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123: 2024 Oscars Recap

March 13, 2024 Alex Withrow & Nick Dostal

“My eyes see...Oppenheimer!" Alex, Nick, and friend of the pod, Dan, react to the 96th Academy Awards moments after the show ended. The guys discuss their favorite speeches, the best presenters, Jimmy Kimmel’s performance, the “Poor Things” mini wave, John Cena’s on-ramp, Al Pacino’s bewilderment, “Oppenheimer” winning big, and much more.
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Hey, everyone. Welcome to. What are you watching? I'm Alex with Throat. I'm joined by my best man, Nick, though. So how are you doing there? Al Pacino. what happened up there? I'm reading up and I'm ready. I sit up and I really tried it with my eyes. Not What's he supposed to read? The diabetes. Was he supposed to read well, like that? I don't know. So there can be an element to it. Not because, like they did, like, throughout the whole entire day on the movie. So, like, that does happen sometimes. But it did feel a little felt like he was a little lost. I felt like maybe the nominees were supposed to be read. But then again, I shudder to think how that could have gone, because now you. What about, like, Gillette, Gillette, the Oppenheimer movie? Yeah, I'm sitting up and I'm here. How are you feeling? I'm great. You're feeling righteous, man. That was righteous. That was a great show, wasn't it? As very good. my God, That was great. So, unfortunately, you were not $500 richer. And we did want to have Dan on here, but he is, I think, down his jaw from when I knocked him out from the bet, which I'll explain. But now. Okay. He's walking up to the mike. How you feeling, Dan Bracey okay. The bet was the bet was that if Nick there still gets more winners right than I do, then I give him $500. But if I get more winners right than Nick does, so does then. I don't punch Nick, though. So I punched Dan Bracey right in the face and that didn't happen. It's okay. It's okay. Everything's fine. Everything's fine. It's all good. I did when I got seven. Yes, you got 15. But at one point it came down to best song for us. It literally went down to best song. Yeah. And that was what separated it. And you know what? I'm it's wrong after that performance. After that damn performance, that amazing performance by the goose. It's a little awkward that he did that didn't win because that was like a huge that was a huge performance. And like, you got the standing O and everything. Did Billie Eilish's song get a standing up now? Probably. But I've been overall we've been this is the fourth show this we've done we've done four Oscar shows. This was easily the best not just because Oppenheimer did well, but I love the show. All told only 3 hours and 25 minutes, which is fast for the Oscars, but it's shorter than Killers of the Flower Moon. It is short. good call. Good call is shorter. Yes. Yeah. You could have finished the Oscars before the ceremony. And that's true. That's true. What do you think? The show overall? I thought it was good. Yeah, we had a great time. I thought the Well, I thought I thought the show was good. I thought the the opening monologue. Yes. Yeah. The jokes I didn't think were very good. They were like, even in a little safe, I think. Right. What do you think, Dan, of Kimmel? I thought he was fine. I mean, like you said, you tried to keep it even, like, not take over. Yeah. I just want to say thank you both for letting me sit down on this. I'm very grateful. So thank you. wow. A little sincerity there, then. Okay. Okay. I have rabbit have I have some empathy. We what we watch the show. You watch the show is Nick's favorite part was John Cena. Yes. Yes, that was that was a lot of fun. Yes. Was he really naked behind that big envelope? You probably had a sock. I don't know. That's like he's not afraid to kind of go to those places. Yeah. There's long standing stories of John Cena back in his day of just being kind of a wild child. And just so I don't. I don't know. Yeah, I don't think. I don't think I mean and also, like you could tell there was nothing really there. If it was anything, it was probably a sock. It was like that was a deep something. It was a deep, deep the on ramp, but it was the Dick City, big city that I, you know, as the show is going on, I was saying how much I think one of my least favorite things is the awkward banter with the presenters. And it can be so stuffy and it's like, move it along. That was a really good example of it. I don't think I've ever seen that before. Like, I thought that was hilarious. It was. You were laughing. It was. Yeah, it was hilarious. That was really good. I don't know. They were hit or misses with those throughout the night. There were some good present presenters that did good stuff and they're the ones that just really missed. Some were like, What the hell is going on here? But others just kind of moved it along. Yeah. Oppenheimer Yes, the movie of the year, well, it was seven wins. That's a lot. That's a like it's like, my God, here we got, we got picture director, actor, score, cinematography, editing, supporting actor. What a night. What a night. Yeah, I wish Alex you were wearing a pedometer because the amount of times you were pacing, I was very nervous, especially during the reporting sweep. Mini sweep. You were very nervous. Wait, it's a mini wave. This is bad. this isn't