What Are You Watching?
A podcast for people who LOVE movies. Filmmakers/best friends, Alex Withrow and Nick Dostal, do their part to keep film alive. Thanks for listening, and happy watching!
What Are You Watching?
85: 2023 Oscar Nominations
As Alex and Nick break down every Oscar category, stray topics include a three-way Best Actor race, unexpected Best Actress choices, Andrea Riseborough’s brilliant campaign, the sudden surge of “All Quiet on the Western Front,” a shocking Best Cinematography category, and “My Year of Dicks.”
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Hey, everyone. Welcome to. What are you watching? I'm Alex with Throw It. I'm joined by my best man, Nick Dostal. How you doing there? Lydia Tarr. Oh, I'm excited to be here. Yeah, this is. Wow. This is the latest we've ever recorded. A podcast. It is 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, the day of the Oscar nominations, Tuesday, January 24th. Yeah, it's it's a little low energy. That's okay. It's more like it's been a long day hanging out. Yeah, it's been a long day. We're going to hang out with these Oscar nominations, talk through them. We haven't really talked about them at all. So we're going to do that now on the pod. But, you know, when you looked at these because I watched them live, I'm a nerd, so I always make it a point to watch the Oscar nominations live. Even when I lived in L.A., 530 in the morning, baby. But when you looked at them, what was like kind of your first reaction, your first overall reaction Every time this year, whenever the best picture nominees come out? Yeah, I just I just really hate seeing all ten oh, all the time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like outside of that, you know, you kind of see some patterns develop. Yes, there are definitely some movies that have taken the run with the nominations. I didn't expect one. I suppose I expected the other, but I am more kind of thinking about like the things that. That were left out. Yeah. Or things that end up being in certain categories that I was like, Huh. I wouldn't have thought that we would have gone here with that one. That's what makes today so fun, because if you okay, if you pay attention to the Oscars and everything leading up to them, there are so many damn precursor awards. But by the time we actually get to the Oscars, most of the major awards are between one or two people or movies, if not sealed up entirely. Golden Globes, Critics Choice Awards, Screen Actors Guild, BAFTAs in the Spirit Awards. If you watch all those like we do and you keep up with these Oscar narratives, you have a you can have a pretty good idea of what may win come Oscar night. But while we may have an idea of what will be nominated, there are always major shocks on Nomination Day. Yeah, even more so than on actual Oscar day. Like, it's actually a guarantee. It's one of the few Oscar joys that I've always been able to bank on. And I will absolutely see something included that I never imagined or excluded that I never thought possible, like you just said. And this year we had a few of both. I mean, I genuinely I gasped aloud a few times while I watched these this morning, like audibly, and I lost my mind in a good way twice. And by that I should say I was screaming and just like really, really excited. So and I don't know if I'm going to lose my mind or gasp in that way on Oscar night. Maybe, I hope. But, you know, it could be a little more predictable. But yeah, yes, I dig the numbers. I always have. It is late, so we're just going to kind of jump in here unless you have anything else you kind of want to say. But I thought we could, you know, start with the big ones and just work our way down and talk about these as we start with the best picture. You know, I think my biggest one of my biggest problems with these ten nomination things besides the way they're voted on is the fact that in still investing sector and best editing, you only have the five nominees. Right exactly exactly like yeah it this is when everything changed when they went to this ten best picture preferential ballot. That's when we started to see all these really weird best picture winners and nominees that I mean, every year it's kind of clear of the ones that probably wouldn't be there, you know, the ones that just happened to get in two years in a row. They've been on this thing where they're like, we are going to have ten. Yeah. Whereas previously it's been 5 to 10. It wasn't guaranteed. Now it's like ten. And just they're stretching every time. I don't, I don't think it's necessary at all. They should absolutely go back to five. I honestly think we will get there. But I honestly think if you look at the best film editing category, I think that would be our five Oscar nominees for best Picture. That's what I was looking at. I was looking at between best director and best film editing and being like, All right, right. One of these is going to take home the Oscar. Yeah, Yeah. All right. Before we jump right into Best Picture, I am going to do an Oscar nomination tally. These are the movies that got nominated the most. So these are what you're going to hear from us the most. Everything everywhere, all at once is at the top with 11 nominations. That's a big deal. That's a lot. It's quiet on the Western Front. A foreign film with nine nominations totally stunned me. We kind of called that. That would come through with some or rather than it might put that I mean to be the second best performance. That's crazy. It's crazy in a great way. The Banshees of Venice share with also with nine nominations. So it's tied with all quiet that's going to be called Banshees From here on out. All quiet is all quiet. Everything everywhere. That's what that's going to be called. Yeah. Elvis with eight nominations, the stable means with seven, Tor with six. Great showing. Top Gun, Maverick with six, Wakanda Forever with five Avatar. The Way a Water four Nice Babylon. The Batman Triangles. Sadness in the Whale. All three. Yeah, I actually enjoyed hearing all that because I like some of those. Put a lot in perspective. I was like, All right, all right. That's what we're working with. I did not expect 11 for everything. Everywhere I would know, maybe eight or nine. I didn't. I always get that high. Yeah. I honestly like like again, being my number one movie of the year, very surprised that it's got this much best picture all