What Are You Watching?
A podcast for people who LOVE movies. Filmmakers/best friends, Alex Withrow and Nick Dostal, do their part to keep film alive. Thanks for listening, and happy watching!
What Are You Watching?
M83 at the Shrine in Los Angeles
The guys recount seeing Alex’s favorite band, M83, together at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles on October 10, 2023. This is a random podcast episode to help preserve one of the most memorable nights of Alex’s life.
Listen to Alex’s previous story about M83 here.
Listen to the official audio of M83’s “Mirror” here.
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Happy, happy, happy. Not so happy. That may not be. Not so. Hey, everyone. Welcome to a very special edition of What are you watching? I'm Alex Withrow, and I'm joined by my best man, Nick Dostal. How you doing there, brother? Man? Oh, brother. Keeping it sincere for this one, it's all sincerity. More like. What are you listening to today? Yeah. Yeah, I'll be okay. So why are we doing this episode as this weird bonus episode? We are together. We're in person when we are together. We always record podcasts and usually, you know, commentaries. And these podcasts are about movies because this is a movie podcast. However, however and that's what we were going to do today, but today is October 11th, 2023. And last night Nick and I went to see my favorite band, M83, at the Shrine in Los Angeles, and it was an experience, to say the least. And it was so important, certainly to me. But then when we got out of the show last night, you were like, We have to part about this. Like, we have to preserve this. We have to keep this memory. And I'm like, Yeah, let's do it. So the only thing we're going to do here is recount our experience at a concert last night and how it turned into one of the what I imagine will be one of the most memorable nights of my life. Truly, it was sensational. So we're going to go through it. But yeah, this is just this is going to last 5 minutes or 25. Who knows? We're just we're here talking about ourselves. We're sharing parts of our lives with you, that's all. Who are we kidding? We're going to be here for at least 3 hours. No, not for 3 hours. Song number one. No, it was it. So I mean, just to set it up a little bit, I in episode 98, our favorite movie directors, I use my Woody watching portion to really talk about what this band means to me. I can hear my voice. I know it's like a little hoarse. It's hilarious, screaming so loud last night what the man means to me, how they have helped me through a lot of situations. I was very nervous to put that out. I remember sharing that with you, being like, I don't know, this is very personal, and the response that I've gotten from people has been very kind, very supportive, which is which is it's really great. And, you know, I just wanted to share that by way of saying that I love this band. I don't know why I connect with them so much. I connect with them more than I've connected with any movie. It's crazy. So I've been they are on a tour and I've been following them around. I've seen them the I had already seen them three times on this tour and then they went to Europe. And what they always do is they come back and do one or two shows in L.A. to finish out their tour. That's where they're all from. And I knew I was going to go to the show, which happened to be the Shrine. The problem was that I was going to be in Paris for a week right before, so I literally flew back from Paris, landed at like 4 p.m., slept until 8 a.m., got up, got on a flight to LAX. This is that was on Monday and the show is on Tuesday. So I'm just like, I don't even know where my brain is, that where my head's at. But that's what the band means to me. I had to make the trek. I mean, that's You scoured all the ends of the earth. My God, Seriously? Fucking yeah. Traverse like the damn globe just to get to the show. Okay, so we're obviously very excited and, you know, it's my favorite band, so I kind of splurged on seats and we were in the very first row and below us like a few Steps Down is a pit. And so I'm the type of person where I'm like, I can't like, stand up during a show if everyone behind us is going to be seated because I want to block everyone. So I was nervous about that and I can be shy about that. And I was telling you that, you know, sharing it with you in your life and, you know, as people are sitting down, we're around like a bunch of really cool people, all different ages, like great crowd. And when the first song came on, which is an instrumental song, you were like, Just stand up and don't sit down, don't sit down, just stand up the whole time. And it worked because everybody stood the whole time. And then by like the second or third song, things start to kind of change in our group. And maybe you can describe this, but people start like talking to me a lot and like tapping me on the shoulder, which and this has never happen to me. Everything I'm about to describe in this episode has never happened. But yes, it was strange. A good way. Yeah. I mean, Vogue, going back to this kind of like when we arrived and you being a little bit nervous about. I just. I hate seats in concert. I know. Me too. I think it's really dumb. Yeah. I mean, unless you're