good. This isn't good for Oppenheimer. man. It's a mini wave. Thanks. Thanks. I appreciate that. It was a great impression. He was very passionate. Very passionate. I was I was pacing back and forth. I get nervous about this stuff. I get nervous. I don't know. All right, You want to start the bottom and do you do the shorts? I mean, I say this was this is a better experience than when I the only other actors I watch with which is Will Smith won. No, you've done two. You did. No, you did 2000 it though awards for 2018 like Olivia Colman won Green Book. Was I okay Rami Malek you were there and I got a bad memory. So I remember there was the slap won. Yes. You don't bring that up with the slap slap. No references to the slap tonight? No, no reference. The references, the streaker, the reference to 60 years ago. Yeah, I know. I thought they were telling that up to reference the slap. I thought they might, like, recreate it like they were trying to recreate the Chris Rock sentiment to slap someone. I was hoping that will happen eventually. That has to happen in Oscar ceremony. Eventually he's going to come out and present something. Right. But more time needs to happen. Yeah, it's way too soon. Yeah, they handled that well by not talking about it at all. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, cool. Let's go through it. Let's go through some of the visual effects. It's one you like a lot, too. We both, Nick and I both said that Godzilla minus one was going to win, and it won. And it was incredible. Celebrate because you love that movie. It thought I saw it three times in theaters. I'm not sure why, but it was great. Every time we saw it. And what happened so good happened. When you saw it the first time you cried, you saw. I saw like a baby. I think it was one of those like perfect storm moments. I don't know. I was like, I just I just I don't know what it was. It was a good build and just I was I think it's one of those like, right place, right time. Yeah. Yeah. Because I happen to me when I saw Toy Story four and they were like that was Toy Story four was kind of very divisive. But I like I sobbed during that movies, but I don't know, it was like the perfect storm of like, like perfect time, perfect setting. I don't know what it was like. Godzilla. It was like Godzilla minus one. First time, second time. Terry Third time, black and white. I love black and white. I fucking love the black and white. So glad that won though. I think you said it. Elizabeth I was like, Godzilla. You're like, It's called Godzilla. Minus one minus color. So yeah, yeah, but that was so great, that one. I loved it. I loved it, I loved it. Film editing. We go to Oppenheimer. Yeah, it's called Jennifer Love. I thought she gave a great speech. she. It was quick. Very sweet. Yeah, very, very meaningful. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was very cool. And she announced to the room as it was going on that she edited Tenet as well. And I guess some people you knew that, but some of the other people we were watching it with No didn't. But yeah, that's cool. I mean she said that Tenet was a harder edit than Oppenheimer, which I think is just hilarious. But I mean, how could it not be right? I mean, it's crazy. Yeah, that's new. Imagine the production design we got wrong. You killed Barbie to win it. I called, but we both called win it, and it went to poor things. And yes, this is where. Thank you for that lovely impression. I thought that poor things like a mini wave. And it did. It was. But when it made that wave and it won those three, I looked to you and I said, Amazon is winning actress. Yeah, but you weren't sure. of course I'm not sure. I'm just going with my heart. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we'll get to that, okay? Yeah, but. But do you feel good about poor things winning production design like deserve to. Yes, absolutely. I'm happy you won all of those costumes, too. Yeah. I mean, I honestly. I think Barbie, I don't know. I guess. I guess my heart really went more to Barbie for costumes, Like. I mean, it was. Yeah, Yeah. For all just the work that went in. But poor things did have really good costumes, so I'm not unhappy with that win. And I'm glad that poor things has more Oscars. I'm this crowd. Really. COOPER one Nothing, Maestro. 102 Yeah, yeah. Because my next award is Maestro, or rather, makeup. Would you thought it might go to Maestro. Yeah. And then poor things. I was like, well, you said on our Oscar episode that could be in second place because of Willem Dafoe. But yeah, that was the big surprise. I went, okay, well, you've won three back to back to back. Yeah. Because they did them all in a row. Yeah. Auction design, makeup and costume. And I was like, my God, what's happening? I was getting nervous. First. I thought my picture had a whole ceremony. Was a Schwarzenegger veto talking to Keaton. that was a great son of a bitch. That was great. What what awards were those for? I forget. Great. You both thought that that was it. I don't remember it, too. It was. It was too short, Intimate? No. Was it worth it, The screenplays? No. No, it wasn't really. I don't know. It's. But it was really like Keaton. Being a Keaton is a good sport. Playing along. Keaton Play along. That was probably my my favorite presenters. Schwarzenegger and Dan. Yeah, they were the I think the presenters for. Yeah. He's kept