quiet on the Western Front. Avatar, the way of water, banshees, Elvis, everything everywhere. The fable means Tower, Top Gun, maverick, triangle of sadness, women talking pretty par the course for me except we actually, you know speculated on the last podcast If all quiet and triangle of sadness could sneak in there it was actually or like I wonder if one of them would and then both did and that's like crazy. I was really surprised to see that really happy. I definitely thought one of them would make it, but I didn't think Triangle would get in there. I did not think Triangle would get in there. And I'm looking over our ballots here and I'm seeing that women talking. It's the last movie that got nominated for Best Picture, and I'm not seeing it nominated for anything else. Am I correct? That has to that did screwed. Yeah, it has to total, which is the that's the lowest of any best picture nominee. So that's yeah that doesn't really bode well for its chances frankly in either category. This is one where I think the nominations were kind of the consolation prize. That's true of a lot of movies on here and a lot of performances. That's no slack against women talking at all, which I still haven't seen it. I plan to shortly, but yeah, that's that's it. Only two nominations. It's pretty wild. Also. No Black Panther. What kind of forever, which I thought might sneak in there after the Producers Guild nominations. They do list these nominations in alphabetical order on the line. Yeah. See the live telecast? And I knew it was getting to a W spot, especially after triangle, you know? TR And I did think that W spot would be the whale. And I was a little I was like, and I even said it aloud. I went, Oh, the whale. And then they said, Women talking. I was like, Oh yeah, I mean, you know, I haven't seen it, so I can't comment. But we both really liked the Whale. It was your number five film of the year, so that was the only one I really I mean, there's a ton I wish I would have wanted to see, but realistically, that's the one where I wish I could have snuck in there. But. Oh, well. So I think looking at it, if anyone's listening to our last episode where we gave our top ten of 2022, I believe that you will only have two movies that you were that were in your top ten that are in the best picture category. And I believe I only have two as well. Well, I actually have three. I have all your quiet I have all quiet maverick and trying Oh, this is maverick with you are as a very highly ranked honorable mention. Yes, you have. Let me guess yours. You have everything everywhere. And maverick and sadness and in triangle sensitive three. All right, that's cool. Okay. Best director Bianchi's Martin McDonagh. Everything everywhere. The Daniels The fable mean Steven Spielberg. Tar Todd Field Triangle of Sadness. Ruby Yes, I we I did call that I was like, I really think because they usually give it to one, you know non-American director a nomination at least. And I was so happy that he was the one who snuck in there. He would easily get my vote if I was voting, I would vote for him in a heartbeat. This is the one that I actually have the biggest beef with of all o all the categories, who's missing, who would be for them? I mean, I'm sorry. James Cameron should be here. Big Jim. Big Jim. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Hey, I'm not. You're not going to know Big Jim? No, Joseph Kosinski for Top Gun Maverick are big or big deals, but yeah, Big Jim I was I was surprised that one of the two of them did not make it. I thought one of them was absolutely guaranteed. But no Big Jim. Yeah, it's the same feeling that I had when well, I mean, Richard Linklater was nominated in 2014 for Boyhood. I did think he should have won. James Cameron made a movie that none of us have ever seen like it. I just feel that that should be at least a nomination. You guys need to win it, but just be like, Yeah, Jim, you spent ten years on this whole entire thing and you gave us something that I've never heard one person say something really bad about it, and we've never seen anything like it. Nah, you're not now. I mean, they went pretty hard for Avatar in 2009 and this was. Yeah, not a big showing. Yeah. Since he's called his hand and we know there's at least going to be two more likely. Three more. Well maybe till one, you know. You right. Yeah. Well, yeah, you know, I'm just of course speculating, but I will say, speaking of him, you know, spending ten years making a movie in the past, Todd Field has been nominated for screenplay and producer, but never for a director. So it was really cool to see him here for that. And, you know, Tar does hold up. I liked it so much better. Second time. Yeah, just my reaction to it. The more I think about it, the more I like it. It reminds me of the work of Fields mentor Stanley Kubrick. You know their connection. You know their connection, right? I know. I don't think I do. Todd Field plays Nick Nightingale in Eyes Wide Shut, the piano player who works at the party. Oh, that's Todd Field, baby said that. That feels so. Him and Tom Cruise, they're, you know, they meet at the. At the piano bar. Yeah. Desperate to get in. Yeah. He gives in the past. Todd Field, where did did you bring this up? In honor of the sold of our Stanley Kubrick? I don't know. Probably. I mean, I mean, I don't remember. I was in, like, but. Oh, you should talk about it. It was episode like 35 is a while ago. Yeah, that was funny. Nick was very, very hung over an hour. Stanley Kubrick. I was hung over, I was hung over. I, I was. I was. I did my best. You did. You do. You were not. I was it. I really. I really put my best foot forward and I still feel like I spoke to the things that I wanted to say. When you woke just when you would you were when you dialed in, you were telling me about the night and you basically went through your night. And I went, So if I'm hearing you correctly, you went to sleep 60 minutes ago and you were like, Oh fuck, she's crying for you. So you just took like a power nap. You were both like, Oh my God, Yeah, that was fun. What her? It was, yeah, that. Yeah, yeah, that was that was a rough Alice will Cry but best adapted screenplay. You want to move to it? This was, you know all quiet on the western front glass onion and knives out living a movie that you know very few people have heard of or seen. It's in a few indie theaters, but it pulled out that