into the theater. Yeah. And Danny starts running toward the screen and seemingly the dynamite blows up in the real theater. But the theater is fine as we find out later, so I can't really explain that one. So it's over. It's movie. Don't ask those kind of questions now. It'll be one of the reasons why it didn't do so well. Just people had a lot of questions. But now we get into this chasing day falls. The car in the car, it's all silent first. I love that. Just. Yeah, silent, looking up. So I know I'm putting you both on the spot and you can think about it. We can come back to it if you want, but if you could go into one movie, join the world of one movie knowing that you could get out. Let's say, you know, whenever you wanted, like you had the tickets, you can get out. What do you think you do? Which movie which you're going into? I don't know. I don't know why I thought of the most random movie that I've only seen once. And I just think, I don't know how I thought this movie first Go say it. I'm almost famous. I don't know why you get to be on it. Don't know why I like that. Yeah, I don't know that. I don't even have an answer for myself. Honestly, I don't know why. that's cool. Yeah. Would you like to be, like, in a Bergman movie? Like, what the fuck's going on? You know, I was like, an hour of. See Alex? Alex in the corner. I would just be in the scene in the corner. Scenes from a marriage. It's like, well, not just in the room. Yeah, those guys I think we got. So. So you're the moderator? Yeah, I see what's happening. I'm going to postpone it. I'm like, Nope, there's two of you. One, but you guys, I figured it out. You know what? What? Huck? Huck. yeah. And that's going to be fun. Also, another movie you like go into a fictional world. my God. I don't think I have an answer. I don't know. Tough. Yeah, it's tough. I don't know. I just thought about. I'll think about it and move on, and then randomly, I'll just say it, and then no one know what I'm talking about. That's okay. I'll just. I'll just blurt out the movie. Okay. Once upon a time in Hollywood. that makes sense. I was just hanging out. Hanging out with That makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. He would love that. Yeah, Love it. Be great. I love to be in the car when he's driving off Hollywood Boulevard back to his house. Alex, would you. Would you get in a taxicab knowing Travis Bickle was driving? Yeah. He didn't hurt any of his passengers. True, but it was a good driver. He claimed that he cleaned the car after every night. I mean, I'm getting in a clean car. Yeah, he was fine. He was fine. I mean, he picked up the would be presidential candidate. Picked up course. Yeah. Yeah, he picked up. Well, yeah, yeah, I would just keep my mouth shut. I wouldn't be like, you know, I look at his eyes like he's not fucking around. I wouldn't want to, like, hang out with him and watch TV and eat peach schnapps cereal or whatever the hell that is. talking. You know, when he goes, when Danny goes in the movie and it's all silent. I love that. That's an editing choice. This movie was edited by Academy Award winner Richard A Harris. You edited to. Yes. He won an Oscar for editing Titanic, and it was also edited by Academy Award nominee John Wright, who did the hunt for Red October Speed Teenage Ninja Turtles to the Masterpiece. my God, I love that movie. So yeah, let's just open it up to start talking about like Danny in the movie and like, figuring stuff out and trying to explain it to Arnold, who can't, you know, understand what's going on. I just love this whole bit. The, like, the total madness of it. I love this, like, all the time when they go to the video store, like, that's priceless. Sorry about going to his apartment. later. I love that part because it like it brings it to reality Within the movie video store. He goes Terminator two and it's Stallone in a lot of. Yeah. And it's my God, it's so funny. And no one recognized. That's what is it? Because I've obviously I've never finished the whole series of this show, but they go to the alternate reality of the show Fringe. It's Eric Stoltz in Back to the Future. You said that in but in the Back to the Future Pod, I haven't seen that either. But it's funny. Friends with Joshua Jackson. Yeah. They go to the ultimate. There's two realities. What if they go to the other one? It's Eric Stoltz in Back to the Future in the other Universe. But yeah, I mean, I obviously I think I every time I watch Last Action Hero when they entered the police station, there's so many fucking cameras. There's so many cameos right here. It's insane. First we get Sharon Stone's Catherine Tramell. We see her from Basic Instinct, and yet Robert Patrick, like walking at it. Apparently Arnold called him and he's like, Robert, I need you to do what you did in Wayne's World for me. I need you to be in my movie. I see your and they have it. And honestly, it's like, you know, I'm a cartoon guy. DeVito Uncredited. Yeah. The cat. I mean, this show that they do show Humphrey Bogart's like what? How do they get I mean how do they I mean I likeness yeah I don't know they would have had to superimpose superimposed I mean yeah it looks like it's from Casablanca So funny I know it's a black line. Yeah He's like, my God. And then of course we're introduced to Academy Award winner Murray Abraham as John practiced alternate, right. Great name. He won. You know, he killed both 60 kilometers north of like No. Who thought they don't they never in this world, Mozart doesn't exist. What is it, Larry? What is Jack really not die for? Not. He killed all the day is like. And I never heard that. And I immediately went watch Amadeus. You like in due time. I wouldn't watch it. And I just. I love all that metal shit. But yet who played the police chief because he's been he's a good. Yeah, I had funding written down somewhere else. He is just like always screaming lose. Yeah. Completely losing the whole scene when Danny like, talks about how much they like each other as friends, they always like. It's very emotional. Yeah. And he's like, I told, he's like you told me to Tony Slater's, like, I did notes, everything. I loved that. Like, how does this kid know about me? But of course, it goes like you're partners and it's like, This is so stupid. But yeah, yeah, the speaking of Danny DeVito as Whiskers there, he grabs a woman and she's like, Get off me. That's actually Colleen Camp, who is, cold, cool Hollywood player, right? she played a playmate in Apocalypse Now. She was Yvette in Clue. Yeah. Yeah. So? And she is a cop busting Bruce's chops in the back of the truck in Die Hard with a vengeance. She's like, I'm honored. You know, you're the first woman since Holly seems. Yes, I got mine. Yeah. Reese's mom, an election. She's great coming out. Great. Yeah, she's very good. So, yeah, again, that hopefully to help me heal LAPD things. Incredible. Exactly. Exactly. Is your whole entire job on this whole entire podcast just to call out the cast of this movie? Sure. I mean, I wrote them all down saying you were going like, scene by. I do the work. I do the work I do. I do the work. I watch this movie three times. Prepare for this podcast. How are you? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if I were doing this. I fucking guess like a month ago we told you that we were doing this. Well, you said, What's funny when you talk to me like I'm watching class action hero, you texted me and I go, that's cute. And that's. I didn't even realize why. my God. Hey, good thing I've seen it twice this year anyway. Yes, it is good times. You watch this. I love Joshua Jackson. That was mentioned like 10 minutes ago. He's he's back. He's in Titanic. I'd be on that. I'd be in that movie. Then get out before it goes down. all right. You never even seen it. I'm bringing this now. You have it. That's funny. He's never. And he refuses to watch it. At this point. It's because you write it out. Yeah. Got to see Titanic in your life. I'll see when it comes back in theaters. probably will be 58 or something. Yeah, exactly. If some some anniversary Cameron's dead. Actually, it's a good movie. You get to see it. I want to see if it's their fault. The iceberg. It's a it's not. Yes, it is. There is an art show from the cross-promotion. This guy goes, You should've been paying better attention. Yeah, because they were the PDA. Do you know how it ends? It sinks. So I'm not going to say, Okay, well, don't spoil it. I would see for Billy Zane. So I would say Billy Zane. He's great. Rocks. Rocks. Anyway, so when they're in the video store. Yes. I paused and was looking. You know, I love Danny walks in. He's like, where the Schwarzenegger movies And she goes, Foreign films are in the back. So I paused and wanted to see what movies were in what section. boy. So Field of Dreams is in the war section, along with Bull Durham. And then when Slater is talking to the blond woman at the store, he said he's standing next to Die Hard. The Hunt for Red October and Medicine Man. Those are all John McTiernan films. So that's funny. And then the redhead woman behind the counter is Angie Everhart, who used to date Sylvester Stallone. Like, look at this. It's happening. It's all happened. Now we get to the daughter's house. Bridget Wilson Here is the first movie I thought I knew that Slater's daughter. Yes, she was Miss Teen USA in 1990. She graduated all the way. Last action truck, right? Yes, she does. Yeah. I love love when she kicks the shit out of that God, she's like, screaming in that big mistake. And yeah, she's Jack Slater's daughter. Come on. Yeah. my God. Don't you love? And, like, Arnold just jumps in through the skylight. Yeah, He's like, Yeah, right. Yeah. Well, he sees the flames going down the chimney. The fake money, flames. But I love. I just love the way Benedict is with the kid. And, you know, how do you know? Sorry to drop in. This is like, how do you like. How do you know so much about me? You believe you would ice out a kid? But yeah, I love, like, his ex-wife's house, that apartment. And then things get silly. is Eve. lady, that's his wrist. This is from. Look at my wife's house. This is. Forgive me, my daughter, black guy. that's great. But no. What they leave the party and Danny's like, I got to be in the movie and chase, and down we go in the bike. He's on the I'm the sidekick. Yeah, I could die. Yeah, that's so silly, the reference. But it's cool that he. I love the fact that he like when he real. I mean, he he's no, you know, he's in a movie. He just doesn't realize it. Physics are different, right? And he's like a character