saying son of a bitch over it over you to be a bitch who's in class Action hero class action hero got on it Jesus sound will move right up the sound. Which you got right. That's right. You called the zone of interest. I said it was going to go to Oppenheimer and it did go to the zone of interest. Rightly so. Yeah. When are you going to see that movie? I am going to see it tomorrow. Okay, well, I'll be here tomorrow. So you watch together. How would the light? Have you seen it? Would you ever see a lot of interest? Yeah, it's probably one of those were like. I mean, I saw Schindler's List once, so let's. Yes, one more Holocaust movie. Okay. Okay, I'll now be it. You ought to be. You capped off. I'm capped. This is like I'm not going to keep rewatching Irreversible like, every Sunday. But no, it's like it's a no, it's like a fucked up movie. So, like, I'm not going to, like, go out on a fucking movie. I'm going to fuck a fucked up movie. Like, I'm not going to like it. I'm not even like, I'm going to watch your commercials once a month. I like I can watch them versus once. Don't even want to appreciate it as a film. Yes, yes. I think it's like Requiem. I saw it once in college. Done right? Yes, I don't need to keep going. That's a one time or and off. Yeah. I almost have three car accidents after that. Would you like watch it. Someone's house. I know. I watched it at home and then I was in college and I had to go to a rehearsal. I was in a play, so I did drive from my place to to the campus. Okay. I almost died three times because I couldn't concentrate on the road. Kept hearing the story because I was so fucked up from the movie. I was just. I was just totally like it. So I'm driving. I ran a red light, right? Like I dare to have one car just zoomed right by me, and I. And I just go, Holy shit, I have to, like, fucking get it together because I'm going to die. But no, I think like zone of interest is as a film I would watch once. Appreciate it. Yeah, that's. You said that. I know. I'm just reiterating it. No, I appreciate the reiteration. I do. Original song is a bit of a bit of a controversy because there's no denying that I'm just Ken was the performance of the night like it was the showstopper. It was last everyone stood up. It was great. I also thought the houses song was done really well, very well. But I'm just can like stop the it's up the house, you know the house did not win but it's it's like you can't vote like American Idol it's like kind of like you can't, you know. Well, thank God. No, I know. But I'm saying that would have been just Ken for sure. Yeah. Yeah. We were voting on performance. Yeah, but the Billie Eilish song won, which I did predict we flipped on that flip flop. Yeah. Yeah. Because I thought initially it was going to be just the John Petty song was very beautiful. The song I did, it was a good performance. Yeah. Yeah. But what did you think about that? What do we think about the best song? You know, performances, all that shit? Well, I think, I think the the performance was just one of the best parts of the whole entire show. He was so into it. I mean, he just went for it. And all the other actors that were part of Bobby that were up there and slash shows up, I mean, that's crazy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he's like, in the crowd, like it was a rock star moment. And. And Billie Eilish song winning. I'm not opposed to it winning, but it is like, I don't know I feel like, you know, is the Academy like, ah, we're going to play a big, big production for this. I'm just kidding. Yeah. And then, but then we're going to give it to another one who's already won. Like she just won. But yeah, yeah, I thought it was a little awkward. Like how the the showstopper of I'm just can't in the night yet. just give it to what was I made for but whatever. I don't know it was fine and I like what was I made for. As I know, I know you said you liked it. You said it was a better song, and I'm just kidding. Yeah. Flamin Hot. No chance. Original score. Thank God. Oppenheimer would Goranson. Yeah, Totally deserved it. I was. I was nervous before that, but I'm so happy one. So happy. Yeah. International international feature. Yeah. Good speech by Jonathan. interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Like one of the few political speeches of the night. I mean, the next word is documentary feature. So that was political as well. But yeah, it was a good speech. I'm so glad Jonathan Glazer has an Oscar. God, I love him. Have you seen any of his movies? Sexy Beast, Birth and Under the Skin? No, I mean, there's no no there. Skins for the most accessible is Johansen. It's definitely not accessible. It's probably one of the least. His most accessible is Sexy Beast by the Skin Might be the most that people enjoy because of her. Yeah, that's what I mean. Yeah. Yeah. There's not an accessible movie. That's nuts. I like it a lot. I do too. I do too. Yeah, Don't get me wrong, But it's out there. I have a sweet speech that burns. It's great. Yeah. It's so weird. It's so good. So good documentary feature. Yeah. 20 days. And Mayor Pool did end up winning. Does it have you have this amazing speech? Yeah, amazing speech. But, yeah, that was heavy. That, like, stopped us cold in the room. We were all listening and kind of waiting in bated breath to see what he would say. And they showed like before the In