nomination and best actor, Top Gun maverick for adapted screenplay and women talking weird category like is super weird because. Okay, two questions. Okay, I'll try my best. Top Gun Maverick What is it? Adapted from any sequel is an adaptation because it's based on. Oh really? Oh yeah. Yeah. Because it's based on the original film, the original characters. So same goes for Glen. That's same thing. Yeah, because knives out. Okay, original screenplay, but glass on me. And it's because it's based on a movie. Yeah, it's not It's a even though it's a common question. Yeah. Even though, like, there a completely different scripts and they're made but they're based on characters it's just, it's based on other material. So can be based on a song, a play, another movie. I mean, you know, if you, if you remake another movie, even if that movie was based on an original screenplay. So why All quiet is, you know well, all quiet as originally a book. Yeah, but yeah. So. Okay. All right. Well, that's that. No, because that because I was like, why is glass Onion and Top gun both and adapted win? Yeah. Yeah. For all intents and purposes thought that they were originals. Look at that. There you go. There we go. There you have it, folks. Anywhere else you know that? I know. There's I know some of you out there didn't know that either. There's people who didn't know that. It makes sense. I get it. What's living? What's living? I don't know. Living is with Bill Nighy, who I like, and he's nominated for best Actor. But it's one of those kind of really small movies that gets nominated for a performance or a screenplay. We see this usually every year, and this year this is that there are a few in the acting categories, but what else? For Adapted Screenplay? The whale would have been nice. I could have seen that here. I would have liked to have seen. Honestly, and I would have switched out any of all quiet I like here but any of the other four for the whale. A huge snub. One of the biggest first snubs we're talking about, she said A lot of major publications thought this was going to win this award, the films, she said, and not even here. And that that frankly surprised me. Zero nominees for that film. But that's the way it goes. Best Original Screenplay, The Bad Cheese, Everything Everywhere. The Fable means to Triangle's sadness. I think people can guess. My vote if I was voting would be Triangle of sadness. I loved that was represented here. But you know, this is what I expected from this category. I'm not surprised to see anything here. Todd Field Tara has its fans, she says, its fans, everything everywhere has a lot of fans. We'll see what a win. I think it's everything everywhere. I think everything here has some type of value in it all very different ways. I know we're going to have our episode where we have our picks. Yeah, but if I had an early I think it's between Banshees and everything. Everywhere. Yeah, Banshees is a really important one to talk about because as we go through these nominations, it's like it has nine nominations. It could end up winning none because it has very strong competition. Some it's completely locked out of and as two nominations in supporting actor and it could win those you know what I mean so I don't think it's going to walk away with director I get does it sneak in for picture So it's kind of an interesting game of what could banshees win and if people are going to vote for everything everywhere for picture, they could go banshees for original screenplay. I'm on board with that. Best actor. Austin Butler. Elvis. Colin Farrell. Banshees. Brendan Fraser The Whale. Yeah. Paul Mescal. Aftersun. Bill Nighy. Living people probably want to know. Some people probably want to know what is after Son. It's a really small indie movie directed by Charlotte Wells. It's an A24 movie. It's about a daughter and her father going on a vacation together. But and this is not a spoiler because you learn this in the very first scene. It's a remembrance from the daughter as she's older, so she's an adult remembering on a vacation she took with her father. It's very quiet film. It's a very simple film. It has appeared on a ton of end of year best of lists as number ones. It's just all over the place. So I would be interested to hear what people think of this if they wanted to see it higher. But it's really cool that he's nominated here. I've loved him since I saw him in Normal People on Hulu, which he's great in. Yeah, he I like him. I'm a fan of him. I think he's very good. He is. It'll be. He's got the most expressive eyes. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, absolutely. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's, it's a, it's a good performance. It's another that's one of those movies aftersun that it's, it's just an indie darling that like takes off. It does. Yeah. White get to the heights of something like everything Everywhere, which is really the indie sensation of the year, you know, And that's is usually one of those year. And then Living is a movie that no one I know has seen. I've seen a few people online talk about it, but no one in person. I did look it up. It's playing in a few theaters near me, so I will be seeing that soon. Something you may have been a little bummed about. No. Adam Sandler for Hustle, which was cool because he got the Screen Actors Guild nomination, but they just like to have fun sometimes like that and do cool stuff like that. Yeah, they do. They do. And Adam Sandler was very good in that. He was, you know. No, he was. He was. Yeah. I think this is a three way race between Butler, Ferrell and Fraser and this is right now. This is one that's really, really going to matter about how this narrative goes. And you hear me talk about these Oscar narratives every year. I said my piece on Austin Butler slash Elvis slash The Voice. I said my piece on everything everywhere in the previous episode. I'm not going to make the same negative points over and over. You know what I mean? Yeah, I know it. I get there if people want to go listen to that, It's. It's what it is. I'm not going to sit here and keep bringing up the same things over and over. But I did explain my narrative about Austin Butler and his voice, that that could be something that takes on. And then Colin Farrell and Brendan Fraser, two guys who've been around for a while, paid their dues. Ferrell was, you know, he's like an next bad boy