in this. I can fuck with physics and then he does that. So I'm going to play Chicken Way on the sidekick. I'm going to lose. And he does. But I because he can't die because he's he's like the main character. Well, not of the movie of he Can't Talk is his sidekick of the film right So you have that plot armor device So but he can obviously veers and goes the E.T. thing over the house. Right. Exactly. Lot armor. Good term. Thank It flies in place place. So there's a great moment after this party is now Benedict has a ticket and I love when he's like sorts of whatever sparkle for him or shine in the Twilight zone starts playing on the TV and it does. And he pushes, pushing. Yeah, don't get the straight pushing. He goes through the wall. I mean that. Okay. So be thinking ahead because when he gets out, I'm going to do another prompt. So think ahead of which character he could bring out one character from any movie into the real world. which one would you do So about? Think about that. Yeah, think about it. Put it in the back of the back of your head. If you take out, you just hang out with him. Hang out. Bring Cliff wherever I go. Well, we could move to the apartment on the freeway. I love when they go into this, and it's was a total shoot. Shoot here. There's always a guy closet and you're just. I mean, that's a real, like, crappy L.A. apartment. Yeah, but it's also. But it's also like, I don't know. I want to say it's the first sad scene of the movie. I say that in quotes because he. About how he pays. I think it is. Yeah. Like you pay someone to call in his ex-wife, which is like, which is interesting because obviously we as the viewer and even Danny as the person in the movie, we have we had never seen the original Jackie Slater four. Right. So we don't know if we would have seen his apartment in the actual film that he didn't. I think about this. So it's like, yeah, so obviously he's going off off script, right? His character. So it's like, would we ever. I don't the way they showed Jack's apartment, I don't think it's going to sound really, really weird. I don't think we would have seen that in the action. No, I totally agree. I have. I say, or for I've dedicated a lot of time to this because it seems like you never you never see, like the Action Heroes apartment. So what what it actually looks like. There's no he's all the same suits all the things he has the guns and all the weapons and stuff, but he's like, miserable. He's not clear any cause someone is just like he has some call thing. His wife. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's very low rent, that guy. Exactly. He doesn't have any friends. Where are we anyway? jeez. How do you know There is a guy and there's always a guy in there. Cost me a fortune closet doors, right? Like it's little portal, but I have to get ready for a big funeral. Leo Default funeral? Yeah. The Ford is going to pass. Guess I. I never thought about. I never. It took me a few watches to get the pull my finger right and that's how he starts them. Well, it's very unclear. I will say I think they had a little bit more in the movie to like explain that and they had to cut it. But yeah, you just kind of have to believe that whatever. There's just a bomb in the sky. Yeah, it's I had what pulls out a good like the old women are pulling out their people and it's just a huge crane. It's like, my God, I don't where they shoot. They shot that. It's insane. No, I that's, it's still there. It is a, it's the Hyatt Hyatt Regency Hotel in Long Beach. I remember when I worked in Long Beach, and I don't know if you remember this, I had just started working there and like on my way to work, my fucking tire blew out and I almost died. And I it looked like a dinosaur, like, took up, clawed my time. I don't know what happened while I was driving, and I almost got into an accident on the freeway right in front of this hotel. And then, my God, I was like, well, at least that's the last action Hero hotel. That's something else. It's not red anymore, you know, the whole top looks like red. So. But I love And then there's like, that little music when he's running up the stairs, like what's really cool? But that whole, like I will say, the b-plot of that is confusing because I like the whole like I'm fighting like warring factions. Yeah. Like, why is he doing this? Yeah, cause it's like he's obviously there's the Benedict, like, group of Mafioso people and there's the other, like, group. Yeah. I mean, the funeral, right? It's, it's, it's kind of confusing. I think the that he's trying to take out but it's not talked about. It's like a plot of the movie they have to do. Yeah, but it's, but I think they shot all of this and had to but I did I remember when they're driving in Arnold's like, that's right. Something was stolen from like these some like they stole that gas credit exposition dump and you're like, okay, okay, I'm sorry. Whatever's like, yeah, it's just like, bomb in fat guy. That's basically all we need to know. Yeah. Yeah. Like, I think. I mean, they could probably lose that entire scene. Like, it's like, it's kind of like b-plot. You can't lose that scene. No, it's a good scene, but I'm like, it doesn't forward. I don't think it has anything to do with Benedict. Like it doesn't for no name. He's it's like supposed to pull it off like that. So then when he gets back to the audience, how did it go? Yeah, that was also it's also, I think, used for the chief to fire Arnold. Yeah because he does firefighters for for the carpets don't you love how they move the La Brea Tar Pits from like, Mid-City? I do. I do like y style, you know, parts. And then he like, he uses the paper towel. Yes, he uses the place. He uses the paper towel, and it's like it gets keys completely. Yes, I know, I know. But I love that action scene. What it like gets going. You know, Leo, the fart gets on the crane. It's great and it's a great piece. Total die hard callback when he's, like, hanging off the elevator. Yeah. And then Danny Kutcher. that's right. Yeah, I love that sequence. this is like the slow motion. Yeah, exactly. Like the wood gives out. And then, yeah, he catches Leo the fart. They drop him in. The La Brea Tar Pits, which is the bubble. Yeah. The huge bubble that they're all like, And then the daughter just drives in out of nowhere. I know all the convenience. A great park, which is where the you know, it's where the volcano is. The movie starring Tommy Lee Jones. That's where the volcano. That's right. It is. But it's not Long Beach. That's right. I rewatched that for the first time, like since it was released. And she can cover it. Yeah. Yeah she of that it's not bad it and harsh harsh were you saying said harsh I think in harsh and harsh recipes thank you. Jinx jinx we should finish by the same time in H plays and and he always plays six days seven nights I love six days and seven nights. So that movie was not good. She was in birth. The second Jonathan Glazer movie. She's really good in that a really weird movie with Nicole Kidman or you watch that recently also. So then when Benedict goes back to his house and he like kills Vivaldi and sold three sexy thing, really weird thing when he just starts looking at the camera and he's like, talking does he's walking very close. Bueller? It's Ferris Bueller, Bill. It's a little Well, that Goodfellas, like Liotta, does it in one scene, but it's but but that just I guess it proves that he I don't because I don't think I mean Ben Affleck's a smart guy, but I think he figures out that he's in a movie. Yes. Ticket. So that's I think so he starts playing into it and he he gets he that's the only time they do it right. Right. That's the only time they do it. If that little turd Daniel Madigan can move through parallel, well, it's I can rule two parallel worlds in and out and steal whatever I want. And I was like, impossible to catch if God was a villain, he'd be me. It's one of the most believable leaps that, like, if you're asking my audience to go for the right for the actor to actually, like, use, the audience can be like, That's really dumb. How could you make that leap? But the actor makes it so he's so good. I can tell, Yeah, I can jump worlds. And he's like, Yeah, exactly. Audience Right. He's like looking around to is this what I think? Yes. Yeah, he's like, already plotting. Like, you know, if I go out there, what am I going to do? And then, yeah, I love and then it breaks through the wall. Yeah, well, Slater drives into the mansion, and that's the part where he's like, This is for I figure, what he does first. It maybe just punches in or something. This is for so-and-so. But yeah, this is for my blog about ex-wife's house. And it's very lightweight. And yeah, that's for forgiving my daughter. Black guy frozen in the wall. So now, now this is in the real world and Slater's starting to believe it. Finally. Finally. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you would have gotten there earlier. Could have been ahead of the game, doesn't it. Because Benedict gets the the the his his is a lackey in with him doesn't he. Yeah. Who's credited tough agent Asia tough Asian man and in the was a little rude he's played by Professor Toro Tanaka he was in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure he was in the running man black Rain three ninjas Lucky loves Emily Rocky and I watched it all the time when I was a kid. You too. yeah. God, this is great. Never go up the high ground like. Like the old man does in the last fight. I don't. I don't remember this. I'm, like, blanking, Like, so. Like the whole end of. Like, that fight is like the grandpa. Yeah, like he dresses up in, like, the ninja, Right? Right. But he's got the high ground, okay? And then he loses it, and. And and then. And then he loses that fight. And this is like you just never get a very start. Very sharp words of you in episode three. Wow. And I can ask the high ground. Ewan McGregor. This is a Revenge of the Sith reference. Yeah. Jesus Christ. It's a great fight. Great fight, bad movie. And I mean, yeah, this fucking goes on forever. Hey, they put that. They put that yellow up in return of the Jedi at the end. They ruin that scene to like a one in the original. Yeah. You read the thing? Yeah. How the Emperor is killing Luke. And he later has to choose. And he'd rather have, like, a quiet decision. Yeah, No, he was like, I have to vocally know what Vader is deciding because I can't figure it out on my own. You can't see his actions, you know, like you're like George Mucus or you got to hold it. Atlas. I nailed it. Really? my God. We're