Memoriam, they showed that the only clip in the documentary last year, now he has died very recently. I was like, got him. I mean, In Memoriam was good. You know, it's always good. There's always a few surprises on there. And it's weird to say, but it's true. We were like, wow, look at this. I wonder how they choose which actors speak in the memoriam. The bigger ones speak. Like for the clips Paul Reubens did. Obviously it's like I was in the more mainstream actors. They let speak like a long Yeah, but then Matthew Perry had no dialog, right? So how do you define what mainstream is? Yeah yeah like he does make Pee-Wee did obviously Paul Reubens did. Yeah, a couple others did. But I guess it just depends on how other clout. I guess I never really thought about that. That's a really good point because some do. Yeah. Yeah. They're not. I don't think they're timed. I just think it's more like they're not bigger like 5 seconds the bigger ones because yeah, Richard Lewis didn't speak. It was like, was like right. He was shot from men in tights, which was very weird for Richard. Yeah, Yeah, very weird. Yeah. They were going through some farce. Yeah, that's a good call. He spoke. I don't remember. I wasn't tracking that animated feature. I got this one wrong. You got it right. I don't know why I got them, but I thought Spider beat across the spider-verse when. But it went to the boy in the hair and they weren't there. They didn't collected both. Yeah, Dan and I both think when the hearing was fine. Yeah, Yeah, we'll talk about it because none of us here have seen it. I like it. I mean, I tried to, you know, I tried to look for a screening subtitle. For some reason, it was very hard to find in L.A. It was dubbed I mean, Robert Pattinson's great. You can't tell him as the heron. It is weird. I just it's a good it meets Miyazaki's so it's beautiful but it's I just personally thought and I've talked to a lot of my friends about it, the third act kind of goes nuts. Like confusing. That's not confusing. There's that there's a I don't want to ruin it. There's there's a plot like this is a bit in like halfway through, which I assume is like a one off, but then they keep going with it and it will make sense if you see it. But I just, I just feel like I personally connected more with robot dreams. Yeah. I mean, I didn't see Bourne the Heron, but I it was, it was good. I just I just knew it was Miyazaki. It's going to be. It's going to. It's going to win. Yeah. It was Miyazaki always going to be Spider-verse. Probably. But it was robot dreams. It was just. It's just. I feel like it had more heart. Yeah. It's just not. There are so many. Obviously. I think Miyazaki's older stuff is better, which is, Well, he won for Spirited Away, which is great. Yeah, if one hand was fine. Yeah, it's gorgeous. Like there's the animation is, is really good but I just think robot dreams is just, I don't know I really got something It does in the fact there's no dialog just it's like an hour and a half of no dialog and pulls it off. It does. It's, it's very good. I'm going to see it tomorrow. So he's got double double feature. It's going to take it off of interest and Robot dreams. Wow. Adapted Screenplay. I don't know why I ended up choosing this. I don't know why it was open. It was American fiction. Barbie Oppenheimer. Poor things. His own of interest. It was a last minute decision that I went with American fiction. I don't know why. And, well, winning. I loved him. I mean, but yeah, the gods wanted to come down and have Danny get punched in the face because this is this is the award that screwed it all up for me. This was unlocked. This was the key. Unlocked? Yeah. And I had a feel, but I. But I would have never guessed that American fiction was going to win it. I don't know. I just felt like it'd been getting a lot of good buzz. I. I don't know anyone who's seen that movie been like I wasn't for me, no one. Most people aren't like, Wow, best movie of the year, but everyone likes it. Yeah, it's good and it is well written. And I loved the speech. His speech was so good. Like you can do a movie for 200 million, but you can mess up. Yeah. What if you did, what, like ten movies for 10 million or something? Whatever. He was doing math pretty quick because he was like 54 for four. And I was like, I would never got there. Hell, no, I wouldn't. I would have started doing Scott Steiner math. And he didn't. I mean, he didn't read. It was great. It was great. You know, it didn't have a piece of paper. I loved it. I loved it. That one. I You're going to watch that tomorrow? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah. Tomorrow. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Tomorrow. Wow. Okay. Original screenplay. Why don't you tell us about your evolution with this one? Because you. You've called this out pretty much from the beginning. Well, I'm just right. I'm okay. I'm always right. I'm always right. I'm the best. You're always right. Okay, so as the guy says, the guy who doesn't win $500, I mean, I mean, this has just been winning the whole entire time, though. I do. I think this category is great. I still love that. Made December and Past lives got nominated. I did think is between this and the holdovers he was going to take it and but anatomy of a fall I think it's just you're spinning languages and you just really have a tight plot ripped psychologically taut. Yeah yeah. It was great. It was great. And you called that. That was going to be the only award that it won. And what else did I call? I don't know. I think I called up quite a bit. Did you? Then how did I get more? Right? Yeah, okay. I was right about a certain a certain winner. A certain winner, that one. So we already covered it. Once you said it was going to win eight I said was going to win. You use it as a key to unlock what was the one key ally that prevented it from a dead. So confused. You're off the rails. I remember. I'm not going inside either of you. I conscious as a conscientious objector. I have said when we did our last episode that Oppenheimer I think, was going to win seven. You said 817. I would have rather you didn't think Oppenheimer is going to win because what I would do was on the paper I was more nervous than shit. But we're here. We're here. I would have. I would have rather gotten punched in the face than see Nick win $500. Wow. What does that mean? This is great. We got to keep playing to keep the streak down. Yeah. Before we get to the big one, I will say, though, based off of how close? Well, I mean, go. I will say I. This is the closest it's been between you two ever. yeah, yeah, yeah. So, I mean, I know since based off of this year, next year, Nick could take it. not, not double, double or nothing Gunnar. But that was double or triple double thousand. What does that mean for you to punch him in the face? I'm coming to get you the hospital. Stay. Yeah. I mean, 17. Is it so. Yeah. It's okay for me. I should go. I should go. So humble. You know, I just. I didn't expect to say I got 15. Okay, So you seen 15? That's not what you said last year. You were like, ten off. It was. So you did it last year? I didn't do that well because I did not predict the all quiet on the Western Front. It just like storm rolled when three in a row. And I'm like, What the hell? Yeah, I didn't expect that. Yeah, yeah. We're, we're, I don't remember what the scores were last year though. The score were you were right one but you don't know or swing the two. You weren't that close last year. no I was. No we, you had like we didn't really Nelson on the pod. I think I got like 13 or 14 and you got like ten. I think. Yeah. Yeah. Because he didn't. I believe that everything everywhere was going to be a big winner. It didn't win muster, didn't win. It didn't win anything. But I remember who won COTA Well, yeah, God, I before we get to the big ones, what do we think of Kimmel? How do you do? I mean, we talked to it. Yeah, like he was okay, but do you want, like, the host to be, like, to take the spotlight, put put the spotlight on them with their remarks? I don't know. Well, the thing is, is like I don't recall him doing this the last time. So I feel like a lot of this was the choice of the writers for the show because, like, I think, you know, when you're a part, like when you're the host, you just kind of go and play ball. It didn't really seem like his humor either. So I was sort of like, I so I think this is just what the show wanted to do, right? And pretty even safe. Yeah, I think some of the stuff that he did that was best was the stuff that you could tell that was just off the cuff like it would with Robert Downey Jr In the beginning. Yeah. Drugs? No. So that was I was like, okay, you could tell. Like he just kind of started to go a little out of bounds with it, but it was really great. I then the tweet from Trump, my God, yeah. I mean that we haven't even about it. That's true. Yeah. We don't know if that's true, but I couldn't believe he did that. Let's just say it is. Yeah. Because it probably is right and real. That would be real. It's real. We're getting confirmation something and it's real and. And yeah. And so, like, I was like, well, that's a good way to kind of step out and be like, All right, guys, I'm taking the reins. I'm gonna go out here and just kind of improv this moment because that is too good to not bring out, right? Do I call it out? You're the host. Is like in real time. Be like he said this. All right, What the hell did he say again? Is anyone know it's anyone? TRUMP Yeah, like what about how he is the worst host in that? Like, George, I don't giving up, I guess should have done it. Or Snuffleupagus. George Snuffleupagus, Yes, something like that. She's correct. But then we missed what Kimmel said because we were we did in the crowd. We had the crowd. We were like, What? What just happened? Yes. That's something we'd have to walk back and listen to. Yeah, that was funny though. But yes, I thought he did. This is his third time doing it. He's had the two envelope gate that was his year, and then he did last year, which was very kind of like getting everything back on board. yes. Make everything. Even last year was like the safest show. It was so safe. Yeah, it was so, like, just even keeled. Yeah, it was good. Dentist. Wow. He's on the spot, right? Yeah. Now he's doing good. Well, how about you and I get into actor in a supporting role here? We did talk a lot that if someone was going to steal is going to be the rough, but it ended up being who pretty much everyone thought was going to be down. And it was a good speech. It was the best speech of this campaign season. Yes. Award season. Yeah. I thought that was great. I if you could tell like it meant a lot to him. Yeah. And he was still him about