who really did reform himself and just came back, started giving amazing performances with so much depth. And I've always loved him. And Brendan Fraser is the, you know, the quiet underdog who seems to have come out of nowhere, even though he has always been there. And he's so good in the whale, he would get my vote. But I'm not going be manically heroines either. Oh my God, I'll be so happy because I don't care if I say this now, I'm going to say it for the end, all the way to the bitter end. Brendan Fraser in the Whale was my favorite performance of the entire year, and not just of the entire year. That's one of the best acting performances I've seen in a long, long time. Years, years. Hell yeah. He just opened his heart and let it all pour in. It's a truly, truly incredible performance. Obviously he would be my pick and it's who I want to win, but I the narrative is going to be a big deal for this one. Best Supporting Actor Brendan Gleeson. Banshees. Brian Tyree Henry miles away out of nowhere, but they love it. Judd Hirsch, who's in about all of 8 minutes of the fable, means I love that as well. Barry Keoghan For Banshees as well. Did I love that guy? Kiwi Hard for everything everywhere who I think probably has this. That's probably as big of a lock as we have right now in terms of early Oscar narrative, so everyone else should just really enjoy their nominations. Brian Tyree Henry I saw Causeway at Good Performance. I was just, I cannot believe he's here. I just love it. I love I did not expect that. And then Barry as well, I was so happy to see him. Oh, yeah, that was great. Really is first of many films for him, you know, he will be back. One of the best up and coming actors that I've seen in a while. They are very happy and he steals every single season and banshees Yeah super as Brian Tyree Henry been nominated for anything along the way for this role in indie spirit. But I think that's about it. I don't think definitely not a globe, not a sag like it. It's just one of those really great ones that kind of seemingly comes out of nowhere, which really shows because, you know, actors nominate actors, directors nominate directors, writers nominate writers. That's the way the nominations work than ever. But everyone gets to nominate for picture and then everyone gets an equal vote for the actual Oscars. But the nomination process is all done by your specific branch. So original score is only by people in that specific branch. James Cameron, He's a member of the academy. He's not a member of the score branch, so he's not nominating people in that. I only bring this up because that means Brian Tyree Henry very well respected in the acting community and we're going to get a few of these and best actors as well. But I just got that. I love to see that. I was so happy for him. He tweeted out a response and it was, ah, it was like ten days, 36 H is like six exclamation points. It was great. Oh, so great. That's amazing. And remember, people did for Bear for a second that Eddie Redmayne might get nominated for the Good Nurse. We avoided that one, folks. Look, what can I say? He has an Oscar. He can take a little heat. Yeah, you can really best actors. Twitter lost its mind this morning over this Cate Blanchett Sure star Ana day Yeah Andre Riseborough To Lesley Michelle Williams The fable means Michelle Yeoh everything everywhere. Where to begin. All right, we'll get the honor conversation out of the way. Put some respect on Ana de Armas name. I love it. She has absolutely no chance at winning. It is so nice. They just invited her to the party. That means that actors actually really respected this performance, even if they didn't didn't want to go around publicly and say like, Oh, best movie of the year. I just people know how we thought about her performance, if you are fans of the podcast, but that was great to see. So let's start with her. Yeah, I'm very happy and you know, and it's one of those things where, like we said before, it's a very emotional performance and, and so I loved it and I'm glad to see it here. Yeah. So my, so my Andrea Riseborough, I covered this a little bit in the last episode. I had a sneaking suspicion it might happen. It seems like what happened is that to Leslie is a very, very small movie about a woman struggling with alcoholism and she is very good in the movie. It's very you know, there's a lot of acting in the movie. And she it's a good Oscar nominated, worthy performance. I loved her reaction in the press. She was said, I'm astounded. I'm not entirely sure how the fuck this happened. And it seems that it happened because a very well timed, immaculately coordinated many Oscar campaign that lasted for about three days took place last weekend, the weekend of the 13th, which was the last weekend that people could nominate things. And it seems like they saved all their money for a three day period and got a bunch of people to, you know, tweet stuff at the same time. And she went on Marc Maron's podcast. So it was it was this very coordinated thing of like all this release stuff and just dumping all of your money and all of your Oscar campaign into three days as opposed to, you know, months and months and months just to try to get one nomination. It worked. She played the game. I dig it huge for us. I've yet to see that movie. So that's definitely on my list to make sure I get all these Oscar movies in here. So I'm excited to see this performance. Yeah, Yeah. And some people, you know, we we got to go through some snubs. People were not pleased that Viola Davis in the Woman King and Danielle Deadwyler for til We're not here either. And that was brought up a lot online. But again, that's just how the cards fall. Michelle Williams She just gets whatever she wants, doesn't she? Yeah, I mean, some people wonder why she's just always supporting. Yeah, because I don't, I think this is this is between Kate best actresses, between Kate and Michelle Yeoh. Yeah. Yeah. So we'll see them be duking it out, but I don't know it's going to take Michelle Williams to get an Oscar cut. I mean, I know that's the thing is like I do, too, because I love her. Oh, yeah. I want to back Michelle Williams fight for Brokeback. Yeah, but I mean, she up there with Amy Adams in terms of of like how many times you've been nominated because it seems like Michelle Williams is nominated for every single movie she ever does. So Michelle Williams has five. This