making great time now. This is one of my favorite scenes in the movie. That sequences, when they go into the real world and Slater's like, figuring out, Yeah, these are shooting more. What we. They leave. They leave the theater. yeah. They leave and get in the they do the chicken in the alley. That's my favorite role because he knows. No, he doesn't. He's in the car. Arnold rules out after he hits the cab, when he gets out, he's like, God damn it. He's like airbags. You know, he he knew the other car wouldn't have airbags. So, yeah, it works. But this is a great scene. I love that. But I love this whole thing of, you know, he meets Nick like he meets Prosky and he's thinks that he's talking to Schwarzenegger. At first it's like, you don't get it. Like it's Jackie Slater. Ticket works. I love that. Is it quiet? Is it raining every shot in your city? Yeah. Like, yeah, in said very, very seven. Yeah. Well I guess it'd be very last section here because seven was later but Yeah, but it helps add to the juxtaposition of like how beautiful exactly is his favorite word. Really. It is welcome. And then yeah, just how gritty, like you said, that dirty and rainy. And yet I love that it's a perfect balance of the real world stuff. And plus New York is filthy. So here we go again. Is that like, your least favorite city? No, I. I never like New York. When I get there, I Thought you last time you went like you had a really good time. No, I do. But when I get there, I'm like, this place is the worst. Well, today, totally different vibe from the city. it's just like the antithesis, but so I get it. But then they also play up the scum meanness in the movie. Wait a minute. You said something will happen somewhere. Something will always happen when I'm there. And then I'll be like, I get it. Okay. Okay. That's fair. I think they also make it super scummy in the movie. That's the point. Yeah. Making anything. It's just. It's just also it just gives Danny more of a reason to escape. Yes. Yes. And then, of course, it's great when Arnold meets Mercedes rule and she's like, because she's so pissed. Danny, where have you been? And then you realize, like, she's putting it. Yeah. Yeah. Aliens, they never make friends. It's like, Yeah, exactly. It teaches him Mozart. I loved this movie. The guy that who killed the guy that practice. Yeah, they got to go practice killed. I love this. we still go. We skip the practicing, you know, when he, like, betrays him. Yeah. we did. Yeah. That's how to veto him it. You're right. I did. I glossed right over it. I love that's practice makes perfect. Yeah. He's like practice and he puts the gun on Jack Sullivan. He's like, I knew it. Danny said you killed Mozart or something. He goes, He's like, who? That? That's gonna love that. But yeah. And then Whiskers Saints Day and the gunshot sounds really fake, but my favorite thing and we are back in New York is fucking Benedict like we just cut to him and he's marking up Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula in the paper and then we pan up to the report. It's like, shit, this is the others. It's a good classic. Take what you can do. Yeah, you know. my God. So that's like, just knowing what. I just imagine it. If you could actually take villains out. I mean, he's like, We'll take out Hannibal Lecter. We'll get Adolf Hitler, like he wants to get Adolf Hitler from the movies and bring him to your world. I know. That's it. He's, like, excited about it. Yeah. Jesus Christ. But, I mean, talk about, like, how he shoots the random get do things and that. Yeah. Now, right now we're here at this when he's testing everything out and he's just like this big ass gun. I know. And you know, and it's like, huge. I love the sound effect and the sound effects in the movie. Really good. Like, all the gun noises are very. I mean, I don't want to let McTiernan think of the but like the universe too much of this film. But it's like, I don't know, but it's like I feel like his gun just has unlimited ammo. Doesn't know it. No, it does run out. It runs out in the real world. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yes. At the end. Spoiler. Watch. Hello? I've just shot somebody. I did it on purpose. I said I have murdered a man and I want to confess. Hey, up now. Damn. But yeah, when he's out there and he just shoots the guy. Yeah, I love. There's something deeply cynical about the fact that a super villain can ingratiate himself in the real world because we're so much faster than the superhero, like the hero of the movie. Well, he figures it out so quickly, except. Well, he's already. He's figured it out before he even goes to the real world. He's, like, already putting the pieces together. Like villains are smarter. Yeah, well. Well, why do they always die. Well, they're not capable, okay? But they're smart, they're smarter, and they monologue the classic. The classic mistake. Monologuing. Bring it up. Yeah, they. Yeah, they got to talk about themselves a lot. So then we haven't talked about plot at all because who cares what fun we're all we know where we're going because here. Here we go. We the the idea is that he, Benedict wants to kill the real Arnold Schwarzenegger because he thinks if he does, he knows that Jack Stark's done already. Telefilms. Yeah, that's a weird concept to think about. Like, let's also ways we're not going to find you in New York. It's so big right there. It's all right. This is hilarious because when you go back and rewatch the movie, they're like, How are we going to possibly find you there? And it's like, Jack Slater four is fucking premiering in New York. Like, maybe that's where they'll be. Like, How do you not know? my God, I love it. I love it. But yeah, he just looks like we're going to get to a cab and he sees, like Arnold sees a cheer. I actually. Well, real quick, I like that they give Jack a whole, like, existential crisis. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's true. Well, that was never just talked to a woman before. Yeah. Yeah. She's so busy talking to his mom. So you turn him into a what? Does he turn him into a door? whimpers wimp. I think when you do a wimp, it's just. I love it. All right, now we're at the jack. So many cameos here. and with Maria Shriver. Don't mention Planet Hollywood. Hollywood don't match the jibs. So Taft was her she pitched that to I really wanted to bust Arnold's chops and that he did Stallone in it. Van Damme's in it? No. yeah. I wrote. I wrote. I know. Much to Nick's chagrin here, apparently Little Richard shows up. Chris Collingwood just watching him on TV. Yeah. Tom Noonan as himself. That's that. That's a great look through Relax the question that he's in Exactly. That is going to kill some people. Yeah I love it and it's tough dude. It shows up and then like he's like, look, yeah, it's so cool. I mean, that's such good makeup on him. This movie should have been nominated for best makeup at the least. And best supporting actor, of course, for Austin O'Brien. As my dad always says, for any movie he likes. Best Picture Nominee, any movie, any movie should be nominated. Even Joe Dirt. Joe Just for anything. Yeah, that's favorite. he says he says, and I quote, Academy Award winner should have been just like Joe Dirt. There's a lot that said someone's favorite movie. When was top two? Joe Dirt. Van Helsing. that's a high bar. That's hard to get past. I don't know. I love it. see, Evans. Not very good. Have you seen it? Yeah, recently. Where? Have you talked with them? Well. Well, no, actually, I. Never mind. All right, well, it's a no, it's a sidebar. I had to talk about long villain monologues. There's a whole joke about it in Van Helsing, and it remind me of it. They make a joke about it. Okay? Yeah, because Kate. Kate Beckinsale kills them in front of kill someone. Do it. Don't talk about it. Okay? Okay. Yeah. Really? Yeah. That's stupid. Jim Belushi shows us how he died. Chase, Damon Wayans, Van Damme. You said M.C. Hammer. You know what are we going to do the soundtrack together when you get back on? I love it. Slater goes up to the concession stand where I see you sitting on top. How can you love this? And then Arnold tackling Slater, It's like it's such a great Bobby Slater. yeah, he does. Taylor Arnold tackles him, you know, the best, you know, celebrity lookalikes I've ever seen. Yeah, yeah. I hate you. Yeah, He's like, I hate you, but, like, I love that. my God. Terrible. And then Ripper pulls the John Wilkes Booth, you know, he, like, does leaps from the stage. Does he exude slides? Yeah. It's a I love that. It's a great bit. I don't I actually don't know this I or if I did No I forgot. I wonder what they were all there for. Like what if that was actually a real premiere or if they. I mean, if they did that theater. Yeah, they did. I mean, that's crazy. It was a bunch of stuff. It was sixties, a lot of money in 1983. 15 of it's going to Arnold but yeah yeah I mean that's that's like crazy We really I mean, you don't really get a lot of favors. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. I was going to call everybody. Yeah. Yeah. And it were. And I think he thought that would help, you know, sell the movie more and promote it. Well, I'm going to get to a little bit. I mean, we can open it up a little bit now, but he was like, you know, that Arnold documentary came out on Netflix. I don't know if you guys watched. yeah, it was it was good. And he this was one of his favorite movies that he was ever involved in. And he went into like a depression after this came out. Yeah, it was who James Cameron said. It was only time I'd ever seen him down. Yeah, it was after this came out. So, yeah, it was really tough. And that sucks because this movie's awesome. It is talking about we're going on the roof, we're getting to this. It's a good old fashioned callback. Well, Winnipeg flipped back on the real Winnipeg. Well, no, Danny, I was going to say, because, like, we didn't talk about how in Jack's year three is kid dies. You're right. Yeah. Going up and moving, which is very much is like a dark like you don't. Well, that's one of the reasons why I said his. But it's kind of like, yeah, it's kind of like a it's like Kurt Russell and Stargate. It is Russell. I was. Did I didn't tell you? I watched. he's like 18. Like he's. I mean, obviously Jack Slater's getting over his kids death, and the whole Danny thing is like another version of his kid. Yeah. Yeah, it's like a new kid. Like Kurt Russell in Stargate. Yeah. Holding a gun, like, in his kids bedroom. And it just, like, puts the gun under the mattress. I love when the military