sitting there to watch like a philharmonic orchestra. Sure, sure. But the idea of, like. Oh, like in stadiums, like it's. You're either in the pit or you don't need to be moshing or anything, but you're in a standing thing because you're supposed to move. Yeah. You're at a music show dance in whatever form or fashion. It's however, the music goes, travels into your body and like how you express it. Some people sway, some people actually dance. Whatever it does, you should have the freedom to move how you like. And seats make it a little weird because now all of a sudden you have to worry about the people behind you, right? Are they going to be sitting? Are they going to be older? Are we going to block their view? So I knew that I was like, well, we're just going to if worst comes to worst, we're just going have to talk to them. Yeah. And just be like, Hey, we're going to be standing. Just to let you know, you didn't really need to explain anything, but it's just courtesy. So it's very yeah, it's a nice thought to be conscientious and aware of your fellow people, but fortunately, there were no one really behind us. Yeah, that's true. And we got a couple of photographers for, like, the opening act. Yeah, And, and I'm looking around, I think. I don't think anyone's going to be sitting here, but as soon as the show went on. Yeah, I was like, All right, just stand up and just don't sit down. Set the precedent. So if anyone's is behind you, they're going to be like, Oh, well, these guys are standing. And we were by far like anyone who was around us knew like, these guys are never going to sit down because we were dancing around. We were going crazy. Yes, But yeah, and then this is the coolest thing for me was, well, also, I guess I should kind of maybe go back even further to my connection. I'm 83 is only because of you. Sure. I mean, I knew who they were because of Midnight City. Right? Right. And and I always dug them, but I had never really dived into their music until you started talking about them in the way that you see life through, like their music and like. Like when you're editing your movies or even when you're looking at, like, life, you you have the soundtrack of that bear. True. It's so cool. I don't know if there's a bigger compliment you could probably give a musical artist than to, like, I see the world through your music. So every time I listen to M83, I'm always kind of thinking on like, like a view and what like this song must make you feel because they are a band that their music, it's not they're not traditional songs in a lot of ways. Like Midnight City is Right, right. Their biggest hit by far. Yeah. But they're they're a tone, They're a mood. They're a vibe, if you will. But but it's atmospheric and there's there's space to live in the emotion of just the sound. Right. All of this is to say the first time we went to go see them, I'm. I'm going everywhere. Do it. Do it. This is 2016 October at the Greek, which is this is the exact same show like I had seen them earlier in that on that tour, like three or four shows. And they ended in L.A. They did the same thing in 2013 when I saw them at the Hollywood Bowl. It's it's a thing that they do. So. Yeah, but you and I did see that Greek show together. Yeah. And I could not have imagined the difference between them listening to their music on like Spotify or however you listen to your music, but then seeing them live. Yeah. I mean, it's an experience. It really, really is. It's an emotional, spiritual, almost cathartic release of a show. You have to really take it in and let it wash over you. And the way that they pace their set, the moods and there's time to dance with and there's time to cry to bring it down and and, and they really, really have a structured way of they're taking care of you as an audience. They're taking care of you. So when you wanted to do this, I was so thrilled because I hadn't seen them since then, right? So and then knowing that you get particularly involved in these shows, I mean, ladies and gentlemen, Alex is a it turns into something someone else. I can't explain it other than like when we when we sat down that couple next to us, they were a bit older. They were like late forties, early fifties. And the first thing she said was the I love coming to these shows because they're a spiritual experience. And I was like, You and I are going to get along. And then I told them, I said, My name is Alex. The person you're talking to now is like a normal person of sound, mind and body. But as soon as the show starts, something's going to change. And I can't help myself. A lot of screaming a lot of enthusiasm. And I kind of told that to a few people around us. And yeah, by Song two, every time I would just catch someone's eye, they were looking at me like laughing or like thumbs up cheering me on. And that's what started this train of people talking to me in between songs. Yeah, this is what's really cool about this whole entire thing, and I think we've set it up enough to kind of know, like, as, like for you listeners, like what the situation is. Yeah, I'm a very, very enthusiastic audience member. I'm always dance and I'm headbanging. I'm doing all of this. But next to me was you, and you were just like the music was doing something to you and