marks her fifth and Amy Adams has six. Oh, okay. So yeah, they're Amy Adams is she? Amy Adams hasn't been nominated since 2018. Has it been nominated for nominated six times. That's another one who I hope I have wanted to win for very, very long time. Oh, yeah. Best Supporting Actress Angela Bassett. Black Panther. Wakanda Forever Hong Chow for the Whale. I love that. Kerry Condon for Bad Banshees. Love it, yeah. Jamie Lee Curtis Everything everywhere. Yeah. Daphne Shoo. Everything everywhere. Huge surprise nomination from Shoo there, I think. Shoo. So my most anticipated one of my most anticipated nominations, which was Dolly DeLeon, Triangle of Sadness. I was very sorry she didn't get in here. I thought that she might sneak in. But you know, someone, you know, for every performance it gets in, there's however many that don't. And that's, again, just the way it goes. Very happy. Hong Chow is here. I like all the performances here. Yeah. I am surprised that everything everywhere overall, all is in almost every it's in every single except for best actor. It's in every single acting category. That is surprising to me. I do have my particular favorites in this category that I'll save for our picks. Yeah, Angela Bassett is going to win this in a walk off and it's crazy. It's just it at least that's in there you now that's the narrative right now is that she's just going to have it sealed up because and that really yeah I mean I think that's the way it will go. I'm not I'll never be mad that Angela Bassett has an Oscar, but it's just so. Oh, yes. For this, like so be it. She has a big Oscar scene in it. She stands up, gives a big speech. It's all good, of course, But I just she's been better in so many other movies. And it's it's weird that it'll kind of land like this. But yeah, I mean, Jamie Lee Curtis, though, is going to be out there campaigning. But some of these we're going to go through quickly because, you know, haven't seen them whatever the reason is best animated feature. Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio Marcel the Shell with shoes on Puss in Boots, The Last Wish, The Sea Beast Turning Red. I did watch Pinocchio. I love Guillermo del Toro. Yep. And the stop motion animation is just like it's when it's done. Well, it's so incredible to watch. Like just the dedication that would go into making that is, Wow, It's on Netflix. I put it on. Did you like it? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's good for what it is. Yeah. Oh, yeah, I'm surprised. Well, I mean, you know, I mean, it's fucking Pinocchio. Well, not. Not surprising. It's good. I'm surprised that. Well, I was surprised that you thought it was good. I know how you feel about it. I liked it for what it was. I'll never watch it again. Is that what you wanted to say? It's trying to be nice. Jesus. Crimson Peak. That's more my twisted shit. Here we go. Can I have a drum roll, please? I flipped out twice this morning in the car. The first one was for a for blond. Oh, yes, that's true. Best cinematography. All quiet on the Western front. Bardo. Yes. Chronicle of a handful of truths. Elvis, Empire of Light, which was shot by Roger Deakins and star. Lot to unpack here. Yeah, a lot to unpack. We have not discussed best international feature film yet. We will get there. But when they were saying the nominations live, that was first. So in Bardo was left out, my soul deflated because I knew this was going to be the first. And you reach a film that did not get an Oscar nomination. I was like, This is a bummer. And I was really just sad. And then a few announcements later, a few nominations later, second up in cinematography is Bardo, and I fucking watched it. I don't know why I was just so happy. I'm like, Yes, it got a nomination. It seemed people see it. But then the dust settled and I went, No, Top Gun, Maverick. Yeah. No avatar. Like, okay, we even debated that like, Yeah, what is cinematography? You mean for Avatar? No, Top Gun Maverick, Which I thought this was a shoo in to win. I'm going to need to hear an explanation about that one in the next few days. I have no idea, I guess. But yes, Bardo. But don't doubt Roger Deakins is for Empire of Light. It looked great, but I didn't hear anyone mention that for this. This is just this was honestly the craziest category for me because no Top Gun maverick is such a huge shock. But then Bardo was such a great shock in the best way. And I'm I got to say, I don't think it will win, but I'm glad it's nominated. I'm glad Tara is represented here because I thought that movie was so good. Very, very stylish but masterful shot movie. It's it knows what it's doing and it's very, very, very specific on it. But I yeah, And I got to say, I want Bardo to win. Yeah, me too. Of course I wanted to Darius kanji is just is incredible like that like when you listed off all his work like give it to the man. The man is a genius and Bardo is just and this is only second nomination. He got nominated for a veto, you know. Now. Well, wait a minute. After the dust is settled on this and I've kind of calmed down from these shocks, I have not taken in consideration what might win this. Yeah, I have to assume it'll be all quiet because that. Oh, my God, that movie looks incredible. Like they really did a superb job with it. Bardo was my favorite shot movie of the year. Just it was. I loved the way it looks, but they'll probably go with all quiet here. But I don't I don't know. That would just be cool. Part of wins. I guess. Movie is only nominated for one Oscar. Don't win awards often. Or maybe, I don't know, it'd be great. But yeah, I have no problem with these nominees. I mean, you know, what would you do? What would you do if Elvis won? I'll shit ship. We're going to. You know what? I almost want to jump. You know what? Just because you did that, I'm going to jump straight to best editing, which was going to be a few down the road. We're going to get there now because the hardest. I laughed all morning. Hold on. The nominees are Banshees, Elvis, everything everywhere. Star, Top Gun, Maverick. I laughed that Elvis was here. I mean, come on. Like, I mean, that thing is edited to, like, into oblivion. But I do think if we had five best picture nominees, I think that's what it would be. I think it would be those five. You think Elvis would be in there? Elvis is a yes. Elvis is a wildly popular movie. White people loved that movie. It