guys show up is they're like, We need to talk to your husband. And she's like, Good luck. Get the kids in. Now what happens? But you know that stress. So it is a callback. Now he's he's going to get Danny hostage in and it will catch you, Daddy. God. I will get you. Okay, So, yeah, you're crazy. Throw. I wrote some more down, some more villains that Benedict wants to bring into the real world to Dracula. That would be Gary Oldman. Is Dracula? Yeah. Some King Kong, he says. Yeah, but can King Kong, Freddy Krueger, Adolf Hitler. Whoa. Hannibal Lecter and Rosemary's Baby. I mean, he is catering by Hannibal Lecter. That's a hell of a dinner party, man. I love that. I love that. Hello, Franco Phillips. Jack, you want to it up? Should I cool Now I go, to Dracula. But I can get King. what a nightmare with Freddy Krueger. I'm a surprise party for that old love Hannibal Lecter. I can't do that. I hated it. I then went on and on Rosemary's Baby. there's a great bit like Benedict shoots Slater, and then he hits the kid. I was gonna say, because the kid and he pretends to be Hall because he cries the same way he cries in the toilet. It's kind of like the same when the when the guy handcuffs the kid to the toilet. Yeah, it's kind of like the same one. I think it is kind of like his. He, I think he calls back that being like a wimp again. Okay, He's playing possum. He is playing possum. It's great. It's a great move. It's a truly great move. But that's the monologue joke. Yeah. Because he just keeps going and going and then, you know, they get forgotten. Slater shoots him, right? Slater Yeah, he does. He shoots him. And then the ticket, the ticket falls off the roof, right? And then they don't know how to get back. What do we call that in front of a movie theater? Also, if you like, when Benedict is monologuing, the kid, Danny dropkicks him in the back of the head. Yeah. Jumped it just like it's not like he was all it ledge You just dropped it a shot in the chest, right? Yeah. Yeah. my God. It's great. Yeah, that's my favorite part. This is what we're gonna do. It's been a half hour on this. Half hour? The movie? Yeah. The ticket falls in front of the movie theater. And what movie is playing? That's right, folks. It's none other than the Seventh SEAL by Ingmar Bergman. Ian McKellen sold out That sold out crowd? No, no. There's a few people, but that would be like, start screaming hysterically when he comes. He like, comes out shot and did it. No, I think he's great, though. I don't try to think of what else he was in. Like at this time. It's like a first Ian McKellen thing I can think of. I don't know, like, but I love him. And yeah, this was my first exposure to Bergman. I already talked about Bill and Ted's bogus journey, but I, I, I just can't believe that it's like this, that, and this is one of the reasons why I love this movie, because it does introduce like Amadeus. We talked about it did introduce me. It expanded my movie world as much as anything at this age. I love. That's a movie that was made by people who love movies, who love movies that have been nominated for a lot of Oscars and have won Oscars. Yeah, he walks by the guy just coffee smoking. He's like, very touches them or something. Yeah, Yeah. Then he starts coughing. And then I love when he goes to the theater and, you know, and he puts it together like you can't have. Well, you drives the car into the theater. Yeah. he's driving the ambulance. That's right. Because he pulls the gun on the ambulance people and they all leave. And then Danny takes the two, takes the wheel and drives it in. One of the guys in the ambulance is Melvin Van Peebles, father of the Mario Van Peebles, one of the fathers, the grandfathers of blaxploitation cinema. How the fuck do you get him like in this little city? I don't think there's a line. It's great. But they totally forgot he didn't hear the ambulance and the crashes and that. Yeah, definitely beats him. Yeah, well, I love that. yeah, Yeah. Plus he comes up and meets him for all of the film. Get it going. But I love Death is coming up and being like. I was just curious. Yeah, yeah, I love that. And then I know you die, Grandfather. He dies. It's so nice, though. It is. So would you want to know that? Would you want to know like. I know, Definitely. Yeah. He's out. He's out in the world forever. Now Ian does go down. He go back. You're going to. What's he going to do? he's already. But he's death already. But now he's like, not incarnate. He's not like here in an actual, you know, but he's, he's not going to do anything if he if they're not I mean he touch that cop who smoking what if he like gives lung cancer every smoker death death doesn't fuck around. What do you want to know? Which would you want to know what he says to Danny? Like, that's. That's ambiguous enough. It's fine. would I want. No, I would not want to see he. Well, the only thing that would prove it to me is, I have a kid, I have kids. Like that's that's all I know. okay, that's true. Yeah. It's like I think it's. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know where I'm going to die. I don't how old I'm going to be. Yeah, that's true. It's the reason why I'll never go to, like, a psychic reading. Yeah, because no matter what they tell me, I am either. I'm going to do the opposite just to prove them wrong. God. So this is my point. Yeah, it's. I forget what it's called, but it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Like the opposite. So if you knew that you weren't going to die until a grandfather, would you just be doing, like, a ton of crazy shit until you know your kids had kids? Like, did you get away with anything? I don't know. And like, death wise, that's all there is. You know, he does get to go back into the world, and I love that. That he comes his boss down, which is great. So it's very nice. Yeah. It's like, I know why you scream like a scratch. That's the only f bomb in the movie when he's doing his rambling, the the perhaps he says fucking Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah he does. It's when he's doing it and the subtitles because it's so quick. It is, it is on the subtitles when he gets really, really rambling it just says like incoherent ramblings. I love that Slater's back in movie world is fine. The real world. Everyone lives happily ever after. And it's great. Until the movie's release runs a little bit wiser. Everyone's a little bit wiser. The movie's released. Huge bomb. I think it's one of the biggest bombs of Arnold's career, certainly up until this point. yeah. Then peak Arnold. And then after this, he's like, I don't have notes from I mean, what did you do right before this T2? T2 was 92 crazy. Yeah, 92, 91, 91. My mistake. I must say so. But he's on a crazy roll. He's on. Yeah. I always think T2 is 92 because they always do that right after this movie or jump Rebecca. Well, that's I'll bring it up. True lies. True lies. 94 You right? Yeah, It's like 94. I know that for a fact. I know it. I know true lies since 94. I only I know it. I'll bet you that's why you said Cameron knew he was sticking up for you. Is right. Right? It was coming up. I give you. I know for a fact that T2 is 1991. I do know that I mess it up. True lies. It's 94. 94. Wow. Well, you know. No, I believe you. I believe you. But he did this last night in the pod. You got the call me wrong. I got my year's wrong. You call me out on Conifer, I. I think the year was 1998 and 1996 to Jesus Christ. 97, 97. Close. Not really ready for 94 for true lies. Yeah, because only takes three years to make Titanic. That comes out in 97. I haven't seen remember ever having centralized still you've never seen True Lies either. Did you know it? You knew that I. yeah, dude, you would. You talked about it many times. I know I would because he's funny in it. I know. Yeah. She's really, really. You got to see Titanic first. I know she's going to like True Lies more Titanic. I love Charlton Heston when he's the guy Grant Hughes love. It's like they call him the Sandman. And Charlton Heston's like, Why? And he goes, Probably because it sounds scary, but it's so good to tell. Arnold didn't know. I know. it's the best part of the movie. like so funny. They saw action. Bill Paxton. Everybody's in insane. I've seen the Paxton song, but yeah, he's great himself. Got to see all the other by Yeah. Hey, because it's, you know, the shitty car salesman tomorrow gets such a kick out of that. dude, True lies. You love that movie? No, I would, but yeah, so, like, now I went through the movie. What are, like, if you had to pick your favorite sequence from Last Action Hero? Which part do you think it would be? Mine is definitely like the I can't say all of Slater in the real world. I guess it would be the premiere kind until the death stuff. Because the death stuff is just that's like, come on, your bread and butter. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love I love the entire I think the house scene where you meet his daughter. cool. Really? It's is really stupid. Yeah, really goofy. And there's all the henchmen die. Yeah. Yeah. It's like that nerd shows up and kills them. Yeah, Yeah, yeah. that's cool. That's a cool thing like that. I do really like that fight. I don't like when the dude slaps herb and then she's like, big mistake. He kills ass. Yeah, just like, screaming. Yeah, Yeah, she's great. She's great. She really is. She's great in everything she's ever in. Billy Madison, Baby World combat rock running. Veronica Von. She's great Mortal Kombat. she is. my God. Yes. Okay. Favorite like cameo or supporting favorite person you saw? I really crappy killing me now, you know, I mean, Van Damme is great. He is great. I love when he gets interviewed. Jim Belushi is asked like, you know, do you do you like to come to these? And he's like, No, she like, God. Arnold really turns her on. That's funny. Yeah. I mean, Maria Shriver's cameo, she's really funny. Crushes it. That's great. It's a great, as you mentioned, went to Hollywood. Then she pulls him away. He does mention it. Yeah. She's like she starts, you know how it is like food is doing very well right now. It's doing great. Arnold Gold slugger, I think is how he says his name. He says Arnold Brown sugar. God, it's so good. But, you know. Yes, in the immediacy after the movie comes out, like True Lies comes out the next year. So kind of as it relates to Arnold, all is forgiven. Die hard with a vengeance. It's two years later. So for McTiernan, for the moment, all's forgiven. So I guess I can get to the McTiernan thing. Now, do you know this story about, like, how