you were not denying at all how to express that. Yeah, and I think there's a cool message here to anyone. Now, you weren't being weird either. I shouldn't say that. No. Just like, a lot of like, I mean, I stand in place, but I'll like. Yeah, I'll do, like, bang down or something like that, or I'll throw like fucking boxing combination, but like, keep it close to me and just, and I know all of their songs, so I know exactly when it's going to hit. So I'll kind of pretend like, be like an, you know, a conductor and just like that. Yeah, I'm not. But no, I know that. I'm not, like, weird about it. I'm not like jumping up and down. No, and hysterical. I'm just extremely enthusiastic. And you're letting your freak flag. Yeah. Yeah. And but this is what I notice, is that people, us as human beings, we respond to energy. Yeah, we respond. When someone is being their fullest authentic. That word authentic. We real this country in this world. Yes, they love it. They love it. But it's true, though, in this case, like you were not you were just being you. Yeah. And and because, you know, we're not talking. It's music. All we really get to see is we feel the energy you're putting out. And any time any one of us do that as humans, people can't help but be attracted to it. Yeah. So the coolest thing for me from last night was watching all of these people from around just want to be near you. Yeah, Yeah, they just. They wanted to talk. They wanted to, like, eat. Like they. They couldn't have known anything about you, but they just wanted to be around someone that was so in love with the moment, so in love with what was happening and just being there. And I was like, This is a really great example of why we should just always be doing this as human beings. We should not try to like, deny ourselves what we love and how we love it. Yeah, yeah. And, and everyone was just so nice. But yeah, you were the star. And it was because you were just being you. Yeah. And I think that's just such a remarkably cool thing. And I loved kind of just being witness to it. It was so awesome. Yes. Like being the center of attention or something is nothing I would ever like, strive for. But in between each song, someone would like tap me on the back or, you know, those women behind us were like, Well, you two really have some moves like you love. It's like, Yeah, the guy next to them was like, Hey, my name is Frank. And he kept asking like, Hey, what's what was the name of that song? Okay, cool. And then people get has to be like, What's going to be next? What are they? Are they going to play this song? I'm like, No, no, no. It'll be buried down here. One person asked me if I knew them, like if I had a band. And I'm like, No. And, you know, they're like, How many times we've seen it? And all 14. I'm like, showing of my tattoos of lyrics. And it was just great. And yeah, every time I look over, it was just, it was totally infectious. And I should say my seat was also on the aisle. So like kind of crowd into the aisle. And there, you know, photographer was there. Their videographer, his name is Enzo. I know him because I follow them on Instagram. I know they're lighting tech because I follow her on Instagram. Like we said hi to her before and after the show. So the whole concert's going on and it's just like, it's amazing. And we're we're so close. Anthony Gonzalez is the front man. Like, we're just so close to him because we're in the front row and we're elevated, so we're basically at his level. Yeah, You know, and then Kayla Sinclair is the keyboardist. She's off to the right of us. It's just it's a great show. Like everything's moving. They go away. They're you know, they're done with their first set and then everyone's talking. I'm like, No, no, they're going to come out. They always do three songs. Maybe. Maybe they'll do more for an encore. And, you know, everyone's like, Oh my God, it's been so fun to watch you. You guys are crazy. Like, This is so funny. We were like, We were going hard. Like, my lower back is fucking tight this morning doing that headbanging. Oh, it was so much fun. So they come out for the encore and they do. They always start with Midnight City on the on or at least they have on this tour and they didn't they started with Sonny Boy, Volume two and Dismemberment Bureau which are very like kind of Down low song. Yeah, they have big builds so then they do Midnight City and everyone's like losing it. So it's tradition that in the end of Midnight City, Anthony will go to stage left and kind of look out over the crowd and say like, Thank you, He'll go to stage, right, look over the crowd, maybe one or two people out, you know, bow and say like, thank you, and then that's it. And then he goes and finishes the song. So that's what he does. And he goes and finishes. Now, their second to last song, this tour is like the deepest M83 hidden cut of their discography. It's called Mirror. It's not available anywhere. You can't find it on Spotify, Apple Watch. It was like a bonus track on the vinyl of what we were dreaming. Yeah, there's a bad rip of it on like a low quality rip of it on YouTube that I listen to all the time. So that is like the deepest of the deepest holy shit. So when that song starts and the only lyric is it happy, happy, happy, no