made a shitload of money, got a lot of nominations. It's. Yeah. Now, now, will it win anything? I don't know. This is this is kind of interesting. I mean, I don't see it taking picture. Maybe he wins. ACTOR It's not nominated for either screenplay, I don't think. Will it win anything? I'm not sure. Is it possible that it would go a could take sound I well you know you're jumping around you're starting to piss me off a little bit. No, you started. No kidding. Sound just like the one we have a whole bit going with Sal River. Running like three episode gag was sound. So hold on. I'm going to get all confused. All right. All right. Moving. What? No. Let's stick with editing for now, though, okay? Yeah. Interesting to see something as calmly edited as banshees mix with something as crazily edited as Elvis. But remember, we were all making fun of the Bohemian Rhapsody edits. And then that is when ended up winning. Exactly. So. So that's why I jumped to. When you asked about cinematography, what if Elvis wins? I do not think Elvis won cinematography. I think they'll push hard for all quiet on that. But Elvis, no, it's not going to win film editing either. I don't know what that that'll win. That's really interesting because there's no fable means there. So maybe Fable Means would actually be in Best Picture over Elvis if it was just five. Hmm. That doesn't bode well for Fable means is best picture outlook which at this point I think it's between Banshees and everything everywhere. Honestly, I think that's who's fighting as of this recording. I think that's who's fighting for best picture. I do too. I still think Spielberg is up there for director to win. I do. I, I still haven't I didn't want to study this on purpose because I wanted to give some live feedback here. Interesting that fable means is not there. Yes, that's very telling. I did. I just didn't I didn't flag that before. I have I don't want to say on my picks because I have a feeling I think I have a pick for something, but I don't want to say best costume design. BABYLON Yes, Black Panther were kind of forever Elvis Everything everywhere, all at once. Mrs. Harris goes to Paris? Yes. It was finally nice to say the title B&B Yes. Podcast. Oh, took long enough. I wasn't expecting much. I was just glad it got what it got. My big win is in another category that we'll talk about. So the way that you feel about Bardo and cinematography was the way that I felt about one particular nomination. I guess I love it. And but for costume design, when I first saw Babylon was up there, I just yeah, because it's just sort of like, give it anything it can get. Anything is a win. Yeah. Why is there always in it always seems like in costume design there's always a movie that sounds something similar to Mrs. Harris goes to something that people haven't really seen because, yeah, only someone going somewhere. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's always the costume designers who vote on this stuff. So I don't know who the hell knows what, like, gets up there, but Ruth Carter's there again. She won her first Oscar for Black Panther 2018. Yeah, She's probably the front runner to win this. Honestly, I hope it's Babylon, though. I will. Yes, of course I hope it's Babylon. But I could see Elvis with this. I mean, the recreation of all of his all of his stuff. And he's in so many, like all those cuts of him. And. Yeah, I could see it. All right. Don't get carried. Away you go. You're trying to like Ryan. Me up. I think I. It's too late. Best see some of these We're going to go through really quickly. Here's another one. Best documentary feature. All that breeds all the beauty and, the bloodshed, Fire of love, a house made of splinters. Now villainy. Haven't seen any of them. Plan to see all of them. I tried to see all those. All the internationals actually look really seeing the shorts too, I. I genuinely try to see everything. This is. This is my movie life. From now until Oscar day, I just kind of plug away, chip away at stuff. Last year, I did all the I saw all the best international features films and just did like a mini showed about it and people loved that. It was awesome. It got you know, it was just cool. So I love to see that stuff. You did that? Yeah, I did that. You weren't there. My back is killing me from carrying the weight of this podcast week after week, after week. Incidentally, my back is fucking killing me right now. My wife can attest to this. She won't have to go to the hospital. That was Jesus Christ. Isn't that bad. It's my left shoulder. It's fucking boxing. It's my goddamn fault. And mad at myself. Now let's take a week off. Best documentary short. Allison whispers whole out. How do you measure a year? The Martha mitchell effect Stranger at the Gate. Haven't seen any of them. No disrespect. Would like to see them. You know, it's crazy. Sometimes the documentary shorts are intense shit. Like, really, really intense. You watch them, you're like, Oh, my God. I mean, they're really good. It's really cool. And also, they have to be effect. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah, they do. You're right. They have to get you to get in there. Yeah. Yeah. It makes more fun to watch the show too, because you kind of have like ones you're rooting for and you're like, Oh yeah, it doesn't, you know, because sometimes a lot of times people just write off the shorts and think it's nice to support them. That's all I'll say. Hell yeah, man. Best International feature film All Quiet on the Western Front, Argentina, 1985. Close EO The Quiet Girl. I need to see those bottom four. I know the Argentina one. It's on Prime right now. It's long. It's based on a true story. Oh, All quiet is on Netflix, of course, And I'll have to see the others. I think Enos the Donkey one. It's about a donkey. That's. That's. I hear a lot about that. It's like. I think it's the highest rated film of 2022 on Rotten Tomatoes. Something like that. Yeah. Yeah. Is people are talking a lot about that. I made a lot of bestseller lists which if they if they fucking kill a donkey, I can't do it. No I know I'm not. Yeah I can I so I think because it's rank so highly they probably don't do that. So I'd be upset, you know, best makeup and hairstyling, all quiet. The Batman. Black Panther, Wakanda forever. Elvis the Whale. Good to see the whale. Yeah, that bodes well for Brendan Fraser. And if that sounds weird, it