he ended up in prison? No. No, You guys know this, so this is crazy. I think you've told me before. Okay, so there was a guy I don't remember. His name is like Anthony, something like Pelecanos or something. It's not that you tried to cut that in a taxi. Yeah. So he was a wiretap. Or he would just wiretap people like you could hire him. So McTiernan was having such a bad time on his Rollerball remake, which is a terrible movie, a truly terrible movie. And he had this guy wiretap the producers of Rollerball because he thought the producers were trying to sabotage the movie. my God. And I mean, this movie this movie is a travesty. I know. I told you I saw I saw it in theaters this year. Is this Chris Klein? It is, yes. Yeah, he is quite bad. Yeah. It's not a there's a whole sequence in fucking night vision for no reason. Like, it doesn't make any sense. They did that because they thought the film suck was too dark. So it's like a night vision filter all day. Wow. So the movie comes out and then and he makes basic the next year, which is not a terrible, rational rip off with Travolta and Samuel Jackson. And then, yeah, it goes I mean, it's like legal woes for a long time because they out of find out he wiretapped Yeah because the dude got caught the Anthony guy got called and then they found out some people I think he did I think he rolled on McTiernan and McTiernan was the biggest. So after you know, I don't know, six, seven years of court battles. Yeah he went in. It's like a white collar prison for like a year and a half, really. But he hasn't directed a movie since his last movie was basically you say he's still in director jail, so you nailed it. He's now on today. Yeah, we got a whole No one really gone to jail. The old director jail, more so than McTiernan But like, why for that movie. Why for fucking all the original good eye hard. the James Caan one's good. Yeah. I mean, it's. It's sort of cheesy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Norman Jewison died recently. The director. Yeah, it's good. It's good. But, I mean, that remake is like, wow, that movie. crap. I just. Rebecca remains emails. I think she's good, but she's, like, doing a thing where she doesn't speak a lot. Hello. Cool J Too Cool. J Yes. Yeah, it's really bad. That's a winner. It's the worst movie I think you guys directed. I watched all the McTiernan movies people see. it's Friday, the day Dan loves Deep Blue Sea. It's a good movie. It's good and it's good. There's nothing wrong with deep blue sea. But so I mean, years after, you know, the dust is settled on the last section, I think this movie. go flying. Okay. Yeah. Chris from American Pie. Yeah, I put the two of you together, but the legacy of last action here, I do think. I think it's age. Well, I think it's something that has a cult following. I think people talk about it. I think it's very I don't think it's dated. I think it's really fun to watch for like the reasons we call it out, cast all that stuff. So it's an instant movie that if someone knows it and likes it, they're immediately your friend. Yeah, Yeah. It's one of those like instant barometer. Well, I think I say because I know I saw it. I think I found out about it because I read it. I think Reddit saved a lot of movies. I agree. Yeah. I mean, yeah, well, it got that this generation into movies and maybe they skipped over. Were too young to even check out. Yeah that's cool. That they were. I mean, I see this one that's a call to one of those, you know, one of those cult movies. Yeah. It just it's always a shame when, like, something comes out because this, even though I was young, I remember this being a big deal like last Action Hero bombed. It's become one of those movies ever done? I'll watch it. Yeah. yeah. I mean, I bought the 4K like they gave it the 4K treatment. It's great. McTiernan does a the commentary is great. Like I said, he's apologizing a lot. The audio quality is so bad and he sounds like over it, but he keeps referencing the movie as 20 years ago. So I'm like doing the math and I'm like, do you record his commentary? Like right before he went to, as I said, to do it in jail, I don't know. Well, yeah, the quality record. So I don't know, maybe. But I mean it was right It was right before he went in or I don't think it would have been after Shane Black spoken about this movie. Well, he said, Austin, it probably was one of the worst because once you do commentary part of it. No, no, no. And he's talking about director's jail. I think after was it Predator, the one he did? It was just that reminder, the predator. What do you think of that? Do you like? I wouldn't say that's not good. Yes. Is he's not around Cas, his friend who was a convicted pedophile or something. Yeah. Yeah, That's a bad play, man. It doesn't look good. It doesn't. It doesn't. It's bad. You deserve to be out for that. Yeah. I rewatched nice guys recently, though. I really. I enjoyed the nice guys more and more every time I rewatched. Really? It's. It was enjoyable. Yeah, it is in the end. I mean, it's just like an all timer. that. As you're drinking again, I just always thought about that movie that like, Sorry, you look Filipino. They, if they, if they made a sequel but it was all operating on the level of the ending. Like that's where those two guys under their belts just waste and Yeah and that's where it is I think we'd have like a crazy fun movie. I mean, that was going on too. It really absolutely tanked. We went to the premiere of The Searchers. So weird all tanked. We walked out of there being like, Wow, it's going to be a hit. Yeah, Yeah. Because everyone enjoyed it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know what else for What? The last action hero. I'm kind of at the end. Burned through it a little bit. I do like I missed any last crumbs, you know, trust him and trust him. I looked them all up. I didn't have the sheriff's or the guy's name. I forget who? The captain. it's fine. No, I. It's like a lot of times you think you've seen it, like, total in your life. Now, I would say probably four or five. That's a lot for you. Yeah. I like once I saw once in a theater. I told you I saw it. yeah, That was cool. Right here where we are right now. Was it a double feature with anything? No, No. And I think was a the arrow maybe. Okay. I don't know. It's kind of like 70 millimeter was. Yeah. Yeah, you saw it. I was like, Dude, you have to go. That's going to be kind of like for me. I don't know why I think I think of this, but I think in big trouble. Little China when I think of Last Action hero. Just I feel like they're like they both weren't appreciated when they came out, but now they're like you're not a big fan of. I've warmed up to it when I saw that so that's one like I it's also all of those movies. It's also as a kid and because I just got into much more serious stuff, it's like the main character of Last Action Heroes, Danny, who's the sidekick. And when I watch Big Trouble, I consider Kurt Russell the sidekick. really? Yeah. Yeah. She's like, She's saving his best. He's saving his friend's partner. Yeah, He's, like, kind of tagging along. I mean, he is. He's. I think because he's. He's. Well, it's not his story. No. Like, he's not the whole thing. I'm not even tracking this, so I definitely do for a rewatch. But Omri is it. It's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's the guy. It's Yeah, it's buddy and yeah, it is. But yeah, it's his name but, but yeah, he's just like I'm tagging along like, he's like the, the bumbling. I mean Jack's been Yeah, he's Caruso's character's good and, and he's just kind of bumbling, right? It's my favorite movie character of all time. That's of all movie character. So that that wouldn't be one that you'd want to go into when you go into that movie want I want to take him out to be great. Bring Jack Burton into the role. That's great. But yeah, last season here I was just I was like, I just think it's I at that point it's just kind of like the culmination of all of Arnold's campy action crap. Yeah, he does. And the humor he's trying to bring in with, like, twins and stuff, which is still. Yeah, yeah. It's one of his biggest hits or might be his biggest. Yeah. There's some stat like that. It's nuts. Well, you know, they're trying to do triplets. I think they did. They didn't. I know they didn't. Him and DeVito make a crazy amount of money on twins. Yes, I they got, like, points on it. So, yeah, they didn't get a salary. So maybe that's what it is. It wasn't his biggest hit. It's the movie he's made a lot of money off of, I think, which is crazy. I love that movie. I watch it all the twins. It's hilarious, but I haven't seen it. my. You would actually like it. I just watch parents much kindergarten cop and parts like. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. No, it's not too much love actually doesn't hero It's a yeah I think it's better with every rewatch because you see like I see this. Yeah. Like more cameos and the LAPD scene is always catch more stuff. Yeah. Like tiny stuff. I mean all these cameos I didn't, I've never sat down and like, written them all out like I did for this one. my God, there's so many. The turning pointed out who is your daddy. And what does he do? Our mom says our dad is a real sex machine. my. You know what? My favorite parts of that movie holy shit is when he sees the guy, the kid getting abused and he, like, confronts the dad and, like, hits the dad. I fucking love that. And then Linda Hunt is like, What did it feel like that decade? Yeah. love that an asshole, Dad. All right, John McTiernan, I'm just real quick. A call out his films on to know everyone's favorites. There's not too many nomads, but you guys probably haven't seen the most baffling Pierce Brosnan performance you will ever see. He is doing a French accent. The role was originally supposed to go to Gerard Depardieu, but the French guy makes sense, and Brosnan just kept it when he shouldn't have. Anyway, that was 86. Seven is Predator, 88 is Die Hard Run a crazy run here? 1990 is the Hunt for Red. October 92, his first Miss Medicine man was Sean Connery, not A good movie to me. 93 class action hero, 95 Da Die Hard with a Vengeance 99. We got a twofer. The Thomas Crown Affair. great remake. I love Pierce Brosnan. That the 13th Warrior disaster of the film starring Antonio Banderas, it was plagued with a ton of reshoots. Michael Crichton had to reshoot Some of it is the author of Yeah Then Rollerball in 22 and Basic in 2003. What is your favorite of those? And this is not like I think the best, most iconic movies