it, right? I mean, it was obviously it was kind of a perfect way for him to do it. Yeah. The dedication to his wife was great, but yeah, he did. He did a good job. I do think it was his best speech and. Yeah, well, we'll see if he gets nominated or ever, ever wins again. I don't know. Maybe he will. Do I think he's going to get nominated again. Yeah. Yeah. Nominate is one, especially because he's probably going to take on some leads pretty soon. I think that's that's got to be the next move Right now the diamond some take on some dramatic leads. He's going to cruise it. He's going to cruise. he's going to go cruise. And they go Tom Cruise on Cruise Can love Cruise. Cruise is going back to drama. Yeah. Did you hear that? His next movie is with Inarritu, Birdman, The Revenant. Yeah, that's I don't know what the hell. I don't even he doesn't even care. He's ready. I don't know. He's a bit of a control freak. Both of them are. So we're going to see what happens. I can't wait for that. I don't know. We're going to see Cruise Best actor. Fuck yeah. 27. I don't know. Actress in a supporting role, we all knew who would be the Divine jury, and she was crying in her introduction and they were doing Yeah, she was great. She handled it so well. Great speech. Great speech. Which great speech. Which thing? Think that speech, Dan, whose divine jury brand of speech was very. It was a first. I could tell that she never anything written. It was very from the heart. It was very personal to her. Her character arc has been I mean, I did see holdovers, so I don't know, but you could just tell she's very humbled, which I love. She but it's one of those really I think even she knew she was going to win because basically. But yeah, obviously it's so it's probably so surreal. It's not you're not going to realize it. She maybe still doesn't know. It's still like kind of she might be on cloud nine. Yeah, like disassociating. But yeah, it was it was a very beautiful speech. You tell us. Very genuine. Yes, you. I like it cause she was the most, I think, out of all the winners, the most inexperienced and the most green. And so the most innocent. And you could tell she hadn't been touched by Hollywood. And it was kind of just like a like a new kid, like winning a toy or something for the first time. Well said. Look, it's you sure In the beanie nail. Nail in the tail. You got to hold out. He did. He, too, got a hold of it. I agree. I agree. She's he passed away from the table and comes back. I want to leave. I want to just finish it because this is more your show than mine. So I was going to be I said, Well, we love having you here. The fans love you. You can leave. You know, the big ones here, don't leave. We're getting the big ones. Actor in a leading role. was I really dancin? I did, yeah. I really didn't know Johnny. I didn't. Do you, Marty or Killian murphy? It was Killian Murphy. I love it. Very happy. Very, very happy with everything that's. This goes on from here on out. I've had a man crush on him for years. really? Since Sunshine. I loved him. How do you. Two days later? He's great. Yeah? Yeah. Great movie. Sunshine starts the crush. He was good. I loved him in Quiet place Part two. He is good in that. Yeah, I mean, it was fine. Isabelle. It's like the. Yeah, he's. I mean, he's. Yeah, I mean, obviously, you know, no one loves him, so he's in all Nolan's movies, but he's great. I mean, I even watch Batman Begins a long time, but he's good as Scarecrow. not lying. Not that one. Not that one. But, yeah, he's just been a Yeah, I mean, yeah, he's good. He seemed very honestly, a little surprised and, like, a little overwhelmed. Yeah. I love. Yeah, I thought. Thought his speech was great. I was so happy. Marnie was so close the whole time, and he had to have known that. Yeah, I mean, I loved it. Yeah, I love Giamatti, I should say. Crying during divine speech. It was great. It was great. And he walked her up on stage. You a classy, classy, classy move. I love that. I love that. Yeah. So best actor. Got it. Went our way. Best actress. Of the major categories was the hardest to call all night. I one you guys got it wrong. I know we both said that we Gladstone Well as the poor things many ways was starting I'd look to you it Nick and I said she's going to win actress but I still even as it was going on I didn't like believe it and then it went that way. How do you feel? But she didn't believe it either. Yes, she did. Yes, I would say the most surprised, the most shocked speech of the night, which is wild because she already has an Oscar. But Right. Like maybe the most surprised. How do you feel about like I mean, I'm just really happy because I just really feel like the especially when it comes to the acting here in both categories for lead actor and actress is that I felt like the work got recognized. Those were genuinely my two favorite performances of the year, which is this has never happened before. Like my two favorite acting performances, my favorite director, my favorite picture of the year. They win. It's it's never happened. it was great. Yeah, I did like it, too. Would have been great would cause Lily Gladstone won of course, but Emma Stone getting her second, it's like, wow. And she was just stunned. And she really believed that she was shocked and she and she's just assembling for herself like a body of work that's going to be like she's going she keeping