isn't really because, you know, if the whale wins early because most certainly best makeup and hairstyling will be delivered before Best actor if the whale wins, look out for Brendan Fraser to win. It's like the eyes of Tammy Faye. Jessica Chastain, Darkest Hour, Gary Oldman, Dallas Buyers Club. McConaughey and Jared Leto, The Iron Lady. Meryl Streep. It happens. Yeah, and cool nominations. I'm so glad it got in there. The Whale. I mean, yeah, I'm very, very happy and that's what I would pick best Original score. All quiet on the Western Front, Babylon, Banshees, everything, everywhere. The fable means good old John Williams in there for Fable ends. Babylon doesn't win this I The only reason it wouldn't win is because he's won. He won two Oscars for La la Land. Yeah. And song so he may not the all quiet score or when John Williams needs another one add votes okay Son Lux who I love who did the music for the disappearance of Eleanor Rigby did a movie I love to movies I love. I did not even remember or realize they did the music for everything everywhere. So while I was not the biggest fan of that movie, I do like a nomination for them. I'm very happy to admit that the music in All Quiet is nuts and very radical to what you would think of in a World War One movie. And when you first hear it, you're like, Is this the tone? It's not a lot of music, but it's it's very impactful music. You know, Babylon is like, I downloaded that and I it's like an hour and 40 minutes. Oh, it's so much. I love it, coach. It's a great track. Great track. Oh, my God, Yes, it's a great idea. I had the same thing. Oh, yeah. I've been listening to it all the time. Yeah, I mean, I my favorite scores of the year were Blond, Barto, Batman and Babylon, so it's nice to see what of a beer. And that's not a bad man to get on your list. I love Batman. And the way I judge that is I download movie scores because I write two movie scores, and those are the only four from the year that I had downloaded into my phone. And the blond one I listen to a lot because I was doing a lot of writing. All right, Best original song, APPLAUSE from Tell It Like a Woman Hold My Hand from Top Gun Maverick. Lift me up from a condom Forever Not to Not to from RR. This is a life from everything everywhere. Couple of things here. Diane Warren. Here she is again. 14 nominations and zero wins for a movie I have never heard of. Tell it like a woman. That's okay. No Taylor Swift surprise people. She had a song from the film where the Crawdads sing. But hey, have Lady Gaga and Rihanna here. That's cool. I think the track is going to walk away with this one. People seem to be really into that song and that movie. Whoa, You mean whoa over Gaga? Gaga has one brother. Yeah, but she should. She could have more RR I thought was going to do a little better here. It seemed to be really popular. I was surprised it didn't pop up anywhere else. I think you can expect it to walk away with that one. Best production design All quiet. That surprised me. Avatar. The way water that surprised me. Babylon That exciting. Yes, Yes. The fable means I would love for Babylon to win this. That was just great. This is the was the one that you loved. Yeah, the sets were. So this is the one that movie. You got to give it to it. You gotta give it something and you got to give it this one. Damn right I would love it. I mean, I, it could, it could take this. Definitely could. I don't know. It could, it could actually don't out Big Jim Best short animated the boy the mole the fox and the horse The Flying Sailor Ice Merchants. My Year of Dixie and Ostrich told me the world is fake. And I think I believe it. I believe Riz Ahmed read all those live. And it was very, very funny. And as soon as he was done, Alison Williams is co-hosted reading. Reading the nominations went no comment was just she played it really, really well because everyone in the crowd was hysterical over my Year of Dicks and he took a perfect comedy beat for it and was like, you know, his timing was perfect on it and everyone was losing. It was losing their mind. I don't care what happens. That's that's the movie. Right before we went on live here, I saw it's I think it's about a woman I don't know, college experience or her first year in college experience. I don't know. I saw like a headline about it because I think I'm going to watch it. I want to watch more. Oh, also, it's exactly what it sounds like. I believe so. Yes. Yeah. Oh, we'll see what it'll say to in my year of Dick's mini. So coming soon. I have Dick's commentary coming soon. Best Short Live Action, An Irish Goodbye I Voulu La Poop The night Ride the red suitcase again. Haven't seen any of them. Sorry about my pronunciation. They're probably going to keep on moving right along. Best sound COVID. And what are you watching? Best Sound, Oscar. What will win? All quiet on the Western Front. Avatar The way of Water. The Batman. Elvis. Top Gun Maverick. You're saying it's going to be Maverick? I'm thinking. I mean, I'm not I don't know yet. I'm going to have to see. But it will be between average. I said average. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard it. Avatar at Maverick. For Maverick. Yeah. It'll be between the Maverick. The Maverick face off. It's not a thing. It's not going to be a thing. Do you want me to tell you why I am little worried that Elvis could be a big thing for this? Yeah, You brought that up for, like, so many different ones. Yeah, but the reason that I think that Elvis might be a valuable thing for this is because. Because now that we do not have the these separate categories for mixing and design. Yeah yeah. I feel like this category now just overall I think people can lump in music here even though there is a score. But I feel like overall anything that you hear in a movie could go in the sound category so people might vote for this just because of the the musicality that was involved in the making of the movie. It's a strong argument. I can't really argue against you. I guess a counter I have is that some people I may be giving the average Oscar voter a little too much credit here, but maybe some of them go, I think it's crazy that Top Gun Maverick did not get nominated for cinematography. Therefore, every time I see Top Gun Maverick on my ballot, I'm going to vote for it. And that couldn't make it win some of these technical awards over, let's say, Avatar, because people might