made is Die Hard. I we can a lot of us could agree on that. My favorite so last section here, although I do love a lot of those I love the Thomas Crown affair. I mean less action, but I love Die Hard three. Yeah, so do I. So do I. It's great. I'll go with the original. I think Sam Jackson played so well. Yeah, there's. I mean, they played great off each other. Yeah, well, I mean, when he looks over, he's like, Call the cops. Someone's about to get killed. Yeah. So he's. Who is he? A friend of yours? He goes, He looked like a friend of mine. I God, I love that so much. Not. Hey, Zus, it's his father. Paolo. Don't fucking be like follow suit, you fucker. It's great, right? Great. Let up. They just let it up. But it wasn't supposed to be. I heard it was. No, the script was called. Simon said it was not a die hard movie. And they, you know, they kept Simon says in the movie. Yeah. I didn't think about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Actually works really well when you even He's the brother with the brother, so does his brother. It totally can cut when he's in the car with the guy. Guys like the thing, the thing in L.A. And he's like, Does the name Hans Gruber mean anything to you? It's just the music. Yeah. And falling. And Will's is like, a little bit rings a bell rings a bell rings a bell. Yeah. Let's get the shit kicked out of that movie. my God. Dion three he's so bloody. He gets blow when he gets blown up. The better they get. He just climbs out. He's laughing. Yeah. Like, you know, they use Miracle. Well in that movie. Yeah. It's like it's New York City, the film character. Yeah, it is true. Do you guys know who the 21st president of the United States is? I do. Because of that movie. Yes. fuck. I, I because I know this. It's a it's a name and an initial. And then the last name. First name, initial, last name. I'm not going to remember Chester Arthur. I love that. He's like, you may put a call in and ask him the 21st president is that guy Like that team service knows it. The guy who tells him he's he's been in a lot. Yeah, I don't know his name off. I think it's like, Thanks, Jerry. I love it. But yeah, I mean, Jeremy Irons is great in that too. yeah. Yeah. Another one. Someone's name has a holy Toledo and that like that lackey of his, that woman who likes slices, that dude. yeah. So many times I said, I think he's dead my dear. I love that. Yeah. man. That was another one that they had a trouble with the ending with. It was to end different. The ending is now three. Yeah. Yellowish yellow when he comes up on the helicopter and he's like yeah. Going to the warehouse go like that. Yeah. I actually thought I used to know the story of how this went, but basically that whole entire ending that we got is a reshoot. Yeah. Yeah. And really, Yeah. And it, it's just weird. Like, it just doesn't. It's not enough to make it a bad movie at all. The actual, the actual ending of the. it's on the DVD. It's on like the Blu ray originals. I am going to butcher it. I think he goes to try to find time in like in Germany or something and then does and then kills him. It's very quick. It's just one scene, but it's something like that. Yeah, but I remember the ending was never really a big problem for me, but I remember McTiernan talking about he wasn't happy with it. Yeah, well, I mean, because it just happens then they're just kind of like. Like, like we're let me go with my wife or some kind of, like, cheesy kind of, like, dialog ending, right? Have you seen Thomas Crown Affair? Like, I haven't. You never seen it? It's so good because it's that's like the best James Bond performance that Pierce Brosnan when he was James Bond but it's not James Bond so it plays so well He's so slick and cool. I think he's better in that than in his Bond performances. You really like it. Rene Russo, great movie. Denis Leary yeah. Well, he's a cop, so he's great. Denis Leary has a line in the movie that I think is Never mind, It's inappropriate for those five women in three days. I believe it's an actual line that he says in the movie, I'm not kidding. I looked up the Chester Arthur guy. Joseph, the president, Blum, Joseph Loom. What else was he? And giving too much. He's in a movie. He's in a movie that Nic knows I despise. I do. I like it. You spy, you love it. We watch them watch together. And I fucking hated it. Remember rounders, Season rounders. You're so weird. And that was a good movie. Why don't you like it? Never seen him, like, so stupid. Never seen. I don't you? You chose violence that you woke up. You were like, I'm not going to. I don't know why. I don't know why I didn't like it. I don't know. I'm like, I don't give a shit about whatever Kagame they're playing, whatever it's called, and maybe that's a bit of a problem. So. Well, you don't give a shit that maybe you're not. I mean, I mean, the Malkovich's Malkovich. Well, he's doing he's real special on that. Yeah. Something. Did you not like the end? At the very least. Remember the end? I flopped in a that's 20 minutes with Malkovich. I remember. my God. Well, yeah, it sounds. Of course he didn't like it. And if you don't remember it, I didn't like it in the moment. I did not Nixon. I was angry. And you were like while he was watching it. Yeah, you were. Wasn't a fan. You were, like, commenting on it while I was here. All right. We were set to watch the movie. And as you mentioned, this is a good movie. We start it. And then from the second it starts, you just started like commenting and things you didn't like. You thought it was stupid and then you just said, This is what's going to happen next. Okay, then this is going to happen. This is stupid. Stupid was. I right. Well, I can read the Wikipedia. No. Yeah, you were right, but you were just calling it as, I don't know, happening. And I'm like, we just watch the movie and enjoy it. You also, like poker. So. Yeah, but there's so much more to that movie. I'm not really ever, nor I'm not a poker guy and I just didn't care. All right, fine. Know, that's a good New York movie, though. It's really it gets like, scuzzy at times. It's good. It's good. I like that. Yes. Yes. At one point, like, not even halfway through, you were so miserable watching I go, this is the last time I'm doing this with you. Like you're watching a movie, Miserable bastard. Everybody get for it, ruining it. We've talked about a lot of movies, but we'll go to. What are you watching on here? We'll throw something out. I'm going to open it up with Dan right here, because we were out last night. We went to a bar and you start talking about how you just rewatched Roland Emmerich, Stargate starring Kurt Russell. It's incredible. And James Spader, which I saw. I saw that one in the theater. I think I've seen it like one other time. It's a thing, right? Yeah. Was like you said. He'd love the score, right? Of course. I came back early and needed to pass out, so it's going to put it on. If I found it was on to be so I put it on it. It was good. I passed out quickly. But it's it's a fun movie. It's fun. Yeah, it is. I mean, it's excellent. So we'll see where they go into it. Yeah, it's like. It's like the whole wormhole thing. A little work. So I sent you answer my text about it. I was friends. Stuart is a bully. I just. Yeah, it's funny and, well, you know. No, that was good. Yeah, it's funny because we were also talking about leaving Las Vegas a lot last night. He's. And leaving Las Vegas. This is like a small part for from Stuart. Yeah. Obviously you got to see the outfits that they the guards for Ra's like the Anubis like Yeah the, the the whole whole customizations Great And there were like the staff and they have those who helmets. Question for you did his name's Ra ra ra ra I believe they call him Ra. Did he create civilization like humanity Because he says at some point like I created you and that kind of, that lost me a little bit that I don't the way I interpreted it is that he if I remember it's been a while, so I've seen it when he he came has been he came to Earth and then they were already humans were already there. Yeah. He built the pyramids with them. Yeah. And then I think the humans got smarter and revolted and then he took a bunch of them to another planet, right where he had more control and band and band writing and. Right. Yes. So he kept them more. The whole movie's about like, Yeah. And you're you're catching Emigrate right before Independence Day. So it's he's like kind of testing out these effects. James Spader's like, he's great. Yeah, What a career. He said it's all soft spoken, but I love the first time we see Kurt Russell when he's like, done the mission because he has that kind of long hair. What is sad about his kid, that terrible buzzcut and he wears that weird hat like you never wears a helmet. It was. It was what I hadn't seen since I was a kid, though. we talked about it last night. It's like because of Kurt Russell's in his kids bedroom with the gun that his kids shot himself with. Yeah, it. And then it's like I was like, we're going to send this guy because if we can get the job done, which which he shows later, he's like, I was sent here in case the mission fails to kill myself and blow up the Stargate. Yeah. And at the end of it, it was like, Spader goes, You okay? You okay? Curiosity goes, Yeah. And he was spader's going to stay behind the course of like, three days. Kurt Russell Like, again, like another. Like he dealt with the kid, but all the kids use guns anyway at the end. Yeah. Yeah, they just like. Yeah, I'm over my son killing himself. Yeah, he's good. Yeah, it's fine. Shrugs it off, walked back, and I loved what? He went back into the wormhole and then we get the wormhole. Vision is like the end. Okay? We don't see him get back to Earth. All right? What about you? You going to recommend anything for the folks? Yeah. Yeah, I want to hear I've been inspired. big trouble in little China. Good, good. Yeah. Sell it for a little bit, because we've, like, never talked about that on the part. In the fall of the first time I watched, it was devoted to Carpenter Pop before. No, no. Well, there's a lot of them. yeah, I was. I had seen it and I was like, You need to watch this movie with me. Yeah, And, and I. I was in heaven. It was. I couldn't be like, the whole entire time I was watching it, I was like, This can't be as good as I think. It's like it is. And it's going to be like the humor just got me. Like, I, I can't tell you how much I love Kurt Russell in that movie. It's Jack Burton is just And we showed it to Ben. To it? Yeah, we showed it to Ben in Tech Tops. I was going