soul. That's it. They keep saying that. So in that starts if someone starts screaming that out, you know, those are the fans. And a lot of people usually want to be like, What is this? Yeah, you play their most popular song, Midnight City, and follow it with this, like hidden deep cut. So I immediately yelled out, Happy, happy Soul Net. And people in the pit turned around and they were like, pointing at me like, Oh yeah, oh yeah. And then I just yelled out like, I love this fucking song. So we're like, We're all going. And people are, you know, looking at me and stuff and, oh man, this, this is just like, fucking crazy. So Anthony's on mic and he says his happy, happy, happy, no soul. And the song is not done. And he I'm, I get like a little emotional. He, like, stepped away quickly from the mic and strutted very large strides up to the very center of the stage and held out straight in both of his arms and pointed directly at me and said, You, you, you and everyone saw it and everyone around us went fucking apeshit. There's a sea of hands. It just hit my back like, Oh my God, oh my God. I look And Frank is like grabbing my shoulder. And he's like, I saw that. Oh, we should. And then Anthony is clearly, like, laughing because I'm flipping out like I was just losing it. I grab you Now, to be fair, you were. This is great. You are in you're you're in your vibe that you had your eyes kind of closed. So when I looked at you, I grabbed you and you said you saw the final you point. Yeah, he did his final. You at me. And I'm telling you people, these dudes, like six, seven feet away from me, like he's right there and everyone in the pit turns around and, like, sees me and everyone's looking at me. It was so obvious what people were saying. That was for you? Yeah. Yeah, that was. That was for you. Like, they did that for you. And I remember saying to you, I grabbed you in the front of your shirt, and I was like, He just pointed at me and I yelled that so loud. I said, he just. And then nothing came out with pointed at me as my voice just gave. And I was like, oh my God. Like, I just couldn't fucking believe it. So that song ends and then they have outro and like everyone around us is like, I can't like, do. That is amazing. I can't believe it. I'm just sitting there like, paying attention to last songs. I know it's going to be the last song and I'm like, Oh my God, I have to remember this moment. And then the way that they end is they always do the last song and then they do a battle on stage and they make like hearts with their, you know, their hands and just wave and do, you know, say bye. So he he was doing that and he did a heart. And then just they were at the front of the stage and did it again and pointed directly at me with his heart. And I was like, What? And I look over at Kayla, she's doing a heart pointed directly fucking at me. She was like, you and I. And everyone saw this. Everyone. And I was like, How the fuck did this just happen? And I forgot to mention this is true. When they went back before the they came out for the encore, I looked at you and said, We might be an all timer territory. This may be the best M83 show I've seen. And this is before all the pointing or the stage crowd calling out. So that's like, that's it. I was just it what was funny is that you never walking around, just getting some air before the show started and you go, What would you do if he pointed at you? Yeah. Oh, from the stage. And I was like, I would faint into your arms and I damn near did. But it was. I mean, it's just like a small thing for a performer to do, but I could not. I really couldn't believe it. So then as soon as the show was over, everyone I mean, people who were like sitting rows back from us came up to us like, did you do you know them? Or, Oh my God, that happened. And then Frank goes, That is the best stage call out I've ever seen. And I was like, You saw that? And he goes, Yeah, And I'll tell you why that happened, because they that do knew that at least one person in here fucking loves their music. Yeah. He loved the lighting, the lyrics and it is so obvious I knew it from you during the second song that you were just loving this and going nuts. So, I mean, that's it's one of like the highlights of my life. It was so wild. I hope I can if they put up like that, that song or the whole show on YouTube, I'm going to try to find it cause it was just so obvious, like it was crazy. It was. It was crazy. It was. It was. It was one of the coolest moments I've ever seen at a show. And yeah, I was in my element right as it was happening. But I saw that last bit because you're like, Yeah, because you did, you didn't finish. And I'm like, I saw, I saw and then everyone's talking about it and I think just the biggest takeaway to talk about here is just to like always be you and express yourself and own it. And you kept saying that to me. You were like, Just do you like just stand up, go crazy. Like, just do. Yeah, keep doing it. And everyone responded that. Yeah. And that nice woman, that nice couple next to us who were a little older, the one who said, Oh, this is going to be like a spiritual experience. I kept locking eyes with her. Yeah, she was so like, homely and nice. And after the pointing, she fucking put both of her