go, Avatar already won all this in 2009. We'll give it to others down the line. I don't know it there's any number of ways it this one and a lot of these technical words can go. It's going to be really interesting to see how it firms up, because then you also have all quiet and it's like, what will it win? Okay, aside from international feature, which I think it's pretty strong to win that and all the other categories, it's nominated for all eight. It has really strong competition and you could see it, you know, this happens. The Irishman nominated 910 Oscars, didn't win any gangs. New York, other movies not directed by Scorsese, getting Scorsese, American Hustle, Zero wins, SHITLOAD of NOMS, zero wins. You know it. It happens. So it all if it's not a year I'm particularly jazzed about with the frontrunner, which is everything everywhere. And again, that's okay. I like when they spread the wealth, so I really like when they when it's not like, you know, whatever wins eight or nine, I like when everything gets a little gets a little piece of the pie, you know. So I would love this to go to the Batman. Oh, wow. No, I don't know. Avatar. I mean, that shook me in the seat. So did Maverick. But we'll see. Best sound. We'll keep our we'll keep our eye on that one, too, folks. Don't you worry. This is the award we're watching. The most best sound is D. What are you watching, Oscar of 2023. Let's move on to best visual effects all quite yet again. Avatar two, The Batman, Wakanda Forever Top Gun Maverick. No. Everything Everywhere really surprised me. I another great showing for all Quiet. Great. I mean, I think I think there's only one winner. I can't imagine it would be anything else. How can you not? If you're going to snub Jim the best director, then you got to give them the visuals. That's it. Those are nominations The way we do it here on what are you watching? We have this Oscar nominations podcast, River Oscar narratives. That's when we're going to talk about what is the likely going to win or what's in close competition. We released that the week before the Oscars, right before I fly out to L.A. to watch the Oscars with you. And then we do our Oscar reactions, which, well, if you want to listen to a full episode, go listen to our one last year. Holy shit, No one expected that Oscar. So, you know, our reactions were very, very raw. Well told. I loved that Ana de Armas got here, you know, Cate Blanchett, Brendan Fraser, Barry Keoghan. Those are some of my favorite performances the year, but I did not expect that Ana would make it. And I was really happy for, you know, she should hold her head high. Hey, she might win it. No, she's not going to win. No chance. No, it's too it's too polarizing. It's way too polarizing. But that's what it works. Controversy sells. Best actress is Cate Blanchett versus Michelle Yeoh. And if if they split the vote, it'll go to Michelle Williams. That's that'll be a Brody you know that's that's 2002 when it was between Jack Nicholson about Schmidt Daniel Day-Lewis, Gangs of New York and Adrien Brody, because they clearly split the vote. And Adrien Brody snuck in there with The Pianist, one of my favorite Oscar wins of all time. So that's like a split vote scenario. It doesn't happen too often, but it can happen. What if it went to Andrea? I don't think she'll get enough votes. I think her nomination and honors are the gift. Oh, not with that attitude. Just my opinion. What do I know? There are some movies you haven't seen on. Yeah. So I thought for what are you watching will leave people with pick like the movie that you haven't seen from this list that you want to see the most. I mean I a few nothing formal here. I smell what you're what you're cooking at 10:56 p.m.. Christ I think it's got to be my year of Dick's. Good night. He landed that real nice. I'm real proud of you. Real proud. I will. I'll be honest, I have not seen all quiet on the Western front, so that is absolutely my number one movie to see next. So I want. I mean, yeah, you're going to love it. And I can't wait to hear your reaction. I want everyone to go to, you know, no free ads here on what are you watching but everyone to go to my year of Dexcom, where you can watch the film for free on Vimeo. Right now, it's about 22 minutes long. I'm going to do it as soon as we get off. I swear to God. Yeah, you're going to get off you fucking creep. Cheesy rice dog you locked into it? He has cut a little bit late, so I kind of talk about women talking after such a crude remark like that. No. God, those are the what? That's my. What are you watching? Women talking and living, and they're both playing near me. So that's my weekend viewing. Will not, you know. You know what? I skipped tonight to wait to do this with you Once upon a time in Hollywood is playing at the Alamo right now. I mean, it's probably done by now, but that was tough. But tomorrow I'm seeing Fargo in the theater tomorrow and then Infinity Pool on Thursday. I think I might be seeing that on Thursday as well. Well, if you do, we got a part about it. This is what I want to do. Every movie I see everything, the theater. So any movie you see in the theater, we need to be partying about it, even if it's for 30 minutes a minute. So or if we respond well to it, we do like 60 Minutes on it. The people would love it. People love it. Yes. I will let you know. That's it. Hope everyone enjoyed the Oscar nominations as much as we did. There's a twist and turns all quiet. Great showing. Love to see it. Bardo best cinematography. I see you. That is what I will be rooting for the most come Oscar night. You better believe it. W y w underscore podcasts on Twitter, on Instagram, on letterboxd. We're all in there. I'm log in the movies, have a lot of fun cinema rank what having great conversation with a few people on letterboxd about that movie. Thank you so much for listening and happy watching. Hey everyone. Thanks again for listening. You can watch my films and read my movie blog at Alex Withrow dot com Nicholas Dose Tor.com is where you can find all of Nick's film work. Send us mailbag questions at What are you Watching podcast at gmail.com or find us on Twitter at w aiw underscore podcast next time. Well we have our first What are you watching in studio guest my dad is going to join us to talk about one of our favorite films, a Place in the Sun. This is definitely a podcast highlight for me so far. Stay tuned.