to say, you guys better match it. We have matching takes out of that, which whatever time I wear it, I get called out and, and like, positively. Yeah. yeah. Possible. No, I got to call it out. Leaving the bar last night, a dude was like, you guys, I'm sorry. Yeah. Because he's. He goes, he stops me. He's like, I love gas far away and I. What's your favorite like that? He he's kind of stumbling and he was like and he went climax. I went, Hell of a movie. That's the your kept walking out of the movie. I would, I would have stopped if it was irreversible to stop doing a little talking and been like, hey man, you know, I would have slapped tinted Vortex Rocks. Great movie, great film, Great film. You know what the other the second movie I enjoyed showing you was a Buckaroo Banzai. that is. Yeah, That was a lot of fun. Yeah, I did. I did. I just get a good double feature vibe with Big Trouble in Buckaroo. yeah. I mean, they they live in that same humor. They do their bodies. I stacked like. Yeah, I lost it when we showed me this to me. And they're rocking out in the band. Yeah. And it just stops because there's somewhere someone out there not having a good time. There's someone out there crying in the darkness, trying. It's fun. I haven't seen it forever. It's so fun. You showed me some crazy ones I can UHF. UHF is crazy. It's funny, though. It's really so weird. Al Yankovic. What about you? Do you have any movie that you want to recommend for people? He did Stargate? No, no, I kind of took that from him. I that was mine. That was my recommendation. Irreversible. No, I'm kidding. Reverse. No, no, I actually not the one I wanted to. Let me set this up. You. my God. So a while ago, I haven't done a sense I know a while ago, I go like a year ago I was out here. You looked at you're like once a month. Would it be cool if I like if you texted me a movie to watch that, like a little more challenging? You know, kind of like an Alex movie. I'm like, Yeah, I love. That would be great. And you go, What would be the first one? And I said, Irreversible, you're gone. Yeah. Do you forgot so that January this year he's like, okay, I think I want to do that. Like watch a movie that you recommend. And he goes, Which what would you do? Within milliseconds I respond, Irreversible. I was like, I was right. Then he watched it. It was good, fine. It was done. It was one. It's a good dub, of course, but it's a good movie. Yeah, that's like one time. It goes like Requiem for a Dream. That's a movie. Yeah. No, but the one I would recommend. Robot Dreams. yes. Yeah, I talked about it on the pod. Yeah, Yeah. Great movie. Another one. You introduce me to. I'm so happy. Last one. Like cartoons. Just like you don't like. It's just you were. You were sure you liked it? Yes. Yes, I was. I was. I really liked robot dreams as no chance at winning the Oscar. But yes, it does. It's going to win. Who knows? It hasn't come out yet, though, that's the thing. But the Oscars are about to happen. But it comes out in May here, so that's crazy. That's really weird. You know, I don't even know how it got nominated. Anyway. It's good stuff. Good stuff. What else? Anything else? No. What are you going to recommend? Date? We already told you that. Yeah. Were you not listening? Zoolander here. I see what's happened now. Dracula. Peter Pan, Count Chocula. Dracula. She's still in the house. My favorite. Like, not even the son of a bitch. She's still in the house where she swears this is still the house changing so quickly. Do you know the story? Like we were watching that movie and we got you at a hotel room. She was like she pounded on the door. This woman is recycling. I can. Well, dude, we're in a we're in our hotel where we were, but like, how loud? We're in a hotel room right now. I don't think we get called out. Not only were, but the thing was, is like we weren't even in the living room. You're in the bedroom like a wave. Like a whole room away from the wall. Yeah. If anything, we should been bothering the people on the other side of that wall. She was on the office when she like banged on the door, and she's like, I can hear you movie. I can hear everything you're saying. I made him answer the door because I'm not good in situations like that. I get mad. So he handled it well and then, yeah, it was so weird. That's what I always think of now with Wedding Crashers. Yeah. It's the only time that's ever happened to me in my life that someone searched. Yeah. Someone's, like, banged on my hotel room door and been like, Shut up. We weren't that loud. I remember the woman above us had the heels on. just walking. And I wanted to say to the woman who complained us, I would have been like, Yeah, wait till the woman in heels starts walking. I you up at three in the morning like she did for us. my God. Yeah. Thanks, boys. This is a lot of fun. Thank you, Daniel. Always fun to have you on the pod. Thank you for having me. The fans love you. Your hair looks amazing, right? Yes, it does look good. It's like flopping down just the right way. It was fun to be had fun to be funny received. Let us know what you think of dance performance on Twitter, Instagram, letterbox. I'm going to go through your Score podcast. As always. Thanks for listening and happy watching That was it. Who? Hey, it's Alex Solo. God, that was fun. Always good to have Dan on. Always a bit of a challenge for me. Keep things on track. A little behind the scenes info we recorded that I'm telling you, when I hit Stop on this recording we had about minutes to get ready for our three Oscar Instagram live recording, which everyone can go watch. It saved on our reels on Instagram at AIW Underscore podcast, and that was a lot of fun to do. But we got started on this class action hero pod entirely too late. So like speeding through it, looking at the time in the corner going Jesus though, like the actual Oscar started it our we have to get this damn live show off the ground but fun. Houdini did indeed die from getting punched in the stomach quite a few times. This was done by a boxer, a 30 year old boxer called Jade Jay Gordon Whitehead, who apparently struck Houdini, I guess consensually several times in the abdomen. And then a few days later, it seems like Houdini's appendix just burst it open tough. Frank McRae, the police captain, the last action hero, great character actor, 48 hours Red Dawn, License to Kill the James Bond movie. And he's great in class Action hero that ends all of the last action hero talk. I thought it would end by just talking about a few movies I have watched recently and liked. Some of them are brand new. I'm recording this little bonus portion on Saturday, March 23rd, so I literally just got done finishing stuff. But yeah, I just thought it'd be fun to talk about a few double features that I have set up for myself over the past like week or two. Start with the Ray Harry and Double feature. I did indeed watch Clash of the Titans as referenced in last year. Hero. I had never seen it before. 19 one Directed by Desmond Davis. There's Laurence Olivier Zuse Great stuff, Olivier. He was so old at this point. I mean, he was sick when they were filming Marathon Man in 76 and this is 81. But he still, you know, he still had it. He was still going in the movie. There's a great fight with Medusa at the end. But, you know, I watched that and then I realized I never watch Ray Harryhausen. But probably his biggest contribution to movies in terms the visual effects he brought to film was 1963 as Jason and the Argonauts, directed by Don Chaffey. Chaffey I never seen it and it was it was, you know, most of you, even if you haven't seen the movie, most of us have seen Jason you know that clip of Jason fighting for Skeletons. It's very, very iconic. And I felt the movie was genuinely enjoyable. I just really, really liked it. My dad told me watching that movie once a year, it's special. All right. How about a Sidney Sweeney double feature? I went and saw Immaculate in the movie theater just a few days ago, directed by Michael Mohan. You know, not bad. That director also made four years with Sweeney and 2021. This was immaculate. It's a fun little nun in trouble. Horror flick. It's only 89 minutes long, which is kind of cool. Honestly, the movie itself is decent. But I went it was like the first Thursday at the Alamo near me, so it was pretty crowded and the last 10 minutes are well worth it. They are worth it, I promise, if you're into this kind of movie. Wow. Right before I went to Immaculate, I had time to either fit in like half of a long movie or short movie. And there's this movie Sidney Sweeney was in last year, this movie called Reality, directed by Tina Satter. This is a true story about an NSA contractor named get this reality winner. That's her name. That's her real name. Reality winner. All right. It's on HBO. It's only 83 long. All of the dialog from this movie is all directly taken from an FBI transcript of an audio recording On the day that this movie takes place. The plot description of the movie on IMDB was a bit of a bummer because I had never heard of this story and it completely spoils it just right there. But Sidney Sweeney's really good in that movie as reality, and she's good in Immaculate. It's nice to see her deliver some strong acting chops, particularly in reality move on to a rose glass double feature here. Saint Maud Remember Saint Maud from 2019? If you have seen Saint Maud, then I really think you're going to like Rose Glass's new movie, Love Lies Bleeding, which should still be in theaters now. Stars Kristen Stewart. I had no idea what Saint Maud was doing or where it was going. As I was watching it, everything clicked together for me in the final shot, the final shot of that film, which is like 2 seconds long, made me rethink the entire movie. And then I watched it again, one sitting just right there. It's really short movie. When the final shot of your movie can convince a viewer that that the movie you just watched was good. But now this final shot maybe makes it great. That's a feat. Love, Lies, bleeding. This movie holds absolutely nothing back. This is a gloriously hard hour bruiser of a film. Tons of insane violence like Gasp are, in a way, level violence. There's some intense sexuality. And again, Rose Glass knows how to end her film in a provocative way. I've only seen Love Lies Bleeding once. I want to wait till the sugar high goes down a little bit. But wow, I really enjoyed seeing it in the theater. I hope you can see it in the theater if you can. Ed Harris, Jenelle Malone, Dave Franco, and especially Katie O'Brien. Just