this up. I mean, she's going to be an all timer. I said in our Poor things part that I think she's our new Meryl. I think that's I think she's going to step into that. She's so young and has two Oscars. It's crazy. Is three. There's only one person who has three. That's Frances McDormand. She has three and then one person has four, which is Katharine Hepburn two. She has four. Will that ever since? I don't know. Supporting? No, no, no. I'm talking leads. Leigh She's all right. Yeah, but Katharine Hepburn's last Oscar was a tie. The only time best actress has been a tie is she tied with Barbra Streisand? Yes. Tie with votes, right? Right, Exactly. Shit. A lot of people call bullshit, right? Yeah. Yeah, A lot of people call bullshit. What year was that? I think 67. Because it was funny girl. And the lie in. In winter line, in the wardrobe line in winter, something like that. Yeah. The tie. And it's like it's I just know it's the lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, but you know, it's like the lion in winter or maybe I'm just way off. I don't know. But no, I think it was that time. But like, yeah, how do you at that time there would have been like 2500 members of the give them two Oscars are cut in half millennium to us. Okay Yeah they split it up. Yeah it's one and one because that was Barbra Streisand's first movie and Cat one of Katharine Hepburn. Not last. Wow. Yeah, went on. But we can move anyway. We can move on this one one win for. I doubt it. We can move on. Thank you, Nicholas. We feel good about Emma Stone winning best director, Christopher Nolan. Thank God. Thank God. I loved it. He needed a win. It was great. It was a lark. As you said, he's a man of few words, man. Yeah, he always is man of few words, but I thought he handled it really well. I just loved it. I loved all the speeches. And then best picture. What's it like? That speech? What? The best pictures. Whoa. Who the hell was the second guy? So this right, all this happens. All the time with best picture that the producers get up there. And, you know, Emma Thomas has been a big part of this narrative because, yeah, she's produced every Nolan movie. They are married, they have children together, all this and that. Guys like you could tell you one didn't want to speak. No one gave a damn. Well, no Nolan and one direct Zach spoke also speaking. Yeah. He doesn't need to speak, but, like, I don't even know who that guy was, but I guess he's. How do you say he produced five of five? Okay, so let's work for syncope, I guess. But, yeah, maybe. I mean, he must work for Nolan, but that always that does tend to happen. Like, there's been some talk about this, like, should we change best pictured where someone else is giving the speech? Because no one knows who these producers are like. And the last person to talk on stage at the show, I've no idea who that guy is. And I spotted his glasses. yeah? I can tell you, they really Bob bugged me. Bugged you? Bugged? And he's like, lurking and, like, trying to get a word in, like, the BAFTA winner with that guy standing behind him. It was like you took the seven wins. As I said, supporting actor, editing, cinematography, score, actor, director, picture ties, everything everywhere, which won seven last year. A lot of movies have won seven. Eight is hard. It is very hard to get to. But no, I didn't think you would get there. When eight Who's won eight? The last one was Slumdog Millionaire in 2008. That was the last movie to win eight Oscars. Yes, that was 15 years ago. So I didn't think you thought it might reach eight. Yeah, but it was the key. The key? The key. The adapted screenplay. He didn't think it was going to do that. I think it was going to win. I don't know. All right. Favor it real quick as we close out here. Favorite, you know, like speech, word moment ending. Who Favorite speech? It doesn't have to be won. Give me a couple spots. Let me go first. You know, you go first. I'll go first. I love the adapted screenplay. I loved him. yeah. He was very good. I love that. Yeah, I loved Emma Stone. I really thought she was genuinely surprised. And I need to, you know, play the tape back. But was she the only acting winner that sank the other nominees? Was she the one which is. Which is a classy move? And I get that. Maybe not everyone remembers to do that, but Killian did. Yeah, he did kill. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. It's classy Move. I love that. I always, always love that. Yeah, I like Downey's a lot, actually. Downey Yeah. Yeah, it surprised me. I'll put it that way. I mean, the visual effects are always great because I was like, Could they not get a translator? But it was, it was just, you know, powering through it. I love it. I love getting to him. Yeah. Yeah. I love it. I love it. I mean, visual effects. That was a great. Yeah, that was great. It was great. What about you First one. First one was supporting actress. Yeah. You like? Yeah, he didn't. Well, he stuck on it. He likes her. She's great compared to the Oscars that we've covered on this show. How does this rank? I mean, well, I mean, I think this is overall as a show and as the winners. I think this is the best. Yeah, I agree. I agree. We had so much more to talk about like two years ago with all my go with the Slap. Yeah, that was that was the only and then we talked about it's on this episode and even the one before that that was the or not was one wasn't Steven Soderbergh. Yeah. That was the 2021. Yeah. That was the first one we did. Which was what. Union Station. Yeah. And they did Best Actor. Laughs. Yeah. I mean, it's just sort of like so like these dudes that everyone has to go to. Chadwick Boseman, who lost very young, very tragically, and everyone thought this actor was going to go to him. So then they moved best actor last, which is a flex. Yeah, Make best actor. The last award of the night was last, Last, last, last picture is done. Jersey Shore Nomadland, Chloé Zhao. They've won like it's done. It's actor wasn't even there and he was not in their actors last month He gets on stage he like opens the envelope and he's like what Anthony Hopkins and starts looking around like, Is he here? He doesn't say that, but it's like is year that it's like the office of the show. He just basically is like Anthony Hopkins could not be here, but it looks that there was in the credits. It was good night to say it. I can cut it out. So it wasn't like Chadwick could be there anyway. So it's just like, please come through. Definitely not going to go, Jesus Christ. No, he could not be there. Stands on the floor now and embarrassment I thought you might want to take away from Oscar night. I wish he would. I wish you would. I really want to watch Field of Dreams now. well, there's a lady. Lady of. It's like, That was great. What's that sound? And he just like, Yeah, I love Field of Dreams. I've never seen it. I've never seen it. It inspired me to watch it, though. He's like this. The rules of ghost baseball. It was. Yeah. It's a magic movie. It's a magic. I've always heard it's whimsical. lovely. Just saw it. For what? It's great. Yet James Earl Jones. Costner. It's my favorite. Costner's Exactly. yeah, for sure. He's up there. Oscars 20, 24. Oscars for the movies in 2023. Loved it. Final thoughts? I do think this is my favorite show that we've been doing since. Well, because your favorite movie, The Year finally won, which has never happened to me my entire life and my entire life. My favorite movie of the year has never one can retire seeing movies now because you're hiring the last. This is the last podcast. Labor Day. What do I do? What do I do if I'm not movies? What do I focus my energy at? Theater. Theater. And that's a big thing. And next, Next Great Neck Crush. I couldn't do it. Yeah, I got hired for one play once. And guess what happened? I got fired. So it's a true story. Nick's laughing because he knows all the details involved you haven't made in Hollywood. So you get fired for fucking job. That's all I remember now. I remember that. Yes. It was terrible. Not going to namedrop. Thank you. That would cut. Yes. I'm not cut out for theater. I'll put it that way. Loved it. Love. You would have done fine if there was circumstances. I don't. Yeah, I don't. Well, yeah, I guess we'll leave it there. I think I would have done okay. Yeah. Think there was extenuating circumstances. Anyway, tough year. Wow. that was fun. Thanks, guys. Welcome. Thanks for doing this for us. With us, Dan? Yeah, yeah, with us with the great and good and evil. Well, now, son of a bitch. Well, he was doing Glenn Powell. We were close. I know, but okay, they're replaying the Oscars. I'm watching. I'm actually shocked they didn't cut it. Ron Paul once in the theater. Orson, you think he was there? Do you think they were there? I think so. The was not there. We we as we debated if you would be there. He's not there. He's he's better off. That's probably why Lily Glass didn't went yes the Emily Blunt Ryan Gosling presenter That was that was fun. They were great Very fun. Going to be on You can tell. Yeah. We'll fall Guy Yeah. Yeah. You excited for it? I think it was bad. It's it's about a stuntman who's got which is fine. Okay. Much as any stuntman, I'd rather watch and be a stuntman in place beyond the Pines. He's kind of a stuntman and drive. All right. Is that it? Do you have any other final thoughts on the Oscars? On the Academy Awards? We'll see everyone next year for the Academy Awards. How about you? They're not going to be this good next year because the strike delayed everything. June two is going to sweep June two. I don't know. Is it, though? I mean, you've seen it. I hope not. Let us know what you thought about the Oscars on Twitter, Instagram letterbox at W AIW underscore podcast. But as always, thanks for listening and happy watching. Hey everyone. Thanks again for listening. You can watch my films and read my movie blog at Alex Withrow. Dot com Nicholas dose dot com is where you can find all of Nick's film work. Send us mailbag questions at What are you watching podcast at gmail.com or find us on Twitter, Instagram and letterboxd at w aiw underscore podcast. That was a fun episode. A bit inappropriate given our guest Dan teased it already. But next time the three of us are back to discuss our shared love of John Mctiernan's last action hero. Love that movie. And real quick, I was a little off on my best actress stats. Frances McDormand does have three and Katharine Hepburn does have four. But that infamous best Actress tie was in 1968. Hepburn won for The Lion in Winter. Barbra Streisand won for Funny Girl. But that was Hepburn's third win. Her fourth and final win was in 1981 for on Golden Pond, which had slipped my mind that what a career. Thanks again for listening.