hands, like on her chest and like, inhale deeply and just was so happy for me. She gave me a hug after and I'm like, I just cannot believe this. It was crazy. And then another fun thing about it is that I always wear my Ray Liotta shirt. Yeah, 83 shows. So, like, I'll be talking to people. They're like, Oh, man, that was so cool. Like, so cool to see them call you out. And then there's a little pause and they're like, Nice shirt. Yeah. And it's like, Oh my God, yeah, it was great. That was, that was it. We tried to find their busses after, but it sounded like they weren't going to be leaving till later. And, you know, it's L.A. It's harder to like they rope that stuff off little baby waves. Could you just let it? The night was done? Yeah, the show was done? Yes. We tried to get in the after party. I was like, I'm going to scour fucking. I'm going to scour this building and see if we can get in here. And we tried. We did was like, Oh, I didn't know there was an after party. No one fucking told me that. They're. I would have been there. But yeah, great, great night. It's just fun to share this with people. I cannot imagine. I mean, of course, like, I got to share it with you, which is just the best that like, Yeah, were there was. I mean, it was just it was such an emotional show for like many different reasons. And just all the vibes were good, different setlist than they've played. Like earlier, earlier this tour. So I appreciated that and it was, Oh my God, it was just amazing. I've never experienced anything like that. We're just a crowd of people are coming up to us after going, You were you two were almost as good as the actual show, like we were watching YouTube. That was you moment. That was all you, all you. I mean and I got you know, I did my fucking hair. So I got like this crazy bright blond hair. So maybe it's easier to, like, see me from the stage. I don't know. Now and then. Nothing but the hair. And that's all your shine. Oh, God, I loved it. It's just crazy. I. I still can't believe it happened. And I got to remember ten, ten, 23. It's going to be a very big date in my life. But yeah, I think the message is to just like, do you and be yourself. And I was shy. Like I was shy when we sat down. I was nervous that I'm going to be blocking everyone's view. And, you know, it was just a really good crowd and everyone was really cool. And I, I can't believe that that, you know, I've seen them so many times and that has to be my favorite performance for them. And then the stage call out happens the double one. Oh, my God. Remarkable. And I know they're videographers right next to me filming a lot. So I am I'm like stalking their Twitter and Instagram to see if I pop up. You'll see. I don't know. Oh, man, that will be nuts. That will be awesome. Like blond haired Ray Liotta shirt wearing lunatic, just like losing it at the shrine. That'll be great. Well, I'll repost it if that happens. Oh, I'll post it to go, right? Yeah, that's it. Anything else? No, man. I mean, I just. What is it? Absolute pleasure just to be witness to all of this. Yeah, I'm just very, very grateful that that night happened and that, like, I just got to be there with you for it. It was so, so cool. It really was. I'll remember it forever. I'm so glad we got to share together. And then that's just, you know, this is a long time between towards your last source. 2016. This is 2023. We're going to see what happens. But I don't care how old I am, I will. I will be there. I will always be there. I will be there. Front row if I can, baby, Love him. 83 Shout out to Anthony, Kayla, Aaron, the lighting tech. She was really nice. She was so sweet. She was like, Well, I don't know if people like, call her out by name a lot. And I was like, Are you Aaron? She's like, Yeah. And I got such a big fan of your work. She's like, Oh, okay, respect the crew. Got to respect the crew and lighting, lighting people don't get credit at all. And they're like, That show is nuts. Yeah, that's really good. Yeah, this is great. Well, that's it. Everyone. Thanks so much for listening to this. What are you listening to? This diary entry into my life of them 83, Be yourself, be out there, have fun, live life. Love you all. Thanks for listening. Happy, watching, happy listening. Check out some 83. Bye bye. I'll be happy to. Hey, everyone. Okay. The song I started the episode with the song that's playing right now. This is Mira, the deepest of M83 deep cuts. How fitting that just this morning, just a few hours ago on the morning of October 16th, 2023, M83 released the official version of Mir. It's on every streaming platform. It's on their YouTube. How does this happen? The deepest M83 cut. I have this incredible experience with Nick. While this song is playing at the Shrine. We partied about it and then M83 releases the official audio for it. These weird little twist of fate. I don't know what the hell you call these, but they have been happening since I discovered this band 13 years ago. It's one of the reasons why I love them so much. We will be back talking about movies next week. Top ten films in 1988. Thank you so much for listening to this bonus episode. W AIW Underscore podcast is where you find us on Twitter, Instagram and letter box. Happy, happy, happy. No soul. What a trip.