great. And then Kristen Stewart just she's always great as far as Nick and I are going to do a few random ones and I'll close out with a few more brand new movies. Attack of the 50 Foot Woman made in 1958. It's about an hour and 6 minutes long. I loved it. I'd never seen it before. I don't know. Sometimes I just put these on. I'm like, yeah, I forgot. I'd never seen that this poster's so iconic. The original film is directed by Nathan Doran, a staple of fifties sci fi cinema. They made it independently for 65 grand and it looks like it, but it's still a lot of fun. Alison Hay's in the title role is just perfect, so I always wanted to see that. I honestly couldn't believe I'd never seen that. In my research I'm like, there's a remake. In 1993, it was an HBO produced, you know, straight to TV thing. It stars Daryl Hannah in the title role, and it's directed by Christopher Guest. Like what? I had no idea. So he was directing this made for HBO movie Between writing and starring and This is Spinal Tap in 1984 and then writing directing and starring in Waiting for Guffman in 1996, which is that's the movie that changed his directing career. But I don't know, I found this attack of the 50 Foot Woman on YouTube for free. It was just it was fun. It was just silly and fun. Daniel Baldwin plays her shitbag husband. It was great. In the Last Action Hero podcast, I mentioned it briefly, but Dan and I, the night before we recorded that, we were talking about leaving Las Vegas a lot because he loves Nicolas Cage, but he's never seen leaving Las Vegas. So I think us talking about that set me on a little Mike Figgis mini binge, which I'm still in. You know, Figgis is best known for writing and directing Las Vegas, but he does have some interesting films in his filmography. There's a kind of sort of fascinating Richard Geer double feature Early in Vegas, his career, first with Internal Affairs in 1990, where Richard Gere is playing one of the most devious shithead crooked cops just in movies. It's the same year that Pretty Woman came out, so that is a hell of a year for Geer. He's also really good in internal, just very, very scuzzy. Andy Garcia is great in that too. They fucking hated each other when they were making the movie. And you can really, really tell. And three years after Internal Affairs, Geer and Figgis get back together to make Mr. Jones two movie. I never really heard of. Or if I had, I'd certainly not put it together that that was the same. Director's leaving Las Vegas. And in the film, Richard Gere plays a guy living with manic depression. And when I heard that, you know, you hear in 1993 Richard Geer, manic depression. I did not have high hopes in the movie. The movie's just okay. But Richard Gere is fantastic in this. I, I could not believe as far as my life experience goes, I could not believe how accurate this portrayal of bipolar disorder was. It's very, very he's very, very good in it. I recommend his performance more than anything in both of those movies. Richard Gere. And, you know, if you just know him, it's like the pretty woman guy. He has some dark sides to his acting. And then, I mean, Mr. Jones is dark, but he he gets the mania very, very well. He understands it well. Good little double feature there. God, you know, I was just watching Quiet on the set, this new HBO four part documentary series about, the creator. I don't even like to say these people's names. The creator of all these Nickelodeon shows. When I was a kid, all these shows that I watched, like, all that Kenan Kel, the Amanda Bynes show, Drake and Josh, it just a lot of the men responsible for these shows were just complete and utter monsters and just doing horrific shit behind the scenes. And, you know, if you've stayed caught up with the Amanda Bynes, you know, with her real life, it's not very pleasant. It hasn't been for a while. And you can trace that all back to how they were treated when they were kids. I haven't finished it yet. I just finished episode three, the entirety of which was dedicated to Drake Bell. And his story was All I knew of this kid is that he is the kid who flips off Tom Cruise in Jerry Maguire in the hospital. Like I didn't watch his show. Drake and Josh and you watch this, you know, Quiet on the set documentary. And I got I just have so much respect for this poor kid who's into a man. He's about my age. So seeing this documentary cross-cut the footage of. Yeah, of him when he was, you know, in 1999, 2000, 2001. And it's cross-cut with present day footage and it's just cut. Poor kid. Jesus. So, you know, a lot of people are talking about it now. That's why I just wanted to mention it. But it is it's intense. Are two more dune two? You know, I saw it. I saw it today. We could all see it that day. It came out, sold in IMAX. Understood very little of it. That's okay. That's a me thing that's not on the movie. At the same was true of the first one. It took another viewing, but the entirety of Dune two, it was just too much for me to do any sort of review on it. And you know, Nick had not seen it. I asked Dan if he wanted to do a little mini review When I was out in L.A., Dan kind of had the same thoughts on the movie as I did. It's it looks and sounds remarkable, but there is a lot going on in it, however. I saw it again last week because I felt compelled to and I liked it much better the second time. I liked it when I understood what was going to happen, and I understood things a little more, as I've said, probably a little too much on this podcast recently, I have never been a fan of this serialization of films and just setting a movie up just to have another one. I it's been going on for a very, very long time in this industry. I get it. I think if you're already a fan of the books, this stuff does not bother you and it doesn't matter. So long way of saying expect dune three and what two three years. Yeah. All right heavy stuff there some fun stuff here. Something. Wow, folks. My God. Road House. Doug Lyman's Road House started it last night. Did not finish it. Finished it this morning by the grace of God. This is Jake Gyllenhaal and Conor McGregor duking it out, directed by Doug Liman. This is just one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Like, it's not even so bad. It's good. It's just genuinely dumb. I pretty confusing in how in a lot of the choices like that, the fighting scenes are terrible. They're so really bad. CGI and you can tell that you can tell. Certainly no one's getting hit and you can tell that it doesn't really look like they're throwing the punches because everything's sped up. It's just really, really bad. Jake Gyllenhaal I mean, I love the guy, but I don't know where his head is at some of the time. What he's doing an ambulance is that made that movie enjoyable to me because it's so he's just, I don't know, whatever metaphor you want to say or whatever substance you want to speculate that he put into his body the character. I mean, of course, the character, you know, he put a lot of it into his body, the character. I'm saying an ambulance and thought it made that movie enjoyable. Whatever the hell he's doing. And Road House is the exact opposite. It's it's as if the character the character I'm saying, took just gobbled a bunch of, I don't know, like Xanax to begin every day. Jake is playing this like very wooden, very bored, very you know. No big deal, I mean, just that's the entire thing. The entire register, you know, kind of just like down here and then Conor McGregor I don't know if anyone has had the luxury of seeing how he's been conducting himself on this press tour for Road House, and he had a little trouble here. He's just been very, you know, excited to be here. He's he's been very excited on the press tour. And what wow, some big choices in the acting. It seems like whatever he was doing with his character in this movie, he's just still doing it on the press tour. And I don't know what in the world was going in this thing, but I really, you know, come on. I didn't think it was going to be good, but I did think it would be a fun way to kind of spend part of a Friday night. And it wasn't. But I did want to finish it and it just felt like a chore to finish it. So it's one of those things I'm sorry to report. Doug Lyman What a what a guy, you know, I mean, he he made two of my favorite movies, the late nineties Swingers and Go, and then he's one of he's a Hollywood studio director, whether we all like it or not he's just in the group. He's done The Bourne Identity, Mr. and Mrs. Smith Jumper The Edge of Tomorrow Road House has to be the worst of his movies that I've seen. But then what's the new his next three movies, according to IMDB, this guy's next three movies are a crime thriller written by Casey Affleck, starring Casey Affleck and Matt Damon, a mount Everest biopic about someone who tried to climb Everest a bunch of times, and then a movie about Tom Cruise in space. Actual SpaceX. Reportedly, they are going to film at least part of this movie in space. That is not a joke. That's all, folks. I hope you enjoyed the recommendations. Hope you enjoyed the last action. Hero review of sorts. And I do hope these solo reviews of mine are okay because the next episode is going to be something well, something I've been tempted to do for a while, and I'm very nervous to do it. We were supposed to do a few more recordings in L.A. than we thought we were going to, but then Oscar night went so well, and it went so my way that I ended up having a little bit too much fun. So Monday was a wash and nothing was recorded. And I am going to make up for that by recording something on my own and we're going to see how it all goes. But until then let us know what you think at W AIW underscore podcast. Watch that Oscar live show on our IG reels. Find us on Twitter, find us on Letterboxd. As always, thank you for listening and happy watching. Hey everyone. Thanks again for listening. You can watch my films and read my movie blog at Alex Withrow dot com Nicholas dose style dot com is where you can find all of Nick's film work. Send us mailbag questions at What Are You Watching podcast gmail.com or find us on Twitter, Instagram and letterboxd at w aiw underscore podcast next time is it's just going to be me. Good luck to us all. We're going to see how it goes. Stay tuned. Stay tuned. See how they rate this site down to number one. Back. Three canisters of Nerf gas were stolen from military trucks the night before last. They could have stuffed those inside him. And you know what